So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
I woke up with the gym on my mind, so I had a cheddar, chicken and spinach sandwich, flavor blasted Goldfish and some carrots.

Now I am at the gym doing some light aroebic exercises, heavy lifting and some cardio afterwards.

After all of this, I'm just going to be studying for my classes at the gym's lounge and I'm going to do a bit of laundry after a dinner.

Just a simple Sunday without having to work. I love it.
Just had the best end to a day in a long time.

Real Madrid won the last match of 12 and I just cashed in $1550 profit from a $10 bet. :crazy: :P :D
Almost had another argument with my manager. TL;DR: She wants the floors mopped a very specific way, she can do it herself. Not in a good mood lately because yes what my store needs is yet more managers whereas I've been the sole member of my department for two months now with the distinct possibility I'm not getting a second one.
Well weird day which started last night.

Had a letter sent to me from the Hospital yesterday, telling me they want me in for my annual checkup today. So I had to go into work at 7:00am this morning and hand over the letter praying they'll allow the medical leave.

Lucky for me, my manager is a lovely person and booked everything in.

I crammed all my days work into the few short hours while in the building and off I go across town.

I've just got out now with my arm punctured from the blood test and my Dr saying he will see me in 12 months.

I think a trip to the Lego store for treat is in order. :)

Completely forgot that the deadline to pick my courses for the next semester was on Friday. Got that one messed up real good. But whaddya know, about two hours after realising my mistake, I got an e-mail in my inbox. The whole shebang has to be redone from scratch. Apparently, we got too few students per course, so the university couldn't proceed as planned.

I'm such a lucky son of a 🤬:lol:
Yesterday and today been terrible. Yesterday i had a really bad cold. I went to work but didn't stay long because i felt terrible. So they let me go home. I layed in bed all day fighting a bad headache and a bad cough. Then i woke up this morning and felt a little better but guess what..... I got an ear infection. So these two days has not been good at all.
Got stuff done today. Achievement.

I've earnt myself a few cold beers in the pub so that is where I am now.

Yesterday I got a lot done too. So I'm also drinking yesterday's 'achievement' beers today.


I like being a student again.

Today I cut down the overgrown ficus tree. What a son of a bitch job that was. Had to rope everything and fish the branches out of the canal. And no power tools. Just a hand saw and a boat rope.

It's 4:38 AM and I have a biology final in around 5 hours. Second all nighter I pulled. I'm ready but extremely anxious. I'm worried about what they're going to ask for the written portion of the final.

Tomorrow I'll have a Transitional Metal Chemistry final around the same time. I'm ready for thst as well, just gotta practice mechanisms, point groups, and character tables.

Then I'll have Atmospheric Chemistry on Friday, and Thermodynamics on Sunday and then off to vacation.

I am beyond spent. On the verge of giving up but I keep thinking of my gf and my family to help me along; plus that whole, success could be right around the corner bull:censored:.

I really need this week to pay off for me.

EDIT - Not going to double post

It's 6 AM... :indiff:

Bio final was great! Came home, crashed. Woke up around 7 PM and broke down. I wasted all that time... pulled another all nighter studying Transitional Chemistry :(:guilty:

I dunno about this, guys... I thought I was prepared until I saw the last four or five lectures... They were brutal. I really don't know. I don't feel prepared at all. Organometallic reactions just slipped past me. I can't get them to stick. I gave up on specific reaction mechanisms. No way in hell I'm memorising hydroformylation reactions and their intermediates. I gave it my all and I don't feel it's enough... which just makes it even worse.

At least I got my gf to focus and do well on her exams.

Anyways this exam is in three hours. Im going to lie down for an hour or so and head out.
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USPS is making it hard for me to like this day so far. I don't know what the hell they are up to, but I had another package a couple weeks ago ship from California and make a scenic detour through Miami Florida, before returning to Arizona. :rolleyes:

I usually have good days and I don't rant, but today is quite bad for me.

When I decided to turn on my PS3 and play GT6, the bluetooth module got malfunctioned and because of that, I can't play games unless I'm using a wire to my controller. In addition, my parents are blaming me because I just added PS2 games on the PS3 (Mind you its bought in the PS Store).

I don't know what to say about it but they think its my fault and I don't think so because there's no way that games will affect the bluetooth module of the PS3 unless someone can tell me the causes of a bluetooth module/chip malfunction.

