SNAIL-Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge (using new 992 GT3), Season Champ: Sand_68, Congratulations on the Win and a Great Season!!!

  • Thread starter llNovall
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Dosen't this just add to the immersion though? I mean IRL if you go to a track on different days you will have different air temperature, track temperature, humidity, wind speed, all making you car feel slightly different. Setup may be good one day, but track conditions on a different day will make if feel a little off. I dunno...Just a thought.

I think that’s true, but the key word here is “slightly” different. What I got last night was completely different. I mentioned in chat that I felt I was on ice. It was drastic. What I didn’t do last night was check the settings in each room I raced in. The people hosting are always accurate with the settings when I’ve checked them before . I’ll check it out from now on, just for my own sanity.

It really comes down to a couple settings for the room.

Anything else shouldn’t affect this issue.
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Different tracks are faster/slower at different times of the day in game, even with all other settings being equal. Unless you have "equal conditions mode" on, which is agnostic to time of day and weather with regards to the game physics/grip. Personally, I always run with time change on 1x. I also typically run with weather on random when I'm lapping, unless I'm practicing for a specific reason, in which case I run the appropriate lobby settings for that race/series.

It is true that in real life a track will change, sometimes significantly, throughout the course of a day. My personal favourite track tends to slow down by about a second in late afternoon during the summer. On a GLTC weekend when the drifters are laying down garbage all season rubber everywhere, at some tracks lap times can slow down by 2 or more seconds by the end of the weekend. My normally tight race car was oversteering, as in countersteer was needed through the downhill at Lime Rock at 100mph in a fwd. Tracks can change a LOT under various circumstances, not unlike any other road. There is a lot of strategy at play to deal with these realities.

As well, if you are running weather/time change...the room grip/pace is different depending upon whether or not you made the lobby from scratch, or loaded a saved lobby setting. It also affects the timing of the weather. For example, let us say you set up a room with time and weather on, changing from cloudy to rain. Let's also say that when you set the room up, it started raining 6 minutes into the session. If you save the lobby settings, then reload the may start raining 4 minutes into the session instead. Unless they fixed this in the most recent update, this was still a thing a month ago. I think a few people know about this. I also tend to think most have kept quiet, because if you regularly run in lobbies with time and weather change this knowledge is a large advantage. Particularly with pit stops and tyre changes in play.

Edit: Just noticed you guys are running Laguna. Going back to GT5, Laguna had a cold tyre glitch, where despite many laps the tyres stayed cold and grip was very low. Being how much has been carried over from previous games...I wouldn't be surprised if PD never fixed this. It only occurred under certain circumstances. If I get time at some point I'll check that out, as it has somewhat piqued my interest.
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I can see what it’s intended for. It is realistic. But the thing is we all practice a month, to get that car just right. But it’s all about that last 15 minutes, right before that race that counts. I’ve hit it, then I’ve missed it. Then I’ve made a change and thought, “no, I better not”.

It’s tough to hit it just right. And the more PP you lose the finer the line becomes. Because it becomes about being on the throttle more than the next guy. And the handling has to be spot on to do that.

If you can’t gap a guy with high PP through the technical stuff, he’ll eat you up. So it don’t take much to throw you off.

We have already saw the tire be pushed too hard last round.

There’s a lot of good drivers out there, the comp has picked up. It’s a fine line.

Cup racing is a great way to show just how far a car can be pushed without getting too far away from its roots. The competition will bring out the best in it. It always amazes me.
Because they’re no where near perfect. But yet we all find a way.
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@llNovall I’m available if extras are needed or separate PS4 race.
I'll participate if I'm aloud with out the tt
Youre good to go. I have you at the base pp of 726.00. Right now, we have 18 PS5 drivers confirmed. Assuming no drops on race day, the secondary room would be looking at 4 PS4 drivers and 2 PS5 to total the 6 needed for a scoring event. I'm pretty confident that all drivers confirmed will be present, so anticipate the secondary room having a credible grid.
Youre good to go. I have you at the base pp of 726.00. Right now, we have 18 PS5 drivers confirmed. Assuming no drops on race day, the secondary room would be looking at 4 PS4 drivers and 2 PS5 to total the 6 needed for a scoring event. I'm pretty confident that all drivers confirmed will be present, so anticipate the secondary room having a credible grid.
awesome thanks
Back to the topic of grip change room to room.
I think the thing for everyone to do is create a buddy system. Especially when getting into the phase of practicing in race trim.

I would get with who is managing the team and make sure everyone can get on a similar schedule or ppl we all regularly practice with.

Then what I would do is create a system. One guy opens a room, everyone has 15 mins. to hit the track conditions right, then race. Then another guy open a room, do the same.

I used to practice this all the time. You know, come in ready to go, and grind right off getting that car right. Get it good as you can in 15 mins.

But I have had the track change from practice to the race. So it’s not a cure all. I do think practicing that will get everyone comfortable with making those last min. adjustments tho.

That’s the way I look at things, if I’m aware of an issue, then I’m going to at least do my best to be prepared for it.

