So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
The Grand Cherokee is on my short list of vehicles to drive when I'm finally ready to move on from my beloved Pilot. đź‘Ť
Drove quite a lot of them before they had to get cleaned up and put on the front lot. And I do mean a lot in my first week of work. They're pretty nice inside. Don't know why but I quite like the diesel one that had the two tone interior that was brown and black. A little more than the other white GC that had a beige interior. The joystick is a little awkward, but once I got the hang of it, I was able to easily switch between drive, reverse, and park. (Just by holding the joystick forward or backward to switch faster to the desired mode. Never driven a vehicle with that kind of joystick before.)

My grandfather has a Ram almost identical to that, but a tad different. Averages about 14mpg in it with no spirited driving. It's actually very comfortable and rides very smoothly for a truck, pretty luxurious for an average truck but it definitely feels heavy.

They are pretty luxurious, the 1500 I drove had some big leather heated seats. Although it was a little odd having the knob to change gears in it. First time I've ever driven a truck too. :lol:
They are pretty luxurious, the 1500 I drove had some big leather heated seats. Although it was a little odd having the knob to change gears in it. First time I've ever driven a truck too. :lol:

I agree, for what they are and there's plenty of room inside which I like but that center console is HUGE. His is an automatic though.
Today is one of those days that just shouldn't have happened. Went to do an oil change on my truck and noticed the front hub assembly felt a little loose to the touch. Okay, no biggie, it has 150,000 miles, no surpise. Went to the parts store and upon leaving she gave me a check engine light, so when I got home I took out the code reader and found out the map sensor needed replaced. Now I'm getting a little annoyed but no biggie, yet... Went to remove the left front hub assembly and had a bolt rusted on. Well, long, Final Destination type story short, I strained too hard and when the bolt came loose I flew back, knocked into a bunch of stuff, causing my kayak to fall on the roof of my truck, leaving a long, straight dent running from side to side. 🤬 Needless to say I'm far from a happy camper right now.
After going to bed sick at 7:30pm Friday, barely moving from bed all day Saturday and most of today, being vertical is a nice change.
I had the best day ever. I got to hear this:

See these:

Sit in this:

And rev this:
After going to bed sick at 7:30pm Friday, barely moving from bed all day Saturday and most of today, being vertical is a nice change.
And shortly thereafter I was back asleep...

Whatever I had/have (not lupus) completely kicked my ass this weekend. It shouldn't be physically possible for that much snot to come out of my face but somehow I've managed to produce it. You're welcome for the quarterly sales spike, Kleenex.
If I have a bad moment, I start imagining having a Porsche 991 and I start smiling again. :D

The weather has been very good lately. There is a possibility that I can go on vacation etc.... . đź‘Ť
Was supposed to meet up with a girl but didn't happen due to "other" things and now I am regretting things not going well anymore and just figured maybe it's time just to be single and drink some.
Just found a snake in my boot. Thankfully I was taught to check them around this time of the year. Nothing poisonous, but it was big, and looked like it wasn't very happy about getting dumped out of it's "Nest. "
Simple day but I've just been having a hard time focusing. I have a test Friday and I also just have a hard time caring. im not really feeling good about anything, not myself, nothing. :/
Really laid back work day today. Worked with my brother, my brother's friend, and our band's drummer. So pretty much our entire band works for the same business, owned by the father of two of the band's members. And we were all working together today and things were good. Work was fun but also productive because we all have brains, unlike some others. :lol:

One guy in particular is really dumb, a few weeks ago he had to go and get something in Petone, and there was a crash on the highway, so there was a traffic jam that he had to get stuck in, so when he came back... Instead of avoiding the highway and the traffic jam... He just drives through the crash site again and gets held up in the traffic jam. :lol: He once came onto site in a new truck we'd gotten asking people how to turn off the truck, because he didn't know how to. Not realizing that if he really didn't know, he could just stall it. Which he is perfectly capable of doing because every day he stalls other vehicles at least two times before setting off. :lol: I think he's going to get fired as soon as he reaches the 90 work days mark, but he's just so comical in what he does that I'm not sure I want him to.

I also had to go to the safety shop to get my wet weather gear, and with it I got a FREE WATCH! And it's not a plastic digital one with a broken strap that looks like some scruffy teenager with overly long hair has owned it for almost 8 years (I've already got one of those). It's an analogue one with shiny plastic that is meant to make it look like it isn't plastic! FREE THINGS!!! :D
Really tough day for me. just had our dog put to sleep due to old age. I always thought I could cope with it but when you get there its different. She needed to go it was the best thing for her but I'm so upset right now.
I wanted something better than my Canon SX160 to take video with, so I dug up my mom's old Canon ZR45MC and found that the battery was completely shot (expected) and from what I can find on the internet the CCD sensor has either gone bad or is loose. I don't know a thing about electronics or cameras so I decided to take it apart and try to fix it. I'm too scared to disconnect the ribbon cables and that keeps me from doing a lot of things. I'm stuck where I'm at because I have no clue what to do next and there's hardly any information on the internet that I can find (just a lot of "Ooh I have this problem too did you ever get it fixed?" and people never responding again.)

