Yeah you should use that account more often in the lobby, you dont use very many cars anyways haha. I dont even dupe every day and I have more cars on my SFX account than I will ever need. Im up to almost 7 mil, but theres nothing I really want sooooo, who knows.
I don't sound like I'm 12 you fruits, haha. I'm doing some grinding right now, and I must say the whole enter thing on the keyboard is awesome, I'm not touching a thing, and the credits are just pouring in haha. I'm going to start buying cars, and taking pictures . Oh and I wouldn't worry about leaving your ps3 on over night, my buddy had one of the first ps3's for like 3 years, and he left it on ALL the time, and it eventually burnt up after 3 years, I don't think that the new ones will crap that easy, I've left mine on for days on end, and nothing ever happened. I've had a ps3 for about 5 years now, so believe me, one night won't hurt it
Hey mate, welcome to GTPlanet and enjoy the place. Here be our team thread used by us and our friends, be sure to add some of our members on Playstation Network.
You can find our PSN ID's on the first page and feel free to join our lobbies held pretty much daily involving tandem practice with some chilled cruising here and there, we have a few simple rules in our lobbies, abide by those and i'm sure we'll have lots of fun in the future.
Cro, maybe it would be a good idea to list some of the rules like tyre restrictions and general acceptable ettiquette when drifting and cruising in the first post to give people an idea of how we do it and let other like minded drifters know that these specific rooms are out there.👍
Just seen this on the news here, SFX Adavicro I know you told me about this last night, hope you and your family are ok. Very scary knowing you go through this sort of weather.
It got really crazy close to where I was at, Ive got some wind damage in my yard but nothing too serious. Lots of people got hurt and killed in the storms though, pray for their families. 👍
In brighter news, I think Ill go ahead and post a bit of info about our lobbies somewhere, that way at least its sort of official, Ill get around to it here in a little bit. Speaking of, Ill have one open in an hour or two... or three... you guys already know that I dont follow human time.
Lol I ended up just asking for the details, its saved on my phone I just havent gotten around to posting it up yet. I like his fun fact... "I hate everyone" hahaha...
You need to find your identity as far as cars go Spazzy, having all this money is going to screw you in the long run in my opinion. Pick a car or two, stick with them, tune them, and reap the benefits. If I switched between 100 cars all the time I would have never learned how to drift on GT5. 👍
Edit: this reads as harsh, but I mean well. And thanks, Im glad I didnt fly away like the cow in twister haha.