SNAIL - Endurance Series (Archive)

  • Thread starter BradESPN
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Yeah, definitely.

I tried it with both
It needs the heavy damage, but I do understand some people cannot fathom that.
Dumb pit lane should work!

Without damage there is no intensity to the combo. The car is also still fast & driveable with damage (other than to the engine).
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I tried it with both
It needs the heavy damage, but I do understand some people cannot fathom that.
Dumb pit lane should work!

Without damage there is no intensity to the combo. The car is also still fast & driveable with damage (other than to the engine).

Yeah, I don't think we'd get much participation for this combo with damage on heavy. Given that you can't even repair the damage in the pits, I think it's obviously out of the question.

Regardless, I'm excited about this combo as it's pretty rare to get a chance to race in dirt with SNAILs.
Ran 20 laps tonight -
Time: 1 hour 23
Best lap: 3:57.6 (Lap 20)

No Fuel/Tire consumption available, therefore no Pit Stops needed

Ran the track In daylight to learn the corners - and there are a bunch of them.
Yeah, I don't think we'd get much participation for this combo with damage on heavy. Given that you can't even repair the damage in the pits, I think it's obviously out of the question.

Regardless, I'm excited about this combo as it's pretty rare to get a chance to race in dirt with SNAILs.

Also excited about some dirt racing! I don’t have a problem with heavy damage myself. And, since it can’t be fixed, if I were the culprit of someone else’s damage I also wouldn’t have a problem to commit to driving myself into the nearest wall to sustain damage as well. Maybe if everyone made the same commitment we’d see fewer incidents?

Or maybe that’s just a hysterically infeasible option. :dunce:
Evaluating endurance benefits

What is it about endurance that brings you each and every week?

What are your thoughts about picking combos yay, nah?

Do you enjoy the 2 race format more or miss the 90 minute races?

Do you find yourself more apt to running the race that is carried over to the next Sunday in SNAIL? If so would you find yourself running it weekly?

What are your thoughts on a “fixed” schedule?

Since most of our races consist of Gr.3 would you be interested in running this weekly on a fixed schedule BOP?
Endurance series thoughts:

1. Day of week. I noticed you guys race during a week night, not really optimal for a guy like me who drives for ups during the week. Alot of nights, I come home and just want to crash after a long day.

2. Race format. I, personally would rather see a single longer race, 90-120 minutes, rather than a couple of shorter ones. Honestly, the idea behind endurance, is to see who handles the racing fatigue best, sorting out the stronger drivers from the weaker ones. Also allows for higher variances in pit strategies.

3. Car selection. Car/combo selections are great for the Sunday night series. Putting all snails in equal (same) cars, for short sprints around a specific track, makes races quick and exciting. However, for endurance racing, I've personally wanted to be a part of a race with multiple classes of cars at the same time. Races within a race... gr1, 2 , and 3's all dueling at the same time. Each with their own points systems. Car selection within each group could still be limited, to have a more level playing field within each. I haven't been apart of snail for long, so I'm not sure what has been discussed about this already.

I haven't yet been able to participate in any endurance races yet, but I look forward to the opportunity in the future. What's everyone's thought to my suggestions?
1) What is the attraction: Pit Strategy
2) Combo choice is working fine
3) The 2-Race is not appealing
4) The Sunday carry-over is not appealing - no strategy
5) Fixed Schedule: Tuesday night is good
6) BOP: Adds variety & varying Pit strategies
I am interested. But I would like the opportunity to say that carry over from sunday league may be a little redundant. A different vehicle or 2 for shorter enduros. Also you guys run tires and fuel?
My endurance racing thought is this. I initially liked the league but it was too similar to Sunday for my taste and didn’t really check the boxes I personally look for in endurance racing. I am in 2 endurance racing leagues now, one on gtsport and one on pcars2 and they both have exactly what I am looking for which is open tuning to make it worth investing time into and being locked into one car for a season so I can tinker around and don’t have to keep buying cars every week and starting over. I understand this isn’t the prevailing thought around these parts but that’s what I look for. The time of week is fine. One long race is more appealing than 2 short races.
i signed up for 1 race but would like to sign up for the season.

to answer some of the questions from the main thread
what brought me to endurance racing is: the strategy especially with pitstops, i really like the longer races instead of sprint races (one mistake in sprint races and your race is over where in endurance you still have a chance using strategies)
race format: 1 90 min race, i would like to see a set schedule with GR.3 cars and BoP on (it evens out the field to a extent but also keeps it open to drivers of different racing styles).
I’ll guess I’ll chime in. Although the current format is ok, I’m not liking the first race being the Sunday Snail race. It’s too long and not really entertaining as they are on Sundays. Perhaps adding tire and fuel would bring a different dynamic to race 1, I don’t know.
90 minute race is kind of long in my opinion. That’s part of the reason I dropped out after one full season of running it. Maybe if that race was 60 minutes it might be better? I don’t know.
I do like the idea of a set schedule and dedicated cars for a season however.
That’s my 2 cents.
We haven’t had Fuel/Tire consumption on Race 1 - if I’m wrong, then it has been very slight.
I believe his question was in general.

To further answer the fuel and tire wear is off for the 1st race, the one that’s carried over to allow others to get a good amount of practice in.