Then the room host which is usually Nova, he’ll need to get the room opened early enough to give everyone the time need to recognize the conditions and make their final changes before submitting their final setup.

That could help things quite a bit. But sometimes conditions can’t be adjusted for the track just slows down.
Back to the topic of grip change room to room.
I think the thing for everyone to do is create a buddy system. Especially when getting into the phase of practicing in race trim.

I would get with who is managing the team and make sure everyone can get on a similar schedule or ppl we all regularly practice with.

Then what I would do is create a system. One guy opens a room, everyone has 15 mins. to hit the track conditions right, then race. Then another guy open a room, do the same.

I used to practice this all the time. You know, come in ready to go, and grind right off getting that car right. Get it good as you can in 15 mins.

But I have had the track change from practice to the race. So it’s not a cure all. I do think practicing that will get everyone comfortable with making those last min. adjustments tho.

That’s the way I look at things, if I’m aware of an issue, then I’m going to at least do my best to be prepared for it.

Then the room host which is usually Nova, he’ll need to get the room opened early enough to give everyone the time need to recognize the conditions and make their final changes before submitting their final setup.

That could help things quite a bit. But sometimes conditions can’t be adjusted for the track just slows down.
Funny part, I have yet to make one change to the car since I time trialed. My focus is more on adapting and adjusting to the conditions to find consistency and then race for what I can. Imo, every adjustment you make requires more effort to adjust to rather than staying with a tune that works and is confident allowing you to focus more on changes in conditions. Thats me though.
Funny part, I have yet to make one change to the car since I time trialed. My focus is more on adapting and adjusting to the conditions to find consistency and then race for what I can. Imo, every adjustment you make requires more effort to adjust to rather than staying with a tune that works and is confident allowing you to focus more on changes in conditions. Thats me though.
Yeah, that’s a very good point. The down side to always getting a car perfect can mean it’ll bother you if you feel it has changed . You become more reliant on the tune.

I would still practice this way. And get in that race room early.
It would make me feel as if I left a stone unturned. That’s just me. And how I work.
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Did you get this figured out? My t300 rs gt is starting to do the same thing….FFB works great for about 15-20 minutes and then fades away. It still has some feedback but it’s more of a humming and vibration when turning only.
Update. I got the new fan installed today and the old wheel is working again. The new fan is much quieter and seems to push more air than the original. Now I just have to knock some rust off after not playing at all for a few weeks.
Me too. I’m happy to even get in the 22’s but I’m sure there’s a few hitting 21’s
I’ve seen quite a few mid 22’s and a single 22.0, but nothing else close to 21.

Not sayin it’s not out there, but I haven’t seen it yet.

Not sure how many people in the mid 22’s are consistent at that pace.

I’ve managed a few mid 22’s myself but those are unusual and definitely not consistent for me.

Another factor is that I’ve really only practiced with the same 5-6 people. So plenty of people out there I haven’t seen on track since WG.
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I’ve seen quite a few mid 22’s and a single 22.0, but nothing else close to 21.

Not sayin it’s not out there, but I haven’t seen it yet.

Not sure how many people in the mid 22’s are consistent at that pace.

I’ve managed a few mid 22’s myself but those are unusual and definitely not consistent for me.

Another factor is that I’ve really only practiced with the same 5-6 people. So plenty of people out there I haven’t seen on track since WG.
Yeah I think my best so far was last night, just running practice laps, hit a 1:22.505.
As far as consistency, I would say low 23’s but hoping by Friday that’ll be mid-high 22’s
Yeah I think my best so far was last night, just running practice laps, hit a 1:22.505.
As far as consistency, I would say low 23’s but hoping by Friday that’ll be mid-high 22’s
Staying on track for 22 laps, with a tight field will be the biggest the practice lobbies I have been in, that seems to be the biggest factor even in 5 to 8 lap races.

There is a group of 9 drivers, that I have practiced against, that can run mid 1:22's

Just my 2 cents.
For anyone on RM, be reminded, that if you are above 731.00 regulation, you are on mandatory RM must take the hp deficit since youre gaining the tire compound concession....this should be around 514hp on rm at 736pp. At 731pp on Rm, the hp would be at 498hp to meet the 731pp reg. So figure, if youre in the 732-736 range, your on rm with a hp between around 501hp-514hp.
For those between 727.00 to 731.00pp, you have option....higher hp on rh (at 731, youre at 543hp on rh), or you can take the tire compound help and lower the hp (at 731 its approx 498). For those in this category, a big decision must be made. Sacrifice the straightline hp/speed for the braking and cornering grip, or run the higher hp, sacrificing the braking and cornering grip. For a track like laguna seca, I'd be willing to bet most would drop faster lap times at 498hp on rm than they would at 543hp on rh...or be very close. Decisions, decisions?
Wait what, Im on 728.17pp. I can choose to be on RM? 😱 I spent the whole week practicing and setting up the car on RM and i've reached some amount of consistency. I know for sure I would be faster on RM but now Im wondering if ill just mess things up if I switch last minute
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