MiniMarco - Thanks! I remember white being the main hue for the press shots of the convertible version, and always thought it looked great
Rev - Indeed, and the fact you can't find anything even close to that colour is saddening

GPR - Seeing as how it was two months ago, I'm gonna have to go check to see if you did

Sems - Sorry you had to wait so long, buddy!
Franz - The "plus" was indeed intentional... and so was leaving out the ugly barcode and price info

. Evo does a very cool special cover for subscribers, though it's usually devoid of any text, so we'll call this a hybrid!
Sej - Oddly enough, I didn't use any sharpening filter for the last update. I've been aiming for more realism lately, but it may not look it until the next update - all the shots used for this one were edited back at the same time as the cover update.
Yui-san - Really? Hmmm, interesting...
Muzaffar - Bah, if there was a magazine cover theme, I missed it

Daniel - Yep, I make one giant image in Photoshop for my layouts, then slice it apart so it all fits together nicely here

Cod_Father - I take it in the best possible way

Diabolical - Actually, I messaged the Evo guys on their forums, and posted in the community itself. No response from the team, and not incredibly positive ones from the community :-/.
Vonie - Heh, I actually have another idea to incorporate Kanye's newest video... maybe... possibly
tnt_8_9 - Sorry for the huge delay, but here we go: that image was taken on Eiger Short with weather change, the dusky, misty feeling is from the game itself (all I did in Photoshop was some very light Levels/Curves adjustments), and I believe it was Arcade Mode, though it doesn't matter where you take the shots when it comes to game mode

. Hope you're still around here somewhere!
MR - Thanks so much for the approval in the form of a signature link - it's a huge compliment. Hope you enjoy your avatars... it gave me yet another idea too!