Update Info: Sorry folks, a bit of a delay at the printers!

For those that don't know,
I've launched a Forza Planet gallery, so needless to say, that's what's been keeping me busy. Also, the layouts are a bit of a hassle to make, so if I am to continue them, I think I'll just be recycling one of the few I've already made. Which also means I'll finally get around to releasing some templates. So here's Volume Three, and like last time, the full-size images that it consists of (with an also-ran that didn't make the final product).
Oh, and if you read that bit about the Exige, I'm sure you'll be able to guess what's happening... enjoy!
FishyJuice - Whoa, a milestone! Since I hit 500, and 35,000 views (in just under a year, compared to my GT4 gallery sitting at 36,000), through a car/track combo suggestion in here, I need an excuse to revisit GT's better Photomode
Soloracer3 - Thanks you, that Miata shot has turned out to be one of my favourites from my entire year
SVX - Then my goal was achieved!
Primus Ortus - It looks that way, doesn't it?!
sems4arsenal - I say this well over a month later... but glad to see you around these parts again, sir!
20832 - The car is Innocent Blue Mica; the rims may be the stock bronze TE37's, as I don't remember painting them. Wish the game could tell us...
Nato_777 - Thanks buddy, it's an honour to have any of my shots described as that
SMfan - Thanks!
Klaus_PSU - I don't think you're alone, it does seem to suggest that... have I stumbled upon subliminal messaging?!
NTX - It's all a few pre-saved actions in Photoshop these days, actually! I usually tinker with the Levels and Curves for each image, but the other post-editing changes are uniform across an entire set. I also have about a dozen different Selective Colour profiles saved which I shuffle through depending on the desired mood. Really, provided I don't have to clean up any jaggies or particle errors, a shot only takes about 90sec to edit!
Magic Racer - First, thank you, as always. Second, I hope you enjoy the long-overdue avatars! And last... now that I can talk about it, that big secretive thing was... another Planet
OnionStrike - Yeah, I've always preferred the concave, SuperGT-looking TE37's, but considering the limited options for the NA (and wanting to avoid the ubiquitous BBS rims), I thought these worked out well with the colours.
Skython11 - Yeah, it may not be the most realistic angle...
ceiling_fan - I'm sorry! I hope this was worth the wait!
Grand Prix - You and me both, sir, you and me both