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If I make a small lobby will anyone join? I want to test my tune on controller for just a little while.
Time to watch the F1 qualifying re-run before the main race this afternoon, then tune some more Hatchis
Will be a couple of days before I can, I want to dupe myself some more stock Truenos and Levins 1st
Fadam, sent you a few greens that I thought looked close. I'm sure you have the right one in your collection already but whatevs. 👍

Cro, I killed Tsukuba in the 86. These are facts.
Good to hear Pwner, stick with that car as much as possible, soon everything else will feel wrong.

I just got done eating a some soup and salad, homemade Applebee's style yo. Now I'm sleepy so when I get back to my PS3 the lobby will self destruct, too tired to even say it on the mic.

Tomorrow I'm gonna try to tune that weird overtransfer thing my 86s are doing. I can't waaaaiiit to try that London section on the wheel.

👍 :dopey: 👍

Edit: my hachi goes bwaaaaaaaaaa bwap bwap bwaaaaaaaaaaaa
Get on earlia tomorrow, Cro! And i'll send over a stock Trueno tomorrow, Pwner. I just used my trade getting my 2010 ticket I been waiting to dupe since the day before PSN broke :grumpy:
No hurry Fadam, I'm good with the Levin at the moment anyways.

Cro, you might as well just add the AE86 as my favorite standard. haha

Another edit for Cro: "Head and shoulders, heel and toe." ;)
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I think I'm going to refine the driver profile to only main/backup drifter tomorrow, I want to add everyone's favorite "section" in addition to the full track already on there. I've been digging Tokyo Bay and Madrid Reverse lately, you guys?
You know Tokyo Bay has always been one of my favorite tracks, such a "grassroots" style feeling, or a practice day or something, lol. Toscana is a close second, though. As for section, probably Madrid reverse.
Honestly, now that I have a couple solid tunes, I'm digging just about everything we do right now. Definately Tokyo Bay and maybe even Eiger whatever it's called. Oh and that London section is going to be pretty dope as well.
I wish there was a long track full of the downhill twisty bits on Eiger, a la Fujimi Kaido, I could drift that all day.

Oh yeah, I'm going to try to make some more "hachi friendly" tracks tomorrow.
Hopefully I'll get home early enough from work to catch you on. 👍

I've got a sickness and the only cure is more... dori!
Hopefully I'll get home early enough from work to catch you on. 👍

I've got a sickness and the only cure is more... dori!

I'll probably be tired of the wheel by then so you'll probably catch me on controller twitchin' them sticks. Will you be on earlyish tomorrow? There is apossibility that I can/will open a room earlier than usual, its mainly pending the weather.
Nah, I go in at 1pm on Sundays which is ok I guess since I'm normally home by midnight my time. I'm hoping it will be earlier than that.
id like to see some sector runs on trial mounting its got a few nice complex's we can use. Start/finish line>first tunnel as one. First tunnel> second tunnel is one of my favorite sectors on the whole game!
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