zr45mc apart.jpg
Overslept for class... Dad said he tried waking me up.. by yelling at me from another room. My alarm just went off at 10:28 when I had it set at 6:01 AM. What the ****?
I had a meeting this morning at work and one of the guys brought in an Oculus Rift VR headset for us to play with. :D

This evening, a neighbor brought over his self-bought birthday present - a Traxxas Slash - for me to play with. :D

I want one. Of each. :lol:
The weather was...pretty much perfect throughout the day. A little bit above 60 degrees, but enough of a breeze to make it feel nice. Had all three shop doors opened and worked on several cars. They day felt really long, but the weather made it better. Downside was cleaning a loaner...and a minivan at that. I have to say I'm glad I don't have dog allergies, since this loaner Chrysler Town & Country was full of dog hair and old dog treats despite there being a sticker in it saying "NO SMOKING OR PETS ALLOWED IN LOANERS." I figured that I would eventually work on a PT Cruiser... And today was that day...of a convertible with a disgusting interior. Just glad I didn't have to drive it. :lol:
Went to the douchey barbershop that all the nfl players and jersey shore people go to. It was ten dollar tuesday. I got a really good haircut, they quoted me $12, then gave me $5 change for a $20. Wtf. I gave the fiver to my barber. I got a really good haircut.
It's been pretty good. Went to the New Hampshire Motor Speedway for the beginning of the New England drift season with friends. A good time watching and getting some good photos, although frustrating trying to upload them with Facebook being a piece of 🤬 and screwing over the entire upload over and over... Finally uploaded a small bit of my 600 photos. Also went around NH's mall area doing some diecast collecting as there's no sales tax. :D Exhausted I'm sure I'll get some sleep pretty quickly.

An unedited piece...

Chocolate Easter engine bunny. :3

Been working on my bike for the last few days, will post some more pics when it's all done.

Since I'm on night shift, on my 3 day weekend I was able to work in the garage all night with no disruptions.
Got sick yesterday before work and had to go home early, which really sucked because we got holiday pay. Obviously I'm sick today too and I have a TON of stuff I need to get done, which probably won't get done because I can't even do the dishes without having to lie back down. However, I'm waiting for a friend to tell me if she can get me a job, which would be totally awesome. The pay sucks for the commute I'd have to do, but the company and the job sound like a perfect fit for me! She sounded pretty sure that they were still hiring like mad, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!!
Still annoyed that the CD I pre ordered about a month ago has released, and for me it's instantly put to backorder. I've been excited for this new album since last year when they said they were releasing an album in 2014. And it's out now, I've paid for it, but I can't have it! :mad: I'm losing patience now. Might just see if anyone has uploaded it to youtube so I can listen. I mean, I've paid for it, so it would only make sense that I'm allowed to listen to it, right?

On the other hand, work was alright, I managed an entire day without having to use a shovel, so that's a plus. :P Mainly because I was on stop/go signals. :lol: And in my experience I learned that every single person who drives in a city during the day is an idiot. They just don't seem to grasp the concept of driving, I saw a crash almost happen (surprisingly, it had nothing to do with my stop/go job :lol:) because someone just blindly pulled out onto one of the busiest narrow roads IN THE WORLD!!!! About 30% of the drivers indicated correctly at the intersection we were working near, and to finish it off... The guy on the other stop/go sign was an idiot who had no idea what he was doing, and couldn't hear any of my instructions because he had a headphone stuck in his ear. :banghead: I mean, who does that!?

But on the plus, I was amazed when a Smart Coupe drove past.. Not because it was a Smart Coupe, but more because someone actually bought one! :lol: I also saw an Aston Martin Rapide, so that was cool. And some sort of BMW M car that looked like an M4, but not quite. I don't know, it was confusing. :confused:
Got accepted to college for becoming a helicopter pilot. :D

Then drove an hour to look at a bike in Hamilton, only to realize that the address was in Toronto. :lol:

Going to Toronto, @Slash made an excellent Skype driving companion, even when the phone flew across the car after nearly missing the turn off.:lol:

Bike looked and rode pretty good, will go back to maybe sort something out on the weekend.
Going to Toronto, @Slash made an excellent Skype driving companion, even when the phone flew across the car after nearly missing the turn off.:lol:

:lol: Everything was going fine and then all of a sudden I hear "oh 🤬" and the turn was at the very last second of the bottom hand of the corner of the screen and then I heard a big "oahwdogjanseoitgsdngjaskbglajscrashhhh" and the screen went black :lol:

Looked like you were going 60mph trying to make a 10mph turn :lol: