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It would probably be easier for me to wait 20 years or whatever until it's considered a classic and then I think you can import them easier.
It would probably be easier for me to wait 20 years or whatever until it's considered a classic and then I think you can import them easier.

yes and no pwner, look at 86's they are a classic and rare as.....well rare stuff...
Yeah I'm not exactly sure how the importing works here in the states. I will never have the money either way so I haven't really looked very far in to it. haha
Omg americans must drive really slow! Seriously....

Yeah they do, and the Irish must not be able to read as my location clearly states "Stoke on Trent, ENGLAND!"
We do not! I got a 12 point ticket for wreckless driving for street racing right in front of the 5-0.
No it was in my ex girlfriend's Nissan Primera aka Infiniti G20. Against a FWD Lancer.
Cold turkey. It's now 7:30 PM and I'm craving pretty bad. I feel like doing a complete freak out and running down the street naked.
It's now 8:30, I just had a huge meal and I'm craving pretty bad. Since I was 16 I've never had a big meal without a cig literally minutes afterwards. Then again, I've also never gone all day without one either. Screw it, I'll just go for another run soon.
Sup Crook. 👍

9:35, just got back from running and did some weights, took a shower and my fiending has subsided. I figure if I can get through tonight, tomorrow will be much easier. Time to watch Transformers and fap to Megan Fox. ;)
The first 3 days are awful. If you can survive that, you're golden. Props to you for even attempting to quit. 👍
I don't even smoke, so I have no idea what Cro is going through xD. The thing I can smoke is BMW's **drools**. :sly:
Yeah I've heard the first 72 hours are the worst. I just had some spicy ramen noodles and hot peppers so I'm gonna have the lava farts here in a minute. Surprisingly I'm not niccing as bad as I thought I would be, but I imagine going to sleep will be next to impossible. 1:40 AM and I'm wiiiiide awake. I'll try reading myself to death I guess, I'm halfway through 'The Fellowship of the Ring' right now, great read by the way, the movie skipped A LOT.

Hmmmmmm... sleeping pill(s) perhaps?
Pop Forza in. You'll be asleep in 5 minutes. :P

Sidenote: After reading a bit about Forza 4, I'm kind of looking forward to it.
Hah, FM3, I would be asleep in 5 minutes. Yet again, I milked that game dry, it's no surprise it's boring now. FM4 will probably be pretty sweet, I probably won't get it though as I'd have to get a new xbox and what not. Also, I'd probably become obsessed with it like I do most things (I have a very addictive personality type), it happens with almost everything I touch.

Meh, I got on the PS3 cuz I was gonna watch one of my favorite movies of all time, 'Aliens', but this damn update is taking foreeevvveeerrr. 👎

I want to see some effin facehuggers NAO!
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