So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
Quite good actually. Was offered a position at a very respected consulting firm. Salary 20% higher than my previous job and some other nice benefits. Signing contract tomorrow.
Day was rained out. I had to catch up on a lot of outdoorsy stuff that had nothing to do with rain, so it was a washout. If I had only done this stuff the day before the rains came, then the rain would have been part of the game, but now the rain is a pain.
The only thing is . . . I'm not getting a day before the rain, because it's bloody well raining every day.


You have no idea how scathingly I said that word.
Had a chat with an old friend from school today. Ever since I knew him, he loved to draw. Comics, mangas, really good at that too. Dude's got a crazy imagination.

I found out he's studying to become an English teacher now. Hadn't drawn any new stuff in a while and he said drawing takes too much time.

Honestly I'm kinda sad to hear he didn't pursue arts, but as long as you're happy with what you do, that's all that matters.
Woke up, made some bacon... Some of the most disgusting, putrid bacon I've ever had. Good day so far though. Got some college stuff out the way.
Honestly I'm kinda sad to hear he didn't pursue arts, but as long as you're happy with what you do, that's all that matters.

That reminds me of one of my friends. He is a fantastic drummer, but I feel like after high school and after he ages out of drum corps and or drum line that he won't really drum much more. It would be such a waste because he just has a natural talent for it.

Anyways, so far has been good. Had a good night last night. Celebrated with 2 of my best friends. Then today I just listened to great music and played Dirt Showdown online. I never have really played it much online but I didn't realized how fun it really could be. I found myself laughing at some of the game modes. I don't know the proper name, but it's like capture the flag, and I was losing terribly, but I thought it was hilarious how Ito people would be really close to stealing the flag from the flagholder, and then they would crash each other and the guy would run away with the flag. Then when there were races, I didn't get mad when people crashed me because that's half of the point of the game and the crashes were cool. That's the most fun I've had in an online game in a long time.
It's Friday! Not sure what I'm going to do tonight but I have a Diamondbacks baseball game tomorrow night with my brother and my cousin. (bobblehead night!) And maybe some drinks afterwords.

Also, girl at work that hated my guts is talking to me again like nothing happened. :odd:

It's Friday! Not sure what I'm going to do tonight but I have a Diamondbacks baseball game tomorrow night with my brother and my cousin. (bobblehead night!) And maybe some drinks afterwords.

Also, girl at work that hated my guts is talking to me again like nothing happened. :odd:

Believe me, it is nothing new to me at all. ;)
This week has been ugly. You know what I mean? It's hard to describe, but it's a nasty feeling too. It doesn't help that I'm packing to move across the country, saying my goodbyes, and the weather has been dark and dreary. I ran up to my old stomping grounds where I used to work and spend a lot of time to reminisce. Haven't been up there in nearly a year. Old hangout spots, park benches I sat with friends on, parking spots I used everyday, all seemingly insignificant things I did repetitiously day in and day out now hold a special, sort of depressing, meaning. All those things are a part of me and yet you leave a bit of essence there too, like those things know you and miss you too. I ran into a guy I worked with over a year ago, which was highly unexpected. What are the chances that he had the day off from work, in a city of one million - that he doesn't even live or work in, and happened to be walking down the opposite side of the street as me? It just feels ugly. I'm not a person that handles huge change well, and this one has many different meanings behind it, so the move is representative of multiple failures and mistakes. But at least I can get back to where I thrived years ago. I'll let you know tomorrow how today finishes up.
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A year of frustration, patience, lots of moving, and being flat broke is starting to pay off. All in all a pretty good day :)
It's friday, so I'm sat, on my own, listening to my music, doing what I want, get paralytic on Rum and Corona. So today doesn't seem so bad now... but at the time, I have to say, like the day before it, and the day before that, it sucked. I'm not a fan of being me at the moment, mostly because I'm a ****, but partially because my days are filled with something that causes anxiety and depression, and there is very little let off in between - except for when I manage to go to a race weekend.... but that's not this weekend, in fact, that's not this month, because I'm totally brassic. Still can't figure out why 'm so poor.. still can't figure out why I bother.. Oh, well, I'm going to go and listen to some Owen Paul and remember the not so bad times...

Well, I now know that I am the normal when it comes to practicing things... I despised choir and its practicing, but on Thursday, I went to the Big Sing in Wellington, where my school's choir performed, and standing up on a stage in front of I don't know how many people, but it looked pretty much packed (and I think Wellington's Town Hall can seat 1609 people, so I would guess about 1000 + people were in there). But standing in front of them all I had no problems because in a choir no one can really make out an individual voice, but they probably could anyway because my school's choir was tiny (23 singers, a conductor and a pianist). But still, it was quite cool, mainly because some choirs made use of the massive organ behind the stage. (some of the other choirs were huge, almost 200 people in some choirs)

It's huge! Well compared to what I know, which is not much. Considering I think Wellington city is huge, I'm probably over exaggerating.

In the end we managed to get a Trophy, for keeping in spirit of the Big Sing Comp (which is sort of the one for small choirs who weren't amazing but at least they were nice people :lol:). But according to my music teacher (conductor), other Head of Department music teachers were impressed by the harmonies and force produced by the small choir. But that was probably just them being polite. :P Though it was fun... Though I didn't see as much good vehicles as I had hoped during the breaks, I saw a Jaguar XJ, and a new BMW 5 Series, but that was pretty much it. I need to go into Wellington's car dealers sometime, I know that they have a Mercedes dealer, so I might go in and see if I can drool on an SLS inside and out. :P

But I still don't like the practicing part of choirs. :P We kept on being told about what not to do in the Green Room. And when I finally got in there, it wasn't even green! It was yellow! :grumpy: :P
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Pretty good, and also a little sad. It started off with me learning a Vocaloid game was getting an English release. Then, today was the last day of school, so I'm finally out of there for a few months, but I won't be able to see my friends for a while. Then I spent the rest of the day playing video games.
Prom was yesterday (I didn't go.), but I went to a small after party, so that was fun.
And I found out that Crown Royal is disgusting.:yuck:
Today was my worst day since a long time. I just realized that my beloved aunt died yesterday. I tried to block my sadness but now reality permeates...
My condolences, on your loss, Monat!

I've had pain in my ear all day, and it's driving me insane :ouch:. Luckily, I can hear with the other ear.

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