(click on text for full-size)
Update Info: This took a fair bit of planning

. I wanted to get some of the old GT4 vets together now that we all can finally race each other. Some couldn't make it, but considering we had to find a time suitable for both California and Australia, I think we did pretty well. It was a lot of fun to "meet" everyone. If you're wondering who's in what car, the names roughly match up to their locations in the image. Enjoy!
Dice - I don't know if that will subside this update or not...
FishyJuice - French Blue indeed! No other option, really!
Primus Ortus - Yeah, the fifth is my favourite too; I was trying to portray that feeling of slow-motion, like the R8 in the Prologue intro, actually. The colour takes some getting used to, I'll admit, but it was done only because of Jag's own press shots of the real car
SVX - Clever

. Thanks!
Nato_777 - Thanks! I've grown to really enjoy it, as it's now replaced my previous XKR as my "personal" ride.
725 - Heh, I'm on it! Promise!
Grand Prix -
TVR - Definitely a favourite, it seems, glad people are liking it so much.
arsenal1992 - As FJ guessed above, it's French Blue (from Triumph, since there's two other companies with it as well).
rpanico14 - I've said it before, and I'll say it again: layouts are a lot of fun, and they really keep things interesting. I recommend them for everyone!
440 - Thank you 440, good to see you popping in! Shame you couldn't make it!