SNAIL - Endurance Series (Archive)

  • Thread starter BradESPN
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Yep, that's perfectly fine - I think the majority of us are pretty new to rally cars. Should be a pretty low-stress and entertaining evening.

It really was low stress!
I had such a great time racing so closely with @BradESPN & @Bologna_Duc
I think we overtook each other a half dozen times each at Fuji :embarrassed:

& then my dirt combo was awesome & almost relaxing compared to paved Circuit racing.


Just saying. Lol. Not to sway a pick or anything but yeah it be sweet to get a Super Formula race and then watch/see who tries it. I appreciate the subtle shout out too @BradESPN

If you ever need a test driver...
I’d give it all I got 👍:gtpflag:

Prize Selection Announcement:
Car(s): Choice between Super Formula DALLARA SF19 Honda OR Toyota
Class: GRX
Cost: $1,000,000.00
Tires: Racing Soft-Racing Hard
Tire Wear: 16X
Fuel Consumption: 8X
Venue: Blue Moon Bay Speedway-Infield A
Time: 10:30 Clear
Laps: 45

Thanks to @Neutty, @TexasJDC, @Phlano099, @Drifter1171 and @Nascarcory for their help in testing this last night.
***If I messed anything up or missed something, @Neutty will fix it. :nervous:
Thanks @BradESPN for the selection. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as we enjoyed testing it. It should be fun. :cheers:
Because there is a bug in the game that the formula cars are not allowed to enter a tuning prohibited room. The original bug would kick them out if the room was changed to tuning prohibited so you guys may want to double check that.

When i tried some testing once I changed it to tuning prohibited I couldn’t put them back in the track. After I changed it from prohibited back to allowed I still couldn’t get my car on the track
When i tried some testing once I changed it to tuning prohibited I couldn’t put them back in the track. After I changed it from prohibited back to allowed I still couldn’t get my car on the track

So you're saying it's still a bit of a mess trying to use the formula cars.
We noticed last night if you change tuning from prohibited to no limit while in a created lobby you could not get on track. Nick created a new room and while setting it up turned tuning to no limit and cars work fine. There are still some bugs with those cars but man they are fun to race
We noticed last night if you change tuning from prohibited to no limit while in a created lobby you could not get on track. Nick created a new room and while setting it up turned tuning to no limit and cars work fine. There are still some bugs with those cars but man they are fun to race
I could have sworn that nick changed it to prohibited after we entered the lobby. Heck, I could be wrong we messed with so many settings last night maybe we missed it haha
I could have sworn that nick changed it to prohibited after we entered the lobby. Heck, I could be wrong we messed with so many settings last night maybe we missed it haha
I'll test it again a little later tonight guys, just to make sure. I will report back.
If someone can get to it sooner, that would be much appreciated.
Below is the text from PD. I did test setups of two different lobbies.
1) Tuning set to Prohibited. SF Dallara could not join due to 2 setting errors: tuning and hasnitro.
2) Tuning set to No Limit. SF Dallara could join and run laps. I then changed race settings to Tuning Prohibited. Repeat errors of (1) appeared.

As noted below, the only option is no limit to run this car in lobbies currently and trust people are not fiddling with that setting. And yes, we have heard this somewhere before which is why it is not allowed as a Sunday car. I have no problem with using it for endurance or Thrash’s series until PD fixes it.

PD Report
“We are aware of an issue wherein, under certain circumstances, it becomes impossible to join lobby races using the Dallara SF19 Super Formula / Honda ’19 and the Dallara SF19 Super Formula / Toyota ’19.

・When creating a new room, the ‘Tuning’ option is set to [Prohibited];
・After creating a room, the ‘Tuning’ option is changed to [Prohibited].

For the time being, we suggest players to create a new room with ‘Tuning’ set to [No Limit] in the 'Regulation Settings'. As long as this setting is not changed, it will be possible to use Super Formula cars in the Lobby. This issue is scheduled to be fixed in the next update.”

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Eww are we doing boost races now??
I also want to add, we have it on weak to try it out. I was still able to put some distance on some D4 and D5 drivers. In the past you Sean mike and I have battled it out for the win. We are close but for others I’ve heard many complaints about being too spread out and they find it boring. I’m trying to get people closer together on the track and to attempt to make it fun for all.
We are close but for others I’ve heard many complaints about being too spread out and they find it boring.
This ^^^. Being one of the slower D5 drivers I find it extremely boring running by myself week over week. I know I’m slow and most likely will never even smell a win in this series but I still like to feel “that I’m in it” and racing someone.
I also want to add, we have it on weak to try it out. I was still able to put some distance on some D4 and D5 drivers. In the past you Sean mike and I have battled it out for the win. We are close but for others I’ve heard many complaints about being too spread out and they find it boring. I’m trying to get people closer together on the track and to attempt to make it fun for all.

While I do have some speed to keep up with you guys for a couple laps I make alot of stupid mistakes and lose alot time on you aliens
I get that it can be boring sometimes when no one is around but I don't think using synthetic aids like boost will make better racing. For us racing at closer levels it will change what seperated us in terms of skill level like those who practice and those who don't.

With boost on the usual strategy is hold back all race and then go for it the last couple laps when your boost is the strongest since the strength of the boost effect is divided by the position your in. The best place to start would be towards the back of your division. Which makes qualifying irrelevant too.

I think if drivers are struggling with pace and want to move up the field then they need to make the effort to talk with everyone and ask for help with what ever they are struggling with. I'm sure we'd all try to help the best we can.

Boost is just lazy.
First I mean no disrespect to anyone I’m about to list.

This whole boost thing for this 1 race is a test. I really really really would like as many people to join as possible whether they like the idea or not. Getting the best results and feedback is the best thing we could get at this point in time. Where I do agree boost changes strategy, all of the races we ran with boost on weak and I was out front, I was able to put a gap and keep it. Boost on strong it was wayyyy too easy for me to get to the front.

When you mention practice, there is not a single person in SNAIL that practices more than @TEX36. Lately I have had zero to minimal practice due to the little one, and I’ve been able to run up front (ahead of Tex). I also know for a fact that @Nick Cannella practices a ton as well. @BradESPN probably practices for the endurance league more than anyone, and yet I’m still ahead of them at the finish. I have been blessed with an ability to run up front and so has @keepitsteady, @Sean Renon and @MikeGrove. Running up front with D1 just doesn’t come naturally to @TEX36 and @Nick Cannella. To be honest I’m surprised that both of them are still running the series.

I’m really wanting this series to grow, sadly the past 2 seasons I have seen a rapid amount of people not showing up. We went from one point needing 2 lobbies, to seeing 3 total people at the start of qually hoping for the best that more are running behind.

The Sunday night racing has half full lobbies for D1 and I know that the other lobbies are pretty full. It would be fun to have a full lobby to race every Tuesday night. @BradESPN and I have even thrown in some cash prizes to the winners of each division and still a decline.

What I ask is that everyone give this race a chance whether you want to or now, race your heart out and don’t play the strategy game where we take advantage of boost. Play the strategy of saving fuel and tires like we always go out and do. Please, spread the word on this coming Tuesday night races and let’s get this lobby filled up.
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