So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
Good before noon but around 1:30 pm I felt so tired that I had to lay down. At 3:10 pm I fell asleep until 4 pm. I'm much better now but I think I'm not going to the gym today.
Haven't been here in a while.

Relatively stressful day. Recently acquired a 3D Printer, Creality CR-10S for anyone interested, and I also recently ran out of filament.

Purchased a wood based filament, some red, some green and some white PLA. PLA stands for polylactic acid and is relatively cheap and easy to print with.

I'm having a lot of troubles printing with the wood PLA. It's either clogging the nozzle, or not sticking to the bed which is really annoying. I gotta test some more settings before I can get a successful print. If not, I'm ordering from Hatchbox on Amazon since they have the better formula.

So far have made: propeller motor covers for dji Phantom 4 Pro, sunshade for Samsung S8 Plus to be used on Phantom 4 Pro controller, S3 Duos and S8 Plus phone holders to be used in our cars, wooden 4mm cross (x2), many lithophanes, mudflap emblems for Taylor, and something @TB and @Ken would like :P


....chica chica...!

Ultimate goal is to print with polycarbonate (PC). I need an upgraded hot end, steel nozzle instead of brass, and an enclosure to keep the higher temperature requirement constant. PC would be the ideal filament to print with for car parts.
Today hasn't been quite right for a number of reasons.
1. Found out just recently my brother is going to have to have his gailbladder removed soon because he has gailstones and sludge in his gailbladder and hasn't been feeling too well as a result.
2. Had a good friend suddenly block me on Facebook yesterday for some reason and I have been quite concerned as to why she did it because she is a good friend of mine and someone I honestly would not have suspected to do such a thing. We haven't really interacted much on there so I am sort of perplexed as to why she did this and I have a slight fear it could be something completely different than what I am expecting and possibly something much worse.... :scared:
3. Found out my great aunt was unresponsive today, so we went to see her. When we walked in, she had her head back, her mouth open and was making these weird animal like noises that were unlike anything I have ever heard in my entire life. It was kind of unsettling and my mom says it's what they call the "death rattle" and needless to say, I think we all know what's coming.... :(

Despite this, I am actually handling it better than one would expect, but I certainly cannot call this a good day by any means.
Started off very good. Nice warm sunny weather. Around 25°C. Went to the gym to work out (cardio and stretching). Later today I have to fix shutter of which the ribbon broke off. It is not going to be easy because it is a very small space and at least 5 feet in this very small space. Also, there is a lot of insulating material (glass wool) in this very small space.

This afternoon I'm going to buy a third Samsung 24" gaming monitor for my triple monitor setup.
In an attempt to get my completely messed up gut flora back into shape I decided not to eat anything for 48 hours, which is enough time to severely alter the microbiome of the colon. That means not even drinking sodas with sugar in it, just water. Bacteria have a very fast cycle, 48 hours of not eating anything will completely starve many of them.

I'm already at hour 24 and I'm surprised how little of a problem the lack of food is, besides a little bowel growl and my craving for something sugary of course. :D
Kinesiology, doing shopping, cleaned my car and did some computer work. I hope I feel like going to the gym this evening.
With increasing regularity, the act of getting out of bed in the morning leads to me an immensely nauseous coughing fit. It's not the best way to start they day.
🤬 My father is an ass:censored:

He wants medical help and for the last 4.5 years, I have tried to find all sorts of medical help for him. Every single time he put all the medical advice and help beside him and keep doing his thing like a 🤬 old 🤬 up stubborn mule.

Tuesday, we went to a pain clinic (multidisciplinary hospital) where he got help and advice once again. He did what he was told for 3 🤬 days. A few hours ago, I changed back to his old habits. This was the proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back (got this from the internet :P). I'm all alone to take care of my father so it is far from easy for me. I haven't been on vacation since March 2015 and I definitely need a vacation, a time away from him.

Bottom line, I took away his crutch and hit it. He has to walk with a 4-wheel walker to get rid of the lower back pain and sciatica pain in his lower left leg. Walking with a crutch is one of the main factors that causes his lower back pain. He is making my life very, very difficult. I'm surprised I'm haven't relapsed in my 7th severe clinical depression.

I threatened that if he keeps up with making me feel miserable I will put him in an "old people's home".

I did not bypass anything. I used the censor emoticons every time. It must be the GTP problems I'm having that bypassed the swear filter. Definitely not me. BTW mods, I reported my double posting because I double posted because of the GTP problems I'm having. :D
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Miserable... Started the day finding out my car wasn't starting and had to wake my brother up to drive me to our parents house to pick up his old car that he was trying to sell. Of course, after hearing the news, pretty much got everyone I know saying "I told you so." Even though this was the first time my car's truly left me "stranded." The day was rather unpleasant spending quite a bit of time working outside in the bitter cold winds. As always, having a scary commute home with being nearly side swiped twice by people who don't understand how lanes work. And of course, coming home to listen to my obnoxiously loud neighbors....

Really don't want to get rid of my car for these "small" problems.... But it's probably around 17 years old and the age is showing... Not with just mechanical things, but keeping up with the overly aggressive modern traffic.
The last four days, I had to explain to almost everyone that I know personally why I have two small wounds on my forehead. Makes my days interesting? :lol:
The last four days, I had to explain to almost everyone that I know personally why I have two small wounds on my forehead. Makes my days interesting? :lol:

That last time I had to explain on my face was a huge gash (now a scar) that I couldn’t remember getting. I told work I’d walked into a cupboard door. A little later I found out I had actually walked into a cupboard door whilst blind drunk.
The lit of such a container gave me these two wounds while I was trying to find a calendar from 2018 at the bottom of the container.


Today has been a day. I won't go into too much detail, but among the the events of today was purchasing a new water heater.
Good so far. I finally start to feel good again thanks to my lawyer who had a good talk yesterday afternoon with me to not sue the dentist because it is a waste of time and money. What he said opened my eyes and am able to put things in perspective. He, somehow, managed to give a combination of a psychological talk mixed with legal information.
I went to the gym at around 8 pm and the boring and depressive feeling went away. I enjoyed myself.