post in the main thread reminded me that this thread existed. Warning; my videos are poorly made with zero editing and even less production value.
Historically I have not run a lot of video, as I tend to keep things simple and my equipment relatively spartan. However, with the new requirements to run at minimum a forward facing video camera(and some requiring rear as well) that many sanctioning organizations have installed in the past year or two; I have been running video. Below are a few highlights from this year. The car is a 1992 Honda Civic, ~2450lbs with driver. The motor is a 1/4 million mile junkyard non-vtec B18B, probably making somewhere around 115-120hp at the wheels. I run the car with various groups, so the car is not fully built to any particular ruleset. SCCA has very limited options for cars without the original engine, so I run the car in a catch-all Improved Touring class. As such, I'm classed with anything from Spec Miatas to 350HP+ Corvettes and BMWs. There are no prep limitations, just safety rules, so it's not serious competition. Though, because SCCA often runs mixed class racing outside of majors and runoffs, there are all sorts of cars around and your finishing results reflect both your finishing positions in class and overall. Anyway, below is an example of an average race, complete with avoiding crashing Miatas(maybe some nsfw language in there...be warned

) This race I finished 5th overall out of 25, 1st in class. You'll notice I get run over at the start as my qualifying lap times are on par with much more powerful cars, and then slowly make my way back up finishing several places ahead of my starting position. It's worth mentioning that I drive this car to races. So I tend to drive more conservatively and do my best to not get tangled up, particularly at the start, because I have to drive this car home after the race.
The above is pretty typical regional race, and there is a bit of open track out there. Below is a more entertaining, complete with spinning Miatas, although the driving more reserved and the lap times unimpressive. There is some awful driving to be witnessed in there, and some head shaking going on haha. The race below I started last as I did not run the qualifying or practice sessions the previous day(running a business sucks.) So I started from the back, ice cold with no practice or seat time, and clawed my way from 43rd to 24th gaining 19 positions in 11 laps. The lap times I ran were way off pace as I spent most of the race in traffic, still ended up with a best lap just outside the top 10 though well over a half second slower than my usual. It was a fun race that had a couple of my friends running in class, one with a 300+hp MR2 and another with a similarly powerful E30.
This is just a single flying lap of Lime Rock.