online racing is *sooooooooo* much easier than competing IRL

Does 2nd gear ever break online?
Does your backup car ever lose its turbo (no boost) online?
Once you swap the turbo, does it fail to produce full boost online?
I've basically been offline for 2+ weeks taking care of those little IRL details.
@whatbadgerseat, my son and I were at the 3 events mentioned earlier, here's our results (hope badger doesn't mind me sharing his success), and congratulations to whatbadgerseat on 1st place at the champ tour and podium finishes at the other events!
Event ....@whatbadgerseat my_son me
San Diego Match Tour....2nd 3rd DNF
Crows Champ Tour.........1st 6th 5th
Crows ProSolo................3rd 8th 5th
So, the sob story starts with the San Diego match tour, where the "not totally unexpected" 2nd gear failure took place during morning runs. My son was able to get a ride in a competitors car to finish the event, but not yours truly - we just packed up the car and headed back home the next day. (I should mention whatbadgerseat tried really hard to share his car with us, but sadly event rules prevented us from implementing his generous plan.)
gratuitous 2nd gear failure vid:
So we found out the transmissions were back-ordered, so we needed to use my backup car - 1993 toyota mr2 turbo which had a bad turbo since ~Feb. so I did an "emergency turbo swap" - finishing less than 24 hr before being on site for the event. Here's a pic of whatbadgerseat's ND with my MR2.
The MR2 was fun, had to buy new tires for it just before the event, and it didn't place to badly among the competition which was mostly 2016+ Mazda MX5s, and especially given that it was running at probably 80% power (7psi vs 12psi stock boost). It is however not a very forgiving car to drive - here's two spins: one by me, one by my son - not a bad ratio, each of us spun the car once in 18 runs.
MR2 spin/snap oversteer:
The good news is the dealer received the transmission today, they already installed it, and I pick up the MX5 tomorrow!
So, I'm back to some online racing, and appreciating the maintenance free aspect of it more than ever!