So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
It's teacher's day today but instead of getting the day off I have to sit through a boring ceremony and listen to Buddhists pray about stuff and accept half dead flowers terribly arranged by 9 year old kids.

I'd much rather teacher's day was a day off and I could have spent last night enjoying some beers.
It's teacher's day today but instead of getting the day off I have to sit through a boring ceremony and listen to Buddhists pray about stuff and accept half dead flowers terribly arranged by 9 year old kids.

I'd much rather teacher's day was a day off and I could have spent last night enjoying some beers.
"And today's class is chemistry. Who knows how beer is made?"

"No one?"

"Well, let's go on a field trip..."
"And today's class is chemistry. Who knows how beer is made?"

"No one?"

"Well, let's go on a field trip..."

Here I am collecting the hops post-brew...

Today was actually pretty good! Got to sleep later than usual since I wasn't able to go to school this morning. My birthday is tomorrow and as a early birthday gift I got to go to Pizza Hut for the first time since 2008. For once it wasn't slow and the pizza was good! We very rarely go for several reasons and this is only my 3rd time going pretty much ever. So that made my day and knowing my birthday is tomorrow makes me excited! :D
Today started out normal, until I was going to college. I was riding with my mom and a driver had fallen asleep behind the wheel and the car went over the yellow line and side swiped us. Thankfully none of us were hurt and all it did was take out the mirror and do some minor damage to the door. Needless to say I was awake after that.

Thankfully I am fine both physically and mentally and apart from that happening, my day was good!
Hey guys. Long time no see around here.

Not a great time for me. After I broke up with my girl in november (wich I was living for three years), I met this girl in April.
I totally got into her, and we keep dating for a month. She is very, very nice and super kind. She was fine with me, she liked me.
But after a month she said "I can't go forward, I'm a mess right now. I'll totally regret this, but it's the right thing to do now. Bye"

Boom, destroyed.

I'm old and grown up. But still, it hurts like hell.
I'd be down with that.

Me too. There's a track in western Mass we could rent out, or we can just find a nice, empty lot.

Palmer Motorsports Park for those who are curious.

Apologies for the late response, but I can only assume we should probably move this to a new thread possibly. In the meetup sub forum. I've got several events that I go to in New England that we could figure out.

I think renting a track a bit pricey, so it'd probably just be easier to meet up at an already established event. I'll make a new thread for us.
The last few days have been quite fine and today I start my weekend beach holiday so hopefully it'll remain as clear and sunny as it is now.

The only downside is I've been passing a lot of blood from my bowels recently, I can only assume I've blown an o-ring in my bottom.

Edit: how silly is it that airport security made me take my sun cream out of bag but completely ignored the cigarette lighter in the same bag?
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Hey guys. Long time no see around here.

Not a great time for me. After I broke up with my girl in november (wich I was living for three years), I met this girl in April.
I totally got into her, and we keep dating for a month. She is very, very nice and super kind. She was fine with me, she liked me.
But after a month she said "I can't go forward, I'm a mess right now. I'll totally regret this, but it's the right thing to do now. Bye"

Boom, destroyed.

I'm old and grown up. But still, it hurts like hell.

The love of my life simply got away in a hard cold stone manner and I'm destroyed inside. Hurts like hell, I thougth I wouldn't have to go through this kind of 🤬 anymore in my life, but there it is again: pain, tears, rejection, regrets, darkness and I don't know how much time of sadness I'll have to endure, which won't be easy because of my circunstances now: new and fairly small city to go out and meet new people, no friends around, family far away.

Man, why does life have to be so hard sometimes?
My day was great! Went to see the new Transformers movie today with some friends and I enjoyed it. Came home after the movie and found out my package had came much sooner than expected! It said it wouldn't be here until sometime between July 26th and Aug 2nd, but somehow it came MUCH sooner. How this happened, I am not sure, but I am not going to complain, I am glad it did! :D All in all, it was a actually a good Saturday, for once.

Today I was the dummy puppet for 2 female relatives who learned defense moves in case they get attacked. I told them not to be afraid of using everything they've got, and so they did, they tried to throw me, bend my wrists or free themselves when I grabbed them on their arms and tried to drag them away.
They could not hurt nor even move me an inch, and they tried with all the power they had. I just stood there, made myself solid and didn't let go, they could not even get close to freeing themselves. This sure as hell would not have worked on a smaller man either.

They were pretty frustrated and confused because they were really confident it would work wonderfully. And that was under ideal conditions, I would not have grabbed them or dragged in those silly ways.

It only supports my stance towards quick self defense classes, the quick boost in confidence may make things even more dangerous for the victim. Extensive defense classes with a dozen hours of training / week - sure, but just a couple of tricks with little training and no body conditioning - a big no.
@Michael88 I very much doubt that your relatives are going to have an issue with someone of your size and power out in public as you're not a typical size fellow. I'd be surprised if more than 5% of the population had the power and training you have.

If personal experience has taugh me anything (from numerous fights at school) is that a swift kick in the nuts and some eye gouges really minimise the effect of size in an opponent. Yeah, it might be considered "fighting dirty" in a school yard but employing underhanded tactics when defending oneself from an attacker is probably just as useful as several evening classes on how to do self defence using martial arts techniques like blocks and trips and whatnot.
@Michael88 I very much doubt that your relatives are going to have an issue with someone of your size and power out in public as you're not a typical size fellow. I'd be surprised if more than 5% of the population had the power and training you have.