But yeah. It was bad and they even blocked me from upgrading the PS4 to PS4 Pro because they think that I'll be tinkering it but no I will not that.

So yeah. It was bad.
Hectic. Last day of work until the new year and of course I had a major presentation scheduled in. :rolleyes:

Couldn't have gone better so the year will end on a high.

Thirteen days off now. Woo!
Was fine for awhile then around 4 pm it just went downhill.
School wasn't the best for me this semester and well had to drop one class because of things and then with that I knew I had to "appeal" to stay however they denied it because I guess they take in account when you dropped the class into consideration. So if I dropped it like first week it's okay but dropping it mid term because of other reasons is not? Probably the reason why my school only has a 22% graduation rate. Can't keep them in school to complete their degree.
Woke up this morning and found out one of the cats that hangs around our house, a cat I am quite fond of, got run over during the night and it was lying in the road. Me and mom went out to look at it to see if it was dead or if it was suffering, well surely enough, it was dead. The worst part of it was when I approached it, I noticed one of its eyes was completely popped out of it's socket! It was a horrifying sight for me and I have been trying to get that image out of my head all day now.

Now my brother is having issues with his girlfriend which it's not looking good for him so far and I hate it for him too. Yea, today was not too good for me.

When I decided to turn on my PS3 and play GT6, the bluetooth module got malfunctioned and because of that, I can't play games unless I'm using a wire to my controller. In addition, my parents are blaming me because I just added PS2 games on the PS3 (Mind you its bought in the PS Store).
I know this is an old post but....

So far, so boring. My classes don't start until next week and I finished all of my work yesterday. To I have nothing much to do other than try to entertain myself with YouTube.
Frustrating as all heck, running on very limited sleep. Most of the details are in my trike thread (here), but despite how today went I've had a lot worse days than this. Just hoping tomorrow will be better. :indiff:
So the previous morning we found something tragic on the road near our house... roadkill. More specifically, a cat. It was pretty grown as well, which is even worse. Must've happened through the night, because it didn't happen during sundown.

But we've no idea what to do next. I suppose the best course, we thought was just move it somewhere it can decompose, or be eaten by other wildlife. In the end that's what we did (made sure it wasn't at an area where it might pollute or cause odors). But even now i feel pretty awful for the cat.. Roadkill is pretty sad.

I see all kinds of roadkill daily. I've become a bit numb to it, even when, like this morning, it's a tiny pup.

My day was fine but I had to laugh when I got home and got a message from my manager complaining that my almost empty desk was untidy. She took before and after photos and all she'd done was move my water bottle and hide the internet cable under the desk. Pretty pathetic but whatever, clearly her OCD is worse than mine.
So the previous morning we found something tragic on the road near our house... roadkill. More specifically, a cat. It was pretty grown as well, which is even worse. Must've happened through the night, because it didn't happen during sundown.

But we've no idea what to do next. I suppose the best course, we thought was just move it somewhere it can decompose, or be eaten by other wildlife. In the end that's what we did (made sure it wasn't at an area where it might pollute or cause odors). But even now i feel pretty awful for the cat.. Roadkill is pretty sad.
Ironic, I guess I am not the only one who has had a cat problem lately.
Oh hey maybe it's my turn to share some life. Well my gf broke up with me. It really sucks, I don't want it but we're still friends at least. Also it's finals week neat, great timing. I just stayed up all night last night finishing backed up work from when we broke up, and I have an exam tomorrow. So I'd say my life is pretty put together right now.
Not bad, I had a day off so I went cycling for 12 kilometers (Lots of steep uphill sections) AND managed to do heavy barbell box squats afterwards, matching my previous personal best. My legs are invincible!
Got my new glasses today. Honestly it's not a huge difference compared to my last ones, but I would be lying if i said it's not an improvement. this'll take a while to adjust actually

edit: everything looks slightly miniature, it's quite odd.
Somewhat nerdy stuff. Moved into a house with a 3kW solar panel system a couple of weeks ago and been trying to figure out how to monitor its production and our consumption of said power. Like everything these days it's all managed by a smartphone app which is quite handy.

Also received a call back from a potential employer saying that while I interviewed well they won't be accepting me because of a lack of dealership experience with regards to car cleaning. They also mixed me up with someone else and didn't have me in for a job trial even though they said that they had. But, apparently the other bloke being considered that had done the trial was also turned down so the recruitment agency is going to run my name past them again in a week and hopefully they will actually give me a chance. Fingers crossed.