It's 4:38 AM and I have a biology final in around 5 hours. Second all nighter I pulled. I'm ready but extremely anxious. I'm worried about what they're going to ask for the written portion of the final.
Tomorrow I'll have a Transitional Metal Chemistry final around the same time. I'm ready for thst as well, just gotta practice mechanisms, point groups, and character tables.
Then I'll have Atmospheric Chemistry on Friday, and Thermodynamics on Sunday and then off to vacation.
I am beyond spent. On the verge of giving up but I keep thinking of my gf and my family to help me along; plus that whole, success could be right around the corner bull:censored:.
I really need this week to pay off for me.
EDIT - Not going to double post
It's 6 AM...
Bio final was great! Came home, crashed. Woke up around 7 PM and broke down. I wasted all that time... pulled another all nighter studying Transitional Chemistry

I dunno about this, guys... I thought I was prepared until I saw the last four or five lectures... They were brutal. I really don't know. I don't feel prepared at all. Organometallic reactions just slipped past me. I can't get them to stick. I gave up on specific reaction mechanisms. No way in hell I'm memorising hydroformylation reactions and their intermediates. I gave it my all and I don't feel it's enough... which just makes it even worse.
At least I got my gf to focus and do well on her exams.
Anyways this exam is in three hours. Im going to lie down for an hour or so and head out.