SNAIL - Endurance Series Year 2

  • Thread starter Neutty
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I was a little frustrated to see #shiftgate rear its ugly head last night :irked:

If shifters/clutch are allowed in Endurance, why not announce it in the thread? I thought this was put to rest once we outlawed it on Sunday nights months ago.
I was a little frustrated to see #shiftgate rear its ugly head last night :irked:

If shifters/clutch are allowed in Endurance, why not announce it in the thread? I thought this was put to rest once we outlawed it on Sunday nights months ago.

Didn't u win ? It was outlawed in snail yes but u know as well as I do people still do it as for last night as far as I know Tim and heri were on pads free and myself were on wheel with no shifters so 5 out of the top 6 weren't using them so I really don't see where the advantage was.
Didn't u win ?

Whether I won or lost is completely irrelevant. This is about the integrity of this series.

It was outlawed in snail yes but u know as well as I do people still do it

Before last night, I can't name one person I've seen or heard use the shifter/clutch since it was banned.

as far as I know Tim and heri were on pads free and myself were on wheel with no shifters so 5 out of the top 6 weren't using them

So as long as only 1 person is using it, it's ok? I'm not sure I follow.

I really don't see where the advantage was.

The fact that someone is using a glitch no one else is privy to? Even @Timlour said he thought he was low on power because of the advantage it has.

If it was announced before the race that it was legal to use, I wouldn't have a problem with this (and would have hooked mine back up)

I don’t even know what this is about.

TLDR: The use of shifter+clutch in certain cars has a significant advantage over paddle/controller drivers. By using the shifter instead of paddles, you completely bypass the "shiftlag" certain cars have. Which the Porsche we raced last night suffers from. It has been banned on Sunday nights in SNAIL for quite a while.

I was a little frustrated to see #shiftgate rear its ugly head last night :irked:

If shifters/clutch are allowed in Endurance, why not announce it in the thread? I thought this was put to rest once we outlawed it on Sunday nights months ago.
I can’t find it but I could have sworn I said somewhere that shifters would be allowed with the spec class.. with 1700 posts to sort through I may never find it.
That being said I’d gladly take my points away makes no difference to me.
If I didn’t post it, know I meant to, I’m sure it was one of those things that I dream about mentally and think it actually happened. (Happens far too often, there are times I’ve woken up from a nap calling my boss telling him I’ll be late only to find out it’s 5:30 in the afternoon and not the morning.)
Quite honestly it didn’t give me much of an advantage at all, I actually used more fuel than you all, and it also made for some fun racing for the first 12 laps. In my opinion, mid race I stopped using it and was running the same lap times. But none of that is an excuse just stating facts, sorry to all it affects, maybe I’ve bitten off more than I can chew with this league.
A good idea is a section in your first couple of posts that contain a set of general rules for the series. A lot of times, these types of rule sets are as simple as something like:

This series will operate under all the rules of SNAIL as outlined in the SNAIL OLR P&G thread with the following exceptions:

Then you list anything that is different from the rule set you are referencing.

You could link to whatever rule set your are referencing wheather it be the SNAIL OLR, the GTP OLR, or whatever else you want to use. The point of it is that you put something right out front for everyone to see. This makes it easy for drivers to see and easy to for the orgainizer to see and update as it's all in one place.
A good idea is a section in your first couple of posts that contain a set of general rules for the series. A lot of times, these types of rule sets are as simple as something like:

This series will operate under all the rules of SNAIL as outlined in the SNAIL OLR P&G thread with the following exceptions:

Then you list anything that is different from the rule set you are referencing.

You could link to whatever rule set your are referencing wheather it be the SNAIL OLR, the GTP OLR, or whatever else you want to use. The point of it is that you put something right out front for everyone to see. This makes it easy for drivers to see and easy to for the orgainizer to see and update as it's all in one place.
Noted. I will try to get that updated. I’m sorry this has turned into a huge mess, I truest honestly thought it was posted somewhere, but I will get something on the first page (minor) for now and hopefully a more formalized post.

I think you're doing a fine job with this Series which is evident when theres a full grid almost every race night. I just think some of the rules need to be clearly stated ahead of time to keep things fair.
Of all the series I participate in, this is by far my favorite, I know that I will never win a race, I know the best i can hope for is a top 5, on a good night, but I am good with that because this series has helped me be a better driver.

Thanks for creating and running it @Neutty

Thanks for the kind words.
Didn't u win ? It was outlawed in snail yes but u know as well as I do people still do it as for last night as far as I know Tim and heri were on pads free and myself were on wheel with no shifters so 5 out of the top 6 weren't using them so I really don't see where the advantage was.
Actually I'm back on controller in manua . My wheel broke
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