SlideFX -- Did we tandem?

  • Thread starter SFX_Pwner
He does!! But the judging is pure BS. Gittin' got 95, then Millen got 96 and Tureck got 98 IIRC. So stupid.
I didn't watch the livestream.
Watching drifting for that long gets boring.

I'm guessing your baffled as to why Saito(?) scored low?
My honest guess.
He's slow.
His class limits him to 275s.
I don't think 275s would grip very well with 1200hp.
I don't know anything about how well this Achilles tire is, but it ain't a Star Spec, Azenis, or Neova.
All that smoke is probably him making a racket spinning his power away and going no where.

Then again, that's just a theory. I can't say much because I didn't watch it.
Oh nah, His 1st run wasn't sll that. He had good angle, but he wasn't to close to clipping points and his line wasn't the best and he wasn't that slow though tbh. His 2nd run he threw it to hard and had to straighten up.

He would probably do better on his much loved Yokohamas, maybe even Hankooks. Will be interesting to see how he does if he makes top 32.

I think he will improve over the season aswell, the more he gets used to the car.
That was his second run? Damn... o.o
Essa is killing it. <3
Plus it is his first season.
In my opinion if he docked his power by 600hp he'd probably be better off, more grip.
Yea, if he took some power out it would do him the world of good, but then again, it's Saito, hes always been a power freak, he was using 800/1000hp in 08' so it was only a matter of time till he upped it.
He should've kept this.
I was watching Nishida drive that at Ebisu in 08 D1, lol.

He should of not wrecked his X90 Mark II at Fuji, lol

He just makes Chasers look so damn sexy, but mental. Which I like...
Not just Chaser, don't forget his Cresta, Mark II and Altezza.
Definatly did. I didn't think he would do so good in that car to be honest.
I call BS on his second run though. That was easily a 98 point run. Easily.
Tylers 2nd run was a bit of a 🤬 score considering how good his angle and line was, pretty sure he lit up all 3 clipping points aswell. Not to mention he nearly took of Bills leg!
Be interesting to see how Saito does in top 32 practice if he comes out.

Edit: He's pushing pretty damn hard for practice!

Edit 2: He really is pushing hard! He was all over JTP!
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Whoever that's on the team that I haven't met and/or any randoms that may be down for drifting add me.

I'm not gonna get on just for kicks unless someone from the team is on. Speaking of which, I'm on now super hammered. It took me 20 minutes to write this on my phone.