SlideFX -- Did we tandem?

  • Thread starter SFX_Pwner
I take it its just gonna be a show car? I've only seen pictures of his build and didn't really wanna read it.
I think my PS3 is about to die. Was playing Arkham City last night with a friend and got this "game data is corrupted" message. I restarted the console and it took waaayyyy longer than normal to boot up. It's been acting strange ever since. If it dies I'm just gonna sell all my games and buy a laptop lol.
Drift car.
Though in this state, I'd say it's more show than drift.

Oh my :crazy:, very strange.

Ill wait till the end result to see if it is going to be a complete fail like I'm expecting.
I think my PS3 is about to die. Was playing Arkham City last night with a friend and got this "game data is corrupted" message. I restarted the console and it took waaayyyy longer than normal to boot up. It's been acting strange ever since. If it dies I'm just gonna sell all my games and buy a laptop lol.

It only takes longer because of the new message screen about fits. If it corrupted the data, your gonna have to start all over again. Which is why I back-up my game data, everytime before I update my PS3.
I think my PS3 is about to die. Was playing Arkham City last night with a friend and got this "game data is corrupted" message. I restarted the console and it took waaayyyy longer than normal to boot up. It's been acting strange ever since. If it dies I'm just gonna sell all my games and buy a laptop lol.

I swear to baby jesus it best not die!
Everyone coming on xbox for a bumming later on? Or online through some other means of communication lol
No it wasn't the seizure warning, it was just sitting there with the sparkle graphics for a few minutes before loading the icons and stuff. I'm hoping it works it self out. I don't want to lose my thousands of hours of game saves.
Don't have an xbox anymore.
If I got my maths right (which I'm sure I don't) it should start in 1.5h

The other thing is that they are streaming this on Youtube, which means I can't watch it.
Theyre streaming with like 4 different hosts, dailymotion, justin tv, youtube, and metcafe or something.

Not sure what the time difference is :s think its 8hours

Edit : sorry didnt see your post there adam
Completely Off-Topic, but I HAD to share this with someone.

I'm in tears and I don't know why!
What's next. V8's with just tires attached to the sides?

Lol, sht.
I thought bikes were already dangerous.

These people put engines meant to go 200mph in something that weighs less than 1/2 of a ton.