slipSHOTS: GT5

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
Magic Racer - Thanks, the 787B shots from both sets were actually taken months ago, but were just dealt with now. I made an effort to not over-blur that second shot, so I'm glad that shone through. Oh, and don't worry, I haven't forgot about your request! There are some big things going on behind the scenes that I can't talk about quite yet... :D

You are welcome. I have to say, you definitely know how to make someone curious about certain things. :D

Anyway, back to your new picture, I have to say that I like the warm tones most. Not only is the dark shadow on the right side of the car great, but the picture itself carries some interesting contrasts, which add to the realistic look of your picture masterpiece. ;) The angle is nice, and I like how the reflections of the background on the bonnet of the car direct the contemplator's eyes to the soft-blurred background - very interesting effect. Oh, and the amount of noise is perfect. 👍
Ah, MX-5 with TE37's looks better outside than it appeared in GT auto... I never liked the look of the non-concaved' TE37's much.



(click on images for full-size)

Update Info: Ah, the Tournament poll is up, so now, so are these! I think I made the right choice, as these can be for other themes in the future. This laptop is at 6% power though, so I will respond to all the Elise update comments when I get home. Thank you all, enjoy!

All of these looks awesome! The Mazda looks very real! Except for the angle. :P

slipshots presents
Magazine Article: The Hangar (October 2011)

(click on images for full-size)

Update Info: Sorry folks, a bit of a delay at the printers! :P
For those that don't know, I've launched a Forza Planet gallery, so needless to say, that's what's been keeping me busy. Also, the layouts are a bit of a hassle to make, so if I am to continue them, I think I'll just be recycling one of the few I've already made. Which also means I'll finally get around to releasing some templates. So here's Volume Three, and like last time, the full-size images that it consists of (with an also-ran that didn't make the final product).

Oh, and if you read that bit about the Exige, I'm sure you'll be able to guess what's happening... enjoy!

FishyJuice - Whoa, a milestone! Since I hit 500, and 35,000 views (in just under a year, compared to my GT4 gallery sitting at 36,000), through a car/track combo suggestion in here, I need an excuse to revisit GT's better Photomode ;)

Soloracer3 - Thanks you, that Miata shot has turned out to be one of my favourites from my entire year :)

SVX - Then my goal was achieved!

Primus Ortus - It looks that way, doesn't it?! :lol:

sems4arsenal - I say this well over a month later... but glad to see you around these parts again, sir!

20832 - The car is Innocent Blue Mica; the rims may be the stock bronze TE37's, as I don't remember painting them. Wish the game could tell us...

Nato_777 - Thanks buddy, it's an honour to have any of my shots described as that :cheers:

SMfan - Thanks!

Klaus_PSU - I don't think you're alone, it does seem to suggest that... have I stumbled upon subliminal messaging?!

NTX - It's all a few pre-saved actions in Photoshop these days, actually! I usually tinker with the Levels and Curves for each image, but the other post-editing changes are uniform across an entire set. I also have about a dozen different Selective Colour profiles saved which I shuffle through depending on the desired mood. Really, provided I don't have to clean up any jaggies or particle errors, a shot only takes about 90sec to edit!

Magic Racer - First, thank you, as always. Second, I hope you enjoy the long-overdue avatars! And last... now that I can talk about it, that big secretive thing was... another Planet :P

OnionStrike - Yeah, I've always preferred the concave, SuperGT-looking TE37's, but considering the limited options for the NA (and wanting to avoid the ubiquitous BBS rims), I thought these worked out well with the colours.

Skython11 - Yeah, it may not be the most realistic angle... ;)

ceiling_fan - I'm sorry! I hope this was worth the wait!

Grand Prix - You and me both, sir, you and me both :cheers:
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Nice update Slip 👍
As usual your articles are easy to read and flow well, and the photography is magazine-standard also. Keep up the great work!
Now, I wonder who that Exige is on its way to... :P
Simply amazing read. It is so professionally done Slip and I swear to you the first thing I said when I saw the Ferrari was "whats up with the gold rims?" :lol: After looking at the pictures of the 458 for ten minutes the rims actually look good with the 458 very sporty in my opinion. It just made me laugh to read the first part of the new arrival. I run a league with my friends and family it's pretty hard core I would trade you anything ( Item paint parts etc) in my garage for my specific car to get spot in you magazine. I love this magazine and I can't wait to read the next one.
Ah, it's finally here! The articles look very well done as always.
The pictures are great too. I love the simplicity of these shots and they work very well to make the whole thing look more realistic. My favourite is the last shot. The one of the 458.
I've seen that angle a couple of times before I think, but what works works. All in all I think you did a great job with these. The same kind of slipz quality we've come to expect from you except you had to think of how they would look in magazine format.
Quality update SlipZ :D:tup:

The article stuff is just brilliant. Well written material! Should start your own magazine if you haven't already. Look forward to the next instalment.
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Great, great article, SlipZtrEm. I could not detect any typing errors or the like and the images fit well into the layout.

Picture #1 - Yes, it is overexposed - but that is exactly what makes it work for me (and others). The car's silhouette is easily perceptible, the road texture is outstanding and the blue sky adds to the nice atmosphere created by the simple but effective camera angle.

Picture #2 - The forward motion of the car is induced by a good angle and a very good background and road blur. The colours are not as vibrant or saturated as in most of your other pictures, but they seem to be more natural (especially the green), which adds to the realistic look of the picture (this probably works better for articles).

Picture #3 - I have already reviewed this picture here. ;)

Picture #4 - This one is very dynamic and screams 'fun'. It goes well together with the article (new tyres, anyone? :P) and that is what you probably concentrated on. The colours are not too strong, but they give many interesting contrasts, which add to the realism of the picture. The car itself looks very clean and the colour transitions are smooth (I like this a lot!).

Picture #5 - Simple picture. Good lighting, nice reflections and a good amount of noise. This means that you were able to take a realistic picture, which is perfect in combination with the article.

Picture #6 - Given that you mention this car is capable of doing 200mph, taking a picture of it here is beneficial. The focal length is great and the car looks crisp and clean. The chrome 'line' above the side windows could have been smoother, though. :)

Picture #7 - I really like the soft focus in this one. Even though it is not that strong, it makes the car's curves stand out more. The focus allows a very stong background and road blur, as well. Again, the colours are not that strong as in other pictures from you (especially the green), but it helps the realism of the picture.

Still one of the best, if not the best and most entertaining showroom here on GTP.
It's a joy to read and look at those photos and articles.

You sir should be flagged as inappropiate for publishing eye porn here!
Your updates are just Something else ,Love the over exposure in the Lotus shot and the rest are pretty Mind blowing as well.Your Forza 4 Gallery is Brilliant looks like you are enjoying it 👍
slipshots presents
Toyota GT 86

(click on images for full-size)

Update Info: It's a quick, dirty update, and a long-overdue one, really. Welcome Toyota's return to proper sports cars! Enjoy!

Rev - Heh, it's a bit late now, but the Exige did (is) find(ing) a good home :D

jus1029 - I'd prefer Evo, but really, beggars can't be choosers!

JDMKING13 - Heh, no need buddy, I've fallen behind due to a real life design job I managed to grab, but I will have something that may be of interest to you...

Apok - Thanks, your continued encouragement really helped that issue get off the ground, so consider yourself a contributing force!

Beccosinho - ...does this count? ;) It really has been a passion of mine for years now, but still waiting for it to translate to the real world.

Fishy. BkS, & Bo - Thanks you three :cheers:

MR - Phew! I had forgotten to run it through Word before I made it all web-friendly, so I was hoping I wouldn't have to revisit it! Thanks as always for the thorough breakdown, glad you liked it!

20832 - You're too kind, really! Thank you very much!

Sems - I am enjoying FM4, but mostly the painting and Rivals. I'd be lying if I said the Photomode was as good as GT's, and the fact we have a much larger community here is hard to ignore. But still, having both games is just what I recommend to everyone who can manage it 👍

Grand Prix - That one actually was the seed that started Volume 3, so I'm glad it had such a positive response!
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WOW! :drool:👍 I wish I should have brought my PS3 to Hong Kong to do a gallery set of the 86! :(
Does it sound good with your chosen exhaust?
Damn nice pictures, can't wait to spin in around the Nordschleife.
Stunning photos for the 86. I particularly like the colour treatment you did there. Is the paint wr blue mica? It kinda makes me want to have the BRZ in the game.
I am new at this forum. It's first time I watch your amazing gallery .
It's really awesome ! Last set is beautiful :drool:

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