(click on images for full-size)
Update Info: Figured an update was needed after the Auto-Resizing feature's been implemented into the boards. One of my most favourite cars, some HDR shots similar to what Aston did with the DBS back when it was new, so I figured why not play off their ad for the One-77? Will be redoing the front-page to play nice with the auto-resize. Enjoy!
Morf - Thanks! The Prius is actually kind of fun to drive!
T12 - Out of business? The more the merrier round these parts
SVX - Heh, that's exactly why I kept it, that reaction.
S4A - I really need to take the GT out again somewhere suitably evil. It's an awesome car... and the sound, oh, the sound. I demand anybody who hasn't yet driven it to go buy it and equip the race exhaust. Car pays for itself after that.
Sixtoes - I've actually been lazy lately, these are all pretty basic Photoshop dealings. I do have something more advanced planned, but it's taking forever to set up...
Fido - You're too kind, sir!
TVR - Thought you might like that one. Those kinds of shots always work well with the Elise, I find. Shows off the curves 👍
Swiss -

. You may have just guessed what the original plan was for the GT. I didn't want to do an HDR motion shot, though... but what the hell, that's part of the advantage of this being GT!
Bram - I can fake it! The presentation didn't have a lot of thought put in that time, at least not on the level of the Bullitt work. Just a black bar to tie some previews together, and some quotes! You'll like what's coming more, though...
Chromey - Thank you, it photographs quite nicely as long as we stay a way's away.
Magic - I realized I haven't done many
racing shots, so these had to fill the gap. Rumble strips are necessary then!
RG - Yeah, didn't realize how similar they all were until I got the presentation done up. I guess corner blurs just give more of an action feeling when it comes to pass attempts... but gotta find some new angles!
Sej - Seasonals man, they do all the work for me!
Moglet - Kind of surprising, huh? I couldn't believe the Prius almost was, wait for it... sporty! It handles pretty decently, has a nice slug of torque, and obviously with a stiffened suspension, likes to dance
Es - I might, yeah, provided they're cars I enjoy. I didn't bother with the C4 since it wasn't a road car and didn't mesh with the update. As for the Z... I don't have one
S12ken - Mwa ha ha, I figured everyone would get a chuckle out of that one. CR-Z didn't stand a chance!