Then the 2nd race has wear for both set by the player who has the choice for the week.
I believe his question was in general.

To further answer the fuel and tire wear is off for the 1st race, the one that’s carried over to allow others to get a good amount of practice in.


Then the 2nd race has wear for both set by the player who has the choice for the week.
Ok that is the answer I was looking for.
Thanks! Still interested. What are the combos for this week coming?
Ok that is the answer I was looking for.
Thanks! Still interested. What are the combos for this week coming?
It’s an unusual one but here is the 2nd race.
View attachment 812362 Endurance Series Prize Selection has been made!

Car: Apline A110 ‘72

Track: Fisherman’s Ranch II

Time: 19:00 Clear Sunset

Damage: Heavy Damage

Tire: Dirt :crazy:

All Aids will be *turned off* including ABS.
(Car doesn't have ABS in Real)

Subject to change if I don’t have that power.

The 1st race is not selected yet as we will find that one out on Monday.
. Race format. I, personally would rather see a single longer race, 90-120 minutes,

1) What is the attraction: Pit Strategy
2) Combo choice is working fine
3) The 2-Race is not appealing
4) The Sunday carry-over is not appealing - no strategy
5) Fixed Schedule: Tuesday night is good
6) BOP: Adds variety & varying Pit strategies

Fully agree with the thoughts and analysis above.
I would say 90 minutes in length is the perfect race distance for my taste. I prefer one longer race for sure.
A 3 hour season finale race would be a cool idea!

I am a huge fan of the Series and wish to see the Endurance Series attendance grow to rival the main Sunday series one day. We will eventually perfect the formula. Many times in recent seasons I have realized I have more fun on Tuesday’s than Sundays. Lets keep it going!
Thank you in advance @MikeGrove!

View attachment 812578 Ran 20 laps tonight -
Time: 1 hour 23
Best lap: 3:57.6 (Lap 20)

No Fuel/Tire consumption available, therefore no Pit Stops needed

Ran the track In daylight to learn the corners - and there are a bunch of them.

Also excited about some dirt racing! I don’t have a problem with heavy damage myself. And, since it can’t be fixed, if I were the culprit of someone else’s damage I also wouldn’t have a problem to commit to driving myself into the nearest wall to sustain damage as well. Maybe if everyone made the same commitment we’d see fewer incidents?

Or maybe that’s just a hysterically infeasible option. :dunce:

As promised, but with a catch...

The reference lap goes the opposite direction from my prize pick :ouch:.

The correct lines going the opposite way should look very similar. TRL_holl01 drove the dirt nurb perfectly.

The latest, late apexes you will ever go for!

Thanks for posting the video - he has control of the car in every corner. Quite the opposite to my experience.

Wish he had been driving the other direction. I also noticed that he was using ABS (White indicator turns red when brakes applied)

Should be quite an experience - I expect to have damage from Lap 1. Hope it isn’t engine related.
What is it about endurance that brings you each and every week?
Length of races against real people; challenge of longer focus and consistency.​

What are your thoughts about picking combos yay, nah?
Working fine in my opinion. Combos I wouldn’t have considered.​

Do you enjoy the 2 race format more or miss the 90 minute races?
Never raced the 90min but really want to. Would love to see it come back. Grove’s 3hr finale idea = Awesome!​

Do you find yourself more apt to running the race that is carried over to the next Sunday in SNAIL? If so would you find yourself running it weekly?
I don’t mind it. As someone else said, I get better at the Sunday race having done 20ish laps on Tuesday. While more forgiving (no damage, tire, fuel) it’s also less interesting than race 2.​

What are your thoughts on a “fixed” schedule?
Does this mean always Tuesday? Yes, prefer the same day so the wife has some certainty.
Does this mean like FIA series where we know in advance track and car? This would be ok too.​

Since most of our races consist of Gr.3 would you be interested in running this weekly on a fixed schedule BOP?
Not a strong opinion on this one. I’ll continue to participate either way.
I like the idea of a WEC-style multi car format but I don’t know what headaches / complications this would present for organizers. Maybe that would need to be it’s own independent series. And need enough drivers to make it fun as well.​
Since most of our races consist of Gr.3 would you be interested in running this weekly on a fixed schedule BOP?
Not a strong opinion on this one. I’ll continue to participate either way.
I like the idea of a WEC-style multi car format but I don’t know what headaches / complications this would present for organizers. Maybe that would need to be it’s own independent series. And need enough drivers to make it fun as well.​

So we would love to build on this and have full lobbies of 2 distinct classes on track each week. Unfortunately we are not filling lobbies now. So we are wanting to get the lobbies full and then go from there. Personally I’d like to see 2 groups racing of 8 cars each. Gr.2 and Gr.3 and so forth. We are also looking into a swing of changes to help cater to everything listed above to help this series grow.
Based on the votes from last night, the following combo will be race #1 tomorrow night:

Car: Chevrolet Corvette C7 Gr. 3
Track: Fuji International Speedway (Short)
Laps: 28
Tires: RH
Tire/Fuel Wear: Off

Note that the Endurance Series will also be implementing the rule changes mentioned here. To save you a click:

- Going off track during qualifying is okay during the "out" lap, just jump back in at the end of the line (if you can't do this safely, just stay off track)
- Brake Balance adjustments are allowed
- Use of the clutch pedal is banned
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