slipSHOTS: GT5

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
That is great and looks like it was a work pain to work with the body kit. :D
The Galant/Skyline update is also pretty great, lovely tones and the Mad Finns ad is amazing and so blue. :D


(click on images for full-size)

Update Info: Target achieved! While this isn't the exact model that first took Subaru under the 8min mark (it was the first facelift of the GD), this was close enough. It comfortably will break the barrier bone-stock (well, with an oil change for proper power output), and it's quite enjoyable doing it. The other target was realism, so most of the shots are an attempt at it ;). Enjoy!

Skython11 - I know! Sadly, no matter what you do to the Del Sol in GT5, it'll always be FF, and nowhere near as fast as the old LM :(

Magic Racer - That'd just be the lighting - it bothered me too, so I had looked at it for a while to make sure it wasn't just the text being warped poorly ;).

FishyJuice - Thanks - you missed out on a lot of unique cars. If you can stomach the graphics, I recommend still picking the old PS1 games up, since they work on all PS3's :)

SVX - Thanks, and thank you for reminding me! :cheers:

Nato - It really does! At a few points, I almost gave up, but in the end it really turned out better than I expected it too :)

Soloracer3 - A good thing this image doesn't log how much time I spent getting it that way :P. Thanks!

Primus Ortus - That same shot is really growing on me too; it's currently my phone's wallpaper, actually. Really glad you enjoy it too!

NTX - :D. I'm wondering how close I can get to replicating it in FM4... hopefully I'll see you around then 👍

ceiling_fan - NEVAR!!!111eleventy-one :lol:

20832 - As machate-man mentioned - nope. Sorry to get your hopes up!

machate-man - Thank you!

Nicknamealguem - Oh, you have no idea! I don't think I'll be trying any other liveries for a long long time! Glad you're enjoying the previous updates - we need more of your work, more often!
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... :drool:
Get out. Just getoutahurr with that crazy layout and those ridiculously amazingly awesome pictures.
That Layout is just amazing, and the pictures just... I don't know what i'm trying to say but they're amazing.
Not only did you achieve your time for your lap the realism target has been well met too :drool: The last three pictures of the set are incredible!
Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! Slips done a SUBARU!
This (as to be expected) is phenominal! :drool: You have achieved your mission of realism and then some. Amazing work. 👍

@SVX :lol:
Ah slipz great work. Luckily the car is pretty detailed in GT5 compared to some other premiums (I've found anyway) nice work and as everyone has said really great pics and the layouts are excellent 👍
Gotta love this update (looking at Avatar)
Absolutly amazing car and track.

Actually the best combination evar! :drool: +1


(click on images for full-size)

Update History: Neither the subject nor location of my Tournament entry, this is just something fun I've had lying around for a while. I really like the look of the French Blue press car Lotus has been sending around, and while this doesn't have the face-lift, I realized it's among the ranks of Ferrari 360's and Ford Mustangs in that rare group of cars that look awesome with blacked-out tail panels. I promise there will be a much more exciting update in about... oh, two days... :D

Gtuned - Pffft, your layouts are very similar (and very cool!). One might even say your gallery is... amazing? :sly:

Soloracer3 - Thanks! Some of the shots look kind of iffy to me, but I'm glad they went over as well as they did.

TVR - No surprises there, I see :P

SVX - It was overdue, wasn't it?! I missed my old Subaru @ Nordschleife set from GT4, so figured I'd take inspiration from the real-life record run this time around!

Nato_777 - :cheers: I'm glad, because I have some things coming up that really ratchet up the realism a few notches... :D

TRebor - Thanks!

725 - It is, isn't it? Some Premiums have some questionable features (the Gallardo's rear wheel arches), but this looks all good to me! I wouldn't mind the 'Ring sticker to be a bit higher-res though, for obvious reasons!

FishyJuice - You've said enough, thank you sir :)

20832 - Way better than those darned Evos... Scoobies forever! :P

ashes619 - Thanks!
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A highly polished performance! That's what springs to mind when viewing your photos - polished to perfection. :)
Gotta love this very depressing feeling in these photos.
The last shot shows perfectly, that this thing is so small, but yet isn't afraid to keep up with the big boys.

Well done Slip.
I still want to drive with you, just to see myself in your photos :lol:
go SlipZ go! :sly:

One thing I love about your images, the colour choices for your cars. Always well considered, really make the car pop and look even better.
This update is no exception, the Lotus looks brilliant in that blue. What's the colour name?
Also love those rims, they're my favourite in the game. Were they also painted?

Keep up the superb work buddy. 👍
And once again...

Picture #1 - What I like about this picture are the tones and the fact that the car is in focus. The angle is interesting and furthermore gives the contemplator the chance to look at a slightly blurred, but colourful background. The lighting is excellent and endorses the realism of the car - even though the distance to the car itself is short.

Picture #2 - The first thing I noticed here is that only the front end of the car is in focus, while the rear end of it remains blurred. This is an interesting effect, which makes the very good lighting on the bonnet and the nice contrasts on the headlights stand out even more.

Picture #3 - Now this is artistic! :D First of all, I like the camera angle in this one. The car stands out with its blue, shiny colour and there are many reflections, which make it look even more realistic. I also like how you took advantage of the ground.

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Again great work Slipz, TW nailed it the colours you pick for you cars are great and your editing skills manage to bring them out more, 1 and 2 are absolutely stunning 👍
Damn those are nice. The blue is incredible. Love the reflections on the first two, the front end of car has never looked so good. Smooth real feel on your latest stuff.

2.0 entry just love the buildings tone and how you brought it together.
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Don´t know what to say really Slip. Starting by the car colour, the tones, the cameras, specially on that 3rd shot, all is very good, on the TOP really!!!! Just wished to have half of your skills buddy 👍

I really like the last two shots 👍

I think the final one is best though as the simplistic setting makes the colour of the car really stand out, and what an awesome colour that is, and it also looks fantastic on that patterned paving 👍 great work
Great job as always Slipz. I've tried quoting your updates to see how you format the presentation, but I'm still confused. I know how to link to things like I do in my own gallery, but how do you do what you do??? I think I get how you did the last update, but it's some of the prior ones, where you have a collage presentation with different size pics and clickables. This one is an example of one of your great layouts that I'm talking about: (Perhaps in your lack of spare time you could help us who are less endowed with computer chops by putting together a tutorial of sorts? :dopey: ) Oh, and +1 to Nanabu... "Why U No Use Flickr??"! :sly:
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Your third shot from this set has pinned itself to my Safari top sites tab so I see it every time I open a new tab now and I just wanted to say (again :lol: ) how awesome it is, that blue is just amazing
Amazing shots of an amazing setup car, the usual. But wait.. what's this...
Gtuned - Pffft, your layouts are very similar (and very cool!). One might even say your gallery is... amazing? :sly:
I so didn't squeal like a 5 year old girl when i read that. Not at all. That's a huge compliment coming from you Slip.