So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
I leave for work in 3 minutes. I work until noon, then I start summer classes. ugh is it time to come home yet?
Yup - and I spent all day doing nothing when I should have been doing two French past papers, a French Essay and a Maths Assignment :ouch:

Why do you need to learn French.? In New Zealand people speak in English. :P
My day was great, woke up at 09.30 and helped my mum around the house until 15.00, then headed off to Band Practice at 16.00 which lasted for a couple of hours and it was awesome! Got a lot of things covered and then wrote a song. Not a bad day at all.
Meh. Spent a few hours in the car on the way back from Tenby in south wales, played NFS World and watched a film and now I'm just on GTP.
Meh. Spent a few hours in the car on the way back from Tenby in south wales, played NFS World and watched a film and now I'm just on GTP.

Oooo my day was good. Had the hardest honors geometry test in the world, got a 99 on it :grumpy:. Had track practice and broke my 100 PR. Now its 11.64.

Hey E28, you should add me on NFS World. My name there is swara96.
I speak duh Japanese.... And I live in NZ. :D

Well there are quite a lot of Japanese people in NZ. So it's sort of relevant.

Anyway, my day isn't going top of the world. I've learned that staying up until 2 in the morning isn't ideal. Especially when I have to get up at 6:50. :banghead: So I'm tired today because the night before I got bad sleep because I left my DFGT plugged in (and it makes a horrible sound), and then got woken again an hour later to my PC making a high pitch noise. So I think I'll try and call tonight an early night.

First spell was alright, I got prodded with a metal rod by someone and I actually managed to drill a hole in the right place, and the rivet I put in actually looked like a rivet this time! Now I'm in computers doing near to nothing.
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Meh. I failed a German quiz for sure and when I got home played GT5. And here I am now. I've also been debating all day whether or not to write a short story.
Another terrible day. This last weekend has been just horrible. The girl I've been with for 10 months has said I'm too clingy and she wants room, so we got into a big argument over that and other little things until 2:00 AM on Sunday morning. Then I went to work after we talked it out. She said now she doesn't know if she still loves me, and when I said bye to get off the phone, she just stayed quiet when I said "I love you". Then, I get back to my locker to find two voicemails, one of her crying saying she's scared of us being over and that she does love me, and then the second, later one more calm with her saying she doesn't know if she loves or just really likes me. Now she's mad at me again saying she wants room. I don't know what to do.
It was pretty good today.

I went out and bought me a Schwinn Exercise Bicycle to help me rehabilitate a bad knee.I was on it for 23 minutes and was a little sore at first,but man does my knee feel pretty good right now.

I'm also going to be taking Osteo Bi-Flex to help build my joints up.All my years in sports have taken it's toll on me.I've quit everything else because of pain and I'm not about to quit Disc Golf.

So yeah,I've got a pretty good outlook on getting my knee rehabilitated.Day 2 is tomorrow and I plan on doing a bit more for it.
Another terrible day. This last weekend has been just horrible. The girl I've been with for 10 months has said I'm too clingy and she wants room, so we got into a big argument over that and other little things until 2:00 AM on Sunday morning. Then I went to work after we talked it out. She said now she doesn't know if she still loves me, and when I said bye to get off the phone, she just stayed quiet when I said "I love you". Then, I get back to my locker to find two voicemails, one of her crying saying she's scared of us being over and that she does love me, and then the second, later one more calm with her saying she doesn't know if she loves or just really likes me. Now she's mad at me again saying she wants room. I don't know what to do.

Women...*sigh*. It'll be ok dude.
Another terrible day. This last weekend has been just horrible. The girl I've been with for 10 months has said I'm too clingy and she wants room, so we got into a big argument over that and other little things until 2:00 AM on Sunday morning. Then I went to work after we talked it out. She said now she doesn't know if she still loves me, and when I said bye to get off the phone, she just stayed quiet when I said "I love you". Then, I get back to my locker to find two voicemails, one of her crying saying she's scared of us being over and that she does love me, and then the second, later one more calm with her saying she doesn't know if she loves or just really likes me. Now she's mad at me again saying she wants room. I don't know what to do.

Sounds like shes crying because she knows she wants to break you with you but doesnt know how. do you and her a favor and cut her loose, and act like a damn man about it too, no sniveling or crying, she will respect you more. In fact just listen to the Nada Surf song "Popular" and take its lyrics to heart, just replace the words "boy" with "girl." Heres the link:
Another terrible day. This last weekend has been just horrible. The girl I've been with for 10 months has said I'm too clingy and she wants room, so we got into a big argument over that and other little things until 2:00 AM on Sunday morning. Then I went to work after we talked it out. She said now she doesn't know if she still loves me, and when I said bye to get off the phone, she just stayed quiet when I said "I love you". Then, I get back to my locker to find two voicemails, one of her crying saying she's scared of us being over and that she does love me, and then the second, later one more calm with her saying she doesn't know if she loves or just really likes me. Now she's mad at me again saying she wants room. I don't know what to do.

Just give her room for a while. Let the storm pass before you try to work it out or it'll just escalate.

My day was great! I borrowed one of my friend's sim card so I could update my SII to Android 4.0.3 (ICS). It didn't work but I received 2 messages from his friends and then someone proceeded to nab my phone and reply to one of them: "Haha forever alone". That person then decided I was hitting on them and she now hates me. The other one is now my friend. :D We were txting each other all day.
Not too bad.

I managed to get inlet manifold of the motor of my car. Next step is to remove valve cover to see what the damage is, if any.
Pretty good. Got my business set up legally(before it was just a hobby and a way to get extra money) in the past week and made the first real business work today. Upgraded a Compaq laptop from 2GB of RAM to 3GB of RAM. Will be working on doing some virus removal for the same client on Friday. Did some review in the Cisco networking class.
Got up. Go to college. Only A level students in, the rest is on teacher training day. Library was shut due to it so was panicking on getting my homework done but managed it. Common room was shut as well so went to the chinese buffet a great way to kill 1 and a half hours. Then had history then went home.
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Ok. I sit next to my friend in German now and it's hilarious. But my dad was doing an inspection on a 458 Italia today and I missed it by 10 minutes. :banghead:
Well, lost the girl today, had to walk home in the rain, went to change and only had shorts so I ended up cold either way. So I got three Nirvana albums and have been listening to Nirvana again, it isn't so bad now.
I had to try to finish a quiz in 20 minutes and failed at that so she got mad saying I would come back after studying. Other than that nothing.
The typical stressful school day... And I discovered my state is completely backwards a few minutes ago as North Carolina voters decided to ban same-sex marriage. Looks like I'm leaving the country as soon as I can.
My day so far has been great. :sly:

I get 5 minutes from work, and realize I forgot my phone at home. The phone is crucial because I will be getting calls for work on there all day. So I come in the office for a bit and sort through my emails, then head home. Walk in the house, grab the phone, walk out. As soon as I turn out of my neighborhood my car starts behaving strangely, it won't go straight. Any throttle input makes it worse. So I pull in to a gas station, and....

flat tire. Turns out a broken off key had found it's way in.

Each one costs about $320 a piece, so I was not happy. The car doesn't have a spare, but an air pump. So I fill it up as much as possible and try to make it to my local tire shop. Luckily they could patch it for $25 so it's not so bad. But I did waste my entire morning.
Ok, 1400th post so yay.
But yesterday I was dirtbiking, and just after I started braking from 100km/h+ a bunny ran out in front of me. Now usually they run off to the side, but it was dark and the bunny didn't have as much time to react. I felt a little "bump" as I hit it. :(
Got a shovel and buried it beside the trail.
My day is already off to a bad start. For the first time ever I forgot it was Mufti Day, so I am now sitting at home, waiting for my mother who I rudely interrupted (from sleep) saying that she needs to take me in to school (I can't exactly walk or run a 2 hour walk to school in 45 minutes). So I'm not feeling at the top of my game right now.
Slept in, missed school. Nose decided to start bleeding, ears ringing, this is 🤬! Stay positive Alex, at least you feel better than you did Monday. Relax, my day in a nutshell.