If personal experience has taugh me anything (from numerous fights at school) is that a swift kick in the nuts and some eye gouges really minimise the effect of size in an opponent. Yeah, it might be considered "fighting dirty" in a school yard but employing underhanded tactics when defending oneself from an attacker is probably just as useful as several evening classes on how to do self defence using martial arts techniques like blocks and trips and whatnot.

As I mentioned, I'm absolutely sure a guy half my power and size would have had no problem assaulting these women. There really was no power behind their moves.

As for fighting dirty, sure there are several tricks, but you should not underestimate people that are high on adrenaline, I have seen people getting kicked in the nuts really damn hard and people breaking their arms in a fight and they only noticed their injuries AFTER the fight. There are even MMA kick boxers who continue their fight with multiple rib and jaw fractures with no problems and soldiers continued to fight with guts hanging out of their bellies.

I am not a fighter and I have little experience with brawls, but I'd say if running away is not an option (That should always be option #1) and you have no knive or pepper spray try to incapacitate the attacker with a hook to the chin. Try to hit them as hard as possible in the face. They cant attack you of they're unconscious.

Problematic if you are a woman though.
Try to hit them as hard as possible in the face. They cant attack you of they're unconscious.

To be honest the last place I want to throw my fist is at the hardest, boniest part of the body. That's the fastest way to broken knuckles. Of all the punches I've taken to the face (many) only one has ever knocked me unconscious and that was a running punch from somebody I wasn't even fighting at the time, even then I was only out for a split second before getting back up from the ground pumped on adrenaline and completely unaware of injury (slight bruising at most).

A well placed gut punch to the organs can have just as much stopping force and perhaps even greater immediate affect than one to the head, which is much harder to coordinate and get right. That's just speaking from a personal perspective, I'm no expert at all.
Not bad. I started working out again on monday after being "out" for 7 months. This evening was a good training session.
Today was good! Woke up around 6 and went to Grandfather Mountain today and came back at 7. We went all the way to the swinging bridge and I got to climb on some massive rocks a long the way! The views were amazing and it was rather chilly at the top, but truthfully it felt good. Overall it was fun and I hope I get to do this again someday!
Good, I'm not even feeling depressed because I had so much to do at work and it was such a productive day.

Also I harvested some of my garden-grown paprikas. They taste so much better than those from the supermarket its not even funny. Mine are sweet, firm and flavorful, those in the stores area little limp and have a strange bitter aftertaste. :boggled:

Fairly relaxing day - 50km leisurely ride and a full clean for the bike afterwards.

It's nice having Monday (today) off. Next week I have Friday off. Lovely.
Good, I'm not even feeling depressed because I had so much to do at work and it was such a productive day.

Also I harvested some of my garden-grown paprikas. They taste so much better than those from the supermarket its not even funny. Mine are sweet, firm and flavorful, those in the stores area little limp and have a strange bitter aftertaste. :boggled:


That's usually how home grown vegetables/fruit are. They are sweeter, firmer, juicier but they ripen really quickly and rot even faster.
It was ok but then a sudden power outage was the harbinger of impending doom:



I've seen my fair share of terrible thunderstorms but this one was beyond anything I've seen. Trees were torn out of the ground, or snapped in half, hail shot ally my plants to death and the wind was tornado -worthy.-
My day was great! Went to an Apple store today and got my old 160GB Ipod classic fixed after years of being unable to properly use it. While they don't exactly do repairs on it, the guy took some time to mess around with the diagnostic menu on the device itself and he was able to restore it so it would work again. (I don't really know anything beyond that) Now I can finally use it again! :D Despite it's age, I still have a lot of use for it especially since it has 160GB.
(Long story short, back in September 10th 2014, something happened and I was unable to copy things to and from it, I couldn't restore it either, but I could still turn it on. Ironically it was the day the device was "killed off" as well, I even posted about it on here the day it happened.)

Went to Olive Garden after, then to some other uninteresting places and came home. It was really nice not having to clean my grandma's house for once. :D Overall, good day and I wish Saturdays could be more like this.
Although I know this is a thread where you're supposed to post about what happened in a day, I'mma make it a week right here.

So, my first week of work is over. Only had two weeks of summer holidays instead of six. Which was kind of a change, but I can cope with it. My work week started on tuesday. When I went in, I noticed the car dealership has another job trainee - just not as a car salesman like me, but as a mechanic. He's about 1,5 years younger than me, but we get along well. However we didn't talk a lot during the first two days (our only real chances of talking are on our ways to the bus), probably because he and me were shy or so. On the third day of the week he started a conversation and we kept talking through the whole way to work and back when we were done working. Something like that, you know, a person in your age who you can get along nicely with, can take some weight off of your shoulders. Especially with me, since I feel very insecure at the moment and it's all somewhat uncommon for me. Anyway, all of the people who work there seem to be kind and humble. For example, my colleague who I'm working with right now (I'm currently working in the storage department) is really nice. We got along nicely right from the start, and that also takes some weight off of my shoulders. I guess it'll all calm down a bit when school starts again, so that I can think it's going in the direction I'm used to again. I'd have to go to school 1,5 times in a week btw, which means that on one day I'd have to go to work after school.

All in all, it still was a good week.
My day was kind of "off" to be honest. I wasn't able to go to college today due to transportation issues and I kind of hated that since I recently met a girl that seemed rather fond of me. We was going to go to town today, but then we were under a tornado watch and it later stormed. My mom didn't want to go obviously, which is understandable.

Being used to my usual routine and then having to do something else was quite different for me. For example, I usually grab a Moutain Dew before leaving in the mornings, but since I didn't leave, the thought didn't cross my mind, which is something that never happens. I played Crash Bandicoot Warped plenty though, so my day wasn't bad, just not what I expected.

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