So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
I'm annoyed. I have some screwed up family members.

It is like everyone on my dad's side is just a broken human being that can't handle the status quo of normalcy as people. Constant bickering and fighting. Love is something that they haven't exactly learned the definition of. (That includes my dad, somewhat.)

All of the problems on his side of the family have been stemmed from my grand mother, and I'll be frank and honest, I want her time of living to be up. Harassing my mother, harassing my dad, making sure that shortcomings can't be anything other than shortcomings.

I have never seen such a pathetic group of people in my entire near twenty years of living.

Sorry for the little rant, but I'm dealing with their **** for a bit too long, and it's time for some change.
Pretty good. And there was a possibility of that not happening when I almost changed my mind about going to a rally event. (It was raining early in the morning and I wasn't sure about taking a two and a half hour drive) My friend brought me out to some cool spectator locations and I got to see David Higgens, Ken Block, and Travis Pastrana up close. :D

This one came out too blurry. :(
Yesterday, my day was bad. My date with one of my best friends which I was going to have in this week has been postponed because she's working... What a shame... :(
Suppose my reply could be more of "How was the beginning of your week?"

Simple answer is awful....

Dealing with co-workers chatting over Facebook that I somehow became "friends" with and end up with them doing nothing but racial jokes towards me. Tell them to stop and they call me a butthurt 🤬 and go on to machine gun fire Asian jokes and butthurt "memes."

Today...dealing with my aunt who came to visit and do nothing but make fun of me throughout the time she's been staying and joining in on my parents 🤬 talk. Managed to accidently break my only well as get blamed by my dad, for himself losing my car keys after he moved my car without asking me. (Basically saying if I didn't live at home, this wouldn't be a problem...hooray...)

Pretty sure I've said it plenty of times, but it feels like everything's getting worse and worse.
Feeling kind of weird today. I move in to my college dorm tomorrow. Last week I was super excited. But, this week, it hit me pretty hard. I'm actually going to be away from my family...
Feeling kind of weird today. I move in to my college dorm tomorrow. Last week I was super excited. But, this week, it hit me pretty hard. I'm actually going to be away from my family...

It's a good thing, trust me. Moving away to university was one of the major events that led to me figuring out who I am as a person. Young adults need that.

Just don't walk around with your chin high like that around campus, and you'll be fine. :P
Feeling kind of weird today. I move in to my college dorm tomorrow. Last week I was super excited. But, this week, it hit me pretty hard. I'm actually going to be away from my family...
It is a great thing. It took me 4 weeks to get used to being on my own but once that was over I actually prefer it to living with my parents.
It is a great thing. It took me 4 weeks to get used to being on my own but once that was over I actually prefer it to living with my parents.

It's a good thing, trust me. Moving away to university was one of the major events that led to me figuring out who I am as a person. Young adults need that.

Just don't walk around with your chin high like that around campus, and you'll be fine. :P

Thank you, friends! I know it'll be quite the change, but if this is what will help my dream then so be it! 👍
Exceptionally bad.

Been to the doctor's earlier today due to constant back pain and pain in the thighs. Yeah, might very well be a spinal disc herniation, he said. There's a certain chance things will sort themselves out, though, as he wasn't 100% sure. Might just be a nasty case of overstraining, coupled with what seems to be another case of the flew. Been on sick leave two weeks ago, to boot. And am on sick leave again. This ain't good :indiff:
Had to go somewhere far away to do something. It was kinda foggy and dark when i left and i had turn my window defroster to see. Then after 2 hours i went to my car(944) and it was extremly foggy and dark and some how my blower fan quit working (fuse i think) so i had to wipe out an area so i could somewhat see out but the moisture kept coming back stoped at a store and bought some towels. Wiped away as much as i could it helped a little. So what i did was use the heat from the engine by staying on the gas but not alot, also used my fog lights for the first time and i got home safely.

So my day was a little scary but it was fun at the same time.
It was a trainwreck that cost me... $7. I had a Thermo midterm today that completely derailed. Should have stayed home instead of paying $7 for parking to basically fail.

Ehh... at least I get a second chance in the final.
So called Friends hate each other yet they lack any guts to tell each other how much they hate them and instead telling people like me which is just making them even more miserable by hanging around the people they hate and they don't tell each other. I feel like I am the only person who doesn't hate anyone of my friends or have anything against them.
Great day today. First half was my first time hosting a GT6 online championship lobby. And the turnout was great, and the racing went even better. And then in the afternoon I went with my dad for some riding and had a blast, quite literally. There were some steep hills. :P

My bike is a the white Suzuki DR.


I must say though, the DR isn't very nice on the road back home. :P When you sit at any particular speed for awhile it starts surging. But it's fine offroad, and that's all that matters, really.
Today was one of those days. And I mean one of those days. Easily the most peculiar Thursday of my life.

I've written a fair bit about it, so I've put it in a spoiler. I think it's worth reading, though.

