Another exciting evening yesterday. I went karting with the same friends I went ice karting with. This was my very first time in a kart used for racing. Besides ice karting, I never even sat in a kart in my entire life. It was pure fun. I felt it in my forearms though,
thank you medication.
I refused to go because of the exhaust of the karts but finally gave in because my friends were nagging every day to go with. My clothing is still smelling bad because of the exhaust fumes of the karts. This can't be healthy.
4 of my friends go karting regularly. For one guy, Niels was also his first time. The first few laps, I discovered that I was almost constantly pushing my brake pedal slightly.
After that my lap times improved. My heat was only 13' because I didn't want to stay on track too long because of the exhaust fumes (call me crazy or stupid but it was a genuine concern of me).
The very first righ-left-right chicane I went from tire to tire like a pinball because I was not used to the directness of the steering. 
These karts are not that fast but sitting so low to the ground, I was sometimes genuinely
a little bit scared when I was pushing to get a good result.
After this kart experience I have a lot of new-found respect for real race car drivers and certainly open wheelers (mainly F2 and F1). What they have to endure during a race must be incredible (G-forces, speed, excitement and so on).
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