SlideFX -- We're recruiting. The requirements? Hands and eyeballs.

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I'm only part time at the minute, but it's better then nothing. Plus it's something I always wanted to do.
I'm on now and on a good connection for once.. anyone on? I haz no mikrofonez though...
SlideFX -- Did we steal the moustache from Freddie Mercury?... Yes.
dude you guys come up with the funniest quotes hahaha i actually look forward to seeing what you put up for the next quote. by the way did you ever steal his extra molers?!!!
@ Bk, you should stickerbomb your arms so you look like you have sleeve tattoos, that'd be hilarious.

@ Tom, I don't think I've ever seen the word moler typed out before, it kinda weirded me out.

👍 :sly: 👍

Edit: a quick google search confirmed my suspicions, it's actually spelled molar. How enlightening.
Ooooh look at everyone's oh-so-hilarious and creative thread titles. How original.


Geez, you say that as if you didn't copy it straight from someone over on the place under my hole. But I guess learning to drift by watching youtube videos is also done by everyone. Kudos son. How's your team?:nervous:
Yeah, but methinks he was trying to act as if he came up with the lil things that make him feel like he's worth something or somehow owns the rights to something he no doubt copied straight off people from elsewhere(you know where pwner). Just because you were the FIRST TO COPY SOMEBODY ELSE FROM SOME OTHER SITE does not mean you started it you plagiarising fool.
Actually, it was more about how 3 teams had almost identical titles.. but whatevs.
How about everybody get off their high horse and calm down a bit.

General warning to all member's of other teams: if you don't have anything constructive to contribute, don't post in another team's threads. Don't jibe. Don't troll. Don't stir. Don't abuse the drifting forum by reducing it a swamp of useless posts.

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Sticker-bombed my PS3 earlier on... What'd you'se think?

i laughed..

Doesnt matter if you guys arent active as long as your around. Very many of the people in my FL (almost all GT5 players) are playing other games regularly nowadays. GT5 got boring way too fast. I still love to go sideways in it ,though all the tracks seem to have a "been there done that" kinda feel lately..
Sitting here at work while EVERYTHING floods around us. I'm not sure if I'll even be able to make it home. Good times.
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