slipSHOTS: GT5

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
What an absolutely stunning update, both the writing and pictures are just how I would imagine them to be in a magazine! As far as the pics themselves I like the third row of landscapes, all three are jaw-droppers! I did notice some pixelization on the Mach 1 though (sorry :D)
Absolutely brilliant! :drool:
I think someone has too much time on their hands! :lol:
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Those images look mighty good Slipz! 👍

I think I like the M3 shot and the head-on shot of the Elise the best. They're so simple, yet the execution is so well done! Incredible quality! :cheers:








(click on images for full-size)

Update Info: Originally meant to be a magazine article in it's own right, I took these shots back in March. Instead, I've worked them into a more gallery-friendly format. Click the images to see full-sizers - yes, including the big main image. Enjoy!

sems4arsenal - It truly is an honour to have some work saved to peoples' PC's, glad to hear you enjoy it!
grrlpurple - Thanks!
ceiling_fan - Heh, the chrome filler cap? It couldn't be helped! I think you'll find much less in these images :D
ashes619 - It did, yes, but the bonus is I have a nice, easy-to-update template now. So the next Hangar should be much quicker...
SMfan - I know, right?! ;)
Nato_777 - Eh, sort of, these things keep me on my toes, skill-wise, so they're a lot of fun!
NBDESIGNZ - :cheers:
725 - The Mustang's a lot of fun. Now, where's your GT5 gallery already?!
FishyJuice - That I did! The NSX borrows fairly heavily from one I remember many years ago: the green and gold always worked so well together, shame I can't use TE37's though!
Primus Ortus - Oh, wouldn't that be the dream? I wish!
F458 Italia - You should try one, good fun :)
SVX - That's the aim, sir :P
rpanico14 - I've brought it up in the user forums, but maybe I should email them. I'd be very excited if I ever heard back from them, regardless of what it might be...
sar593 - Always good to see an old name pop in 👍
Bram Turismo - Thanks Bram, I think I've finally come to terms with editing in GT5. Oddly enough, it's far simpler than my GT4 approach, but I guess my tastes have changed since then anyways.

As always, comments and criticisms welcome!
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It must have taken ages to get only those small areas clickable! :lol: Brilliant update though, the article looks really professional and the photos are nice and subtle. They've clearly been taken for a purpose and they fit the bill perfectly.
Wow. That's pretty high tech to get a clickable link inside another shot. But I'm not a good photoshopper, so how am I to know? :D

725 - The Mustang's a lot of fun. Now, where's your GT5 gallery already?!

As always, comments and criticisms welcome!

Great pics Slip! the two above are my favourites everything looks so smooth and slick in them. The lighting on the badge of the first shot came out really well. There isn't anything to criticise here!

I should do a gallery I've been more happy with my shots then when I first started taking pics in GT5 I guess everyone has an adjustment period
Well done again. Love the storyline as well. I'm tellin' ya, it's time for you to put it all together and start publishing your own Slipshots magazine...just sayin'. :sly::dopey:
Not the best pictures from you, but I just love the way you put these together in this sort of Article - Style!

Very unique thing to show off your pictures!
Well done, Dude! :)
Excellent update once again! PD should be proud at what people have been able to do with their creation :D But I wasn't able to find any hidden pictures :P
Goddamn Slip! Your presentations are awesome! I think I'm going to redo my gallery some time in the future - I'm very inspired by your work:tup:
It must have taken ages to get only those small areas clickable! :lol: Brilliant update though, the article looks really professional and the photos are nice and subtle. They've clearly been taken for a purpose and they fit the bill perfectly.

This. I mean, they really look like something a magazine could have done to put an article together. Believe me, I’ve been there and the shots are pretty much spot-on, a few rig-shots for the two main pages, then track-side work showcasing the car running around.

Light is mostly correct, just how a photographer would look for it, no overediting, and are they even shot in panning mode 1? I can’t tell for sure in such small pictures, but if so, congrats, as it’s the one that looks the most real. I REALLY like this as it relates to my work so much, and in a very realistic way.
Race With A Champion
P A R T _ O N E










(click on starting spots for full-size, full-HDR-colour images)

Update Info: For those that don't know, Bryan won GT Academy's inaugural US competition. I've had the pleasure of racing with Cuda occasionally for over 10 years now, in the GT world anyways (and some PC sims). This was back when OLR consisted of us all time-trialing, so it's great to finally race against long-time members in real time in the game that brought us all together. As you can imagine, Bryan's schedule is hectic now, but he managed to fit a few of us in for some fun, casual races last week. Despite our mild prodding, he hasn't spilled any info on what awaits him, but I'm not alone in saying we all can't wait to find out. Anywho, this is part one of an update featuring images from one of the races that evening. All HDR images, just introducing the competitors. Enjoy!

Nato_777 - Thanks, it's a lot of fun to type out a story in addition to pictures, so the next update will definitely follow that format :D

FishyJuice - The colour's Kenya Orange, found only on the '70 Galant. It's one of my favourite rides from GT4, so I've had the chip for quite some time after hunting it down 👍

Moglet - Nah, image chopping only takes a few minutes, so it's no problem. Thank you very much - they definitely were taken with intentions of having text on them, so I was worried they'd be sort of boring on their own!

C-ZETA - Nope, not really! A few of us have been doing it since GT4!

TVR - Somehow, I knew it'd be your favourite ;).

ashes619 - And thank you, as always :cheers:

725 - Thanks, I knew that first image had to be the one large one as soon as I started editing. Yeah, I know what you mean about the adjustment period, but now that you're past it... I'm holding you to the gallery bit :sly:


Primus Ortus - ...who says I'm not already planning that? ;)

20832 - I'll agree on that first bit, absolutely, but the setting definitely helps them, no? Also, I like the username, clever 👍

ceiling_fan - None this time, nope! And yes, PD should be pretty proud... I mean, you did send them the link to your gallery, right? :D

zambuca - Do it! Half the fun I get is coming up with ideas on how to make each update unique from the last, not just in regards to subject matter, but the presentation. Sometimes it doesn't always come together, but it's worth it for those really well-received themes (like the GT1 Memorial, for example).

Cano - Good eye, sir. You can click the little ones to blow them up, but yes, some were taken in Mode 1, all for a magazine layout in mind. The end use of the images really can change what sort of shot you hunt for, I've found, and there's no way most of the images I take with those layouts in mind would ever be used effectively for, say, the competitions. Other than the obvious "cover story" kind of shots. Glad to hear from you :)
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20832 - I'll agree on that first bit, absolutely, but the setting definitely helps them, no? Also, I like the username, clever 👍

Thank you!
That's one hell of a compliment :)👍

Again a very great Update from you! The Silvia RM and RX-7 Shot are the best, or let's say I like them the most! :)