So to start off, I had a shower, styled my hair, the usual stuff. Just after that, I tried to clear my throat and ended up vomiting. I was so taken back by it, I just looked at myself in the mirror and said "That's not a good omen..."

Then, I went to college, did all the uninteresting boring stuff and went to my History class, where I'm one of only two boys of a class of about 18. I'm sat in a corner surrounded by five girls that I talk to a lot in class. I just decided to just listen to music for the first half hour or so, when I suddenly heard the two girls I talk to the most talking about going on Omegle and seeing... well, you can probably guess. Anyway, I took my earphones out and asked them about this, as I only heard the middle of this conversation. They laughed and then one of them had this conversation with me (G being them, M being me):

G: Well, everybody likes a bit of ****, don't they?
M: Well, no. Not necessarily.
G: You do, don't you?
M: Wait, what!?
G: Oh, I thought you were gay! *laughs*

I ended up taking that personally like an idiot and I just put my earphones back in. Even though that girl hugged me when the lesson ended, I still took it seriously and was in a bad mood for all of my lunch break. I was looking fairly pissed at everyone in town and they were giving me weird looks as well. I wanted to talk about this with some other friends who are usually in college today, but they weren't and this put me in an even worse mood. So I went for a walk and sat on a fire escape for a while, thinking why they thought I was gay which escalated into "Wait, am I gay? I mean, last sociology lesson I realised I'm actually fairly feminine, but then again, there's this other thing, etc", which made me end up missing the first hour and a half of my Philosophy class, which was OK. I ended up talking to somebody about how they called somebody an isotope and how they were really offended because they thought they were calling them fat, which was really funny considering this guy is probably the most awkward guy I've ever met.

After that, I finished college, talked to some other friends about how doing A levels is my punishment for being terrible on my last course and how Disney would ruin the Terminator franchise even more and then I bumped into another friend who thought I was going to punch them because I was still in an awful mood, then I finally caught my bus home.

But then on that bus journey home, I had a revelation. I was wondering why those girls thought I was gay and I realised it's probably because the two main things they know about is that I like musicals, specifically the movie Cabaret with Liza Minnelli, and that I sometimes wear girls' T-shirts to school. I also realised that I was getting looks in town because I was scowling at people while I'm wearing a T-shirt that has Charlie Brown wearing a Friday the 13th hockey mask that says 'Death To Everyone'. When I remembered this, I thought "Oh yeah. That's why..." and I just couldn't stop smiling.

(I feel I should elaborate it's not ridiculously girly clothing, in fact it's mainly unisex T-shirts that my sister used to wear. I remember when I told one of them this, she looked really shocked and when I replied with "If it looks good, it looks good, right?", I got bemused looks from everyone in the class. Looking back at it, it's absolutely hilarious.)

So, yeah. As my mum put it, "Today was quite a gay day". :lol:
Me and my parents came back home from our grandparents place where we celebrated thanksgiving. I was generous enough to ask my mom if I could drive the last 70 miles from Jamestown, and of course she said yes.
So tired of cutting down trees, moving grand parents, driving, watching football, going to football games, eating, standing up...

Uhh... This weekend has been so busy, why can't I just do one thing at a time..
Edit: Good news it never got approved and i am not on the so called bad kids who skip school list.
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Was an overall pretty rotten day:

  • Got woken up by a really bad stomach pain at 4am that had subsided by 6am when I had to get up for work
  • Got Whammed at work in the morning by my local radio station for the second time.
  • We then had a power surge at 4:30pm where all the lights and machines went off right when I was in the middle to running a cycle. When power quickly returned, I couldn't get my machine restarted to fix an alarm by resetting it.
Today was one of those days that could convince me that Karma exists, I even thanked a non-existent person with a silent voice in my head for getting me out of some 🤬

Also decided to acknowledge alcohol issues. This was a good thing that I decided to celebrate with a drink. Huzzah!.
Great day today. First half was my first time hosting a GT6 online championship lobby. And the turnout was great, and the racing went even better. And then in the afternoon I went with my dad for some riding and had a blast, quite literally. There were some steep hills. :P

My bike is a the white Suzuki DR.

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I must say though, the DR isn't very nice on the road back home. :P When you sit at any particular speed for awhile it starts surging. But it's fine offroad, and that's all that matters, really.

Had a DR in black one time, gold rims, decades ago - seeing that pic brought a tear to me eye. I loved that bike; it was alive. Pok pok pok pok.


I did the same stuff today that I would have done even if I was filthy rich and had all the time in the world.
Painted, wrote, read, photographed, danced, cooked, drove, drank a beer, ate lots of chocolate.

Didn't ride a DR. Another day for that, I guess.

A good day.

Traveled across the United States by plane in a time frame less than 24hrs and ate some Taco Bell with my stomach empty which offended my stomach.

The only bad thing is that I'm being asked to go to church at 7 P.M although I have no interest in expressing any religious beliefs (Not sure if I have any.) Really, I just want to sleep and prepare for tomorrow's busy work day. Probably going to pop up, say hi, and leave.

That really sounds like a bad day, but it was good.