So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
That sucks. (Wait, how bad was Monday then?!?)
Today wasn't bad, ISP in 4th and might be getting back some trust with the truck after sliding "slightly" upon exiting the driveway. (You should've seen how fast I had to go with my hands to save that thing.)
That sucks. (Wait, how bad was Monday then?!?)
Today wasn't bad, ISP in 4th and might be getting back some trust with the truck after sliding "slightly" upon exiting the driveway. (You should've seen how fast I had to go with my hands to save that thing.)

You should've seen how I was driving in the wet yesterday... :lol:
@Bopop4: Monday was headache, fever/chills, sore throat, runny nose, and my bones hurt. But I've felt way worse before, so like I said, I need to just relax. Yesterday the green liquid medicine stuff helped with the sore throat, the tylenol eliminated the fever and sleep rid of the headache. Today I spent the majority of the day blowing my stuffy runny nose, and the result was a bloody nose. Anyway, I got to sleep in, big plus.
Another good day
I woke up and was looking at buying a weekend ticket for the GoodWood Festival Of Speed, I haven't found anyone to go with yet.
I then had to go and pick up my girlfriend from her friends house, we got back and watched some movies and had dinner.
I came on GT5 for one of my weekly race series and won both races, which has guaranteed me the Season 3 championship :D
Then i went on F1 2011 for a race with some friends which was good fun.

But my day just got scary, at 1am there was a massive white light, it was like it was daylight for a split second. This light was seen 20 miles away.
This was followed by a series of loud bangs and then an orange flash. All the streetlights have blacked out but the electricity in the houses is still on. But one side of my town is in total blackout.
The only thing i can think of is a blown transformer, but it definitely wouldn't have been that loud or emitted a bright light as strong as that.
So the only other rational explanation is aliens.

Really? You're going to take the time to make a post, and use one single word? :grumpy:

Anyway, today was good and bad I guess. Bittersweet. My girlfriend went from telling me she loves me yesterday to being stressed out and not sure again. It's just back and forth, like it'll never end. I failed at getting a haircut or doing my homework, but I'm just going to get in the shower and try to forget about it. Actually, now that I'm looking back on it, today was pretty bad.
Really? You're going to take the time to make a post, and use one single word? :grumpy:

Anyway, today was good and bad I guess. Bittersweet. My girlfriend went from telling me she loves me yesterday to being stressed out and not sure again. It's just back and forth, like it'll never end. I failed at getting a haircut or doing my homework, but I'm just going to get in the shower and try to forget about it. Actually, now that I'm looking back on it, today was pretty bad.

Well it never says to eleborate lol.

You're right though. I should have said more.

Long day in school, started working on an Expedition for the brakes etc then walked over to my uncles real quick, mowed the lawn, stopped at Applebee's and ate and now I'm home sitting on GTP.
fkin terrible, enough to trigger a few drinks anyway. Sometimes you reach a point in life when you realise the reason you never seemed to get anything out was because, despite your best efforts, you didn't put enough in, and no matter how much you try and put that down to bad luck, you realise it's because of your own shortcomings. My motor is stalled but my wheels are still spinning.
My day went fine. I went to a Holocaust memorial museum as a field trip with my class and I've begun my three day fast for black belt testing.
Slept in, missed school. Nose decided to start bleeding, ears ringing, this is 🤬! Stay positive Alex, at least you feel better than you did Monday. Relax, my day in a nutshell.

I would describe how the rest of today went but it's not worth saying. It was most boring day I've had. I don't remember anything at all happening at any point. :P horrible!

I found out that because I didn't fill out one stupid little piece of paper, (with 2 common sense questions on it) I do NOT get financial aid for summer classes. This means, I can not afford rent, (we are already behind and may get kicked out soon probably 1-2 weeks. hooray!) i had to drop a class that I was absolutely loving. Oh, and i found out that my dad is trying to cheat me and give me hardly any cash from the sale of my grandpas house.

He is walking away with $87K (€67,119.16 for those non 'Murcians and £53,815.50 for the brits out there. sorry felt like converting just because I can OH! i almost forgot! ¥6,934,030.54, for those Japan residents on our forums.)

anyway, yes, my dad is getting a boatload of cash, and wants to give me only $5K (Sorry no conversion here) i feel like its a complete slap in the face, "Oh hey, I have a ton of cash, of which I don't need most of, so here have $20 bucks" I am going to fight him on it, My dad and Step mom are so bad with cash, I DOUBT HIGHLY it would last more than a year, just because they are BAD with money.

So, I may loose my home, I cant take summer classes at Eastern Michigan Uni. AND my dad WANTS to help, but not really.

Thank god my mother in law is the best person ever and helps us out so much. my family (on my dads side that is) just completely blows, Its always me me me me.

End Rant
Why? 👎

Long story. Basically me and my band came in for Band Practice on Monday, whilst the school was shut. I rang the radio (which is based in the school) to let us in, I then borrowed their key in order to open the band room so we could practice. Problem is that no-one was allowed in the school that day aside from the people at the radio as insurance and so on isn't covered, so we finished practice and locked up, thinking nothing of it. Next day, I come in and get a bollocking from the headteacher, facilities staff and SMT. I was then asked by the station manager to have a chat with him and he told me that the person who let us in was nearly fired because of it but I got suspended as the manager needed to act appropriately, which is fair enough. It doesn't make me any less annoyed though.
Well that's just, odd. They gave you permission into the school so you get in trouble then?

It's only three weeks, I went 2 and a half weeks without Internet before so you'll survive 👍
Well that's just, odd. They gave you permission into the school so you get in trouble then?

It's only three weeks, I went 2 and a half weeks without Internet before so you'll survive 👍

No, we didn't have permission.
Long story. Basically me and my band came in for Band Practice on Monday, whilst the school was shut. I rang the radio (which is based in the school) to let us in, I then borrowed their key in order to open the band room so we could practice. Problem is that no-one was allowed in the school that day aside from the people at the radio as insurance and so on isn't covered, so we finished practice and locked up, thinking nothing of it. Next day, I come in and get a bollocking from the headteacher, facilities staff and SMT. I was then asked by the station manager to have a chat with him and he told me that the person who let him in was nearly fired because of it but I got suspended as the manager needed to act appropriately, which is fair enough. It doesn't make me any less annoyed though.

Damn that sucks. I love your show. :(
No, we didn't have permission.

Oh right, well when your shows on again, if you can send me a link and I will give it a listen. 👍

You can be 100% sure I won't send 100 PM's on GTP asking for requests. :sly:
My day's been good. All my classes were ok, we started building a catupult, more work in science (shocker), didn't do really anything in German but me and a few others listened to music and talked, and then I just got finished with homework.
A rather bland day...until I had my job interview. Got the job and my parents also said they'll finally get me a car! (Haven't had one since my first died) That is...until July... :indiff: Nevertheless I'm pretty happy with getting a new job and getting out of the pizza restaurant I've been stuck at for four years. X_X Also finally getting a car after being stuck without one ever since the beginning of the year.
A rather bland day...until I had my job interview. Got the job and my parents also said they'll finally get me a car! (Haven't had one since my first died) That is...until July... :indiff: Nevertheless I'm pretty happy with getting a new job and getting out of the pizza restaurant I've been stuck at for four years. X_X Also finally getting a car after being stuck without one ever since the beginning of the year.

Congrats bro! What sort of job is it?
my second day of fasting. pretty okay. people in my school were complaining that they were hungry (it was a half-day; no lunch). And I'm the one fasting for three days! But I'll feel good about it once it's over :D
my second day of fasting. pretty okay. people in my school were complaining that they were hungry (it was a half-day; no lunch). And I'm the one fasting for three days! But I'll feel good about it once it's over :D

Why are you fasting?
Congrats bro! What sort of job is it?

Making drill bits. I know it probably doesn't sound exciting or anything, but I'll finally get more hours and a higher pay. The pizza restaurant (basically my first job) only paid a minimum wage of $7.50 and the new one will have a starting wage of $9.30! Along with the fact that it's far enough that I'll need my own car. :D My parents refused to let me get one since my job at the restaurant was within walking distance... (Takes about 20 minutes to walk there, but it's ok. Apart from not much protection from the elements)
Well today was a :censored:ing headache. I missed school yesterday because I was sick, so my group in Marketing ended up presenting without me. I was deducted marks for not presenting. What the hell? Am I supposed to go, present a chapter about pricing, with a sore throat, ****ed up voice? So I go to plead my case, to no avail? Next time I have to present, I'll be sure to puke on the damn floor. Anyway, got home and my brother dropped off my hockey stick, he's going to set up a ball hockey game on the weekend and have me stay over. I'm pumped for that.
It was pretty meh. For Spanish we finished watching a Romance/Drama movie (our teacher chose it because it also highlighted Mexican Culture, but even then the movie was great!). In English we worked on a test on the computer, and received our Vocab quiz results later on (I got a 78). And then in Math we worked on a packet to prepare for our finals next week, before ending the day with a small test in US History (open-book). When I got home, I decided to paint something and actually came up pretty nice.
Well today was a :censored:ing headache. I missed school yesterday because I was sick, so my group in Marketing ended up presenting without me. I was deducted marks for not presenting. What the hell? Am I supposed to go, present a chapter about pricing, with a sore throat, ****ed up voice? So I go to plead my case, to no avail? Next time I have to present, I'll be sure to puke on the damn floor. Anyway, got home and my brother dropped off my hockey stick, he's going to set up a ball hockey game on the weekend and have me stay over. I'm pumped for that.

Its not going to work asking the teacher. You need to take it higher up the chain.
Well today was a :censored:ing headache. I missed school yesterday because I was sick, so my group in Marketing ended up presenting without me. I was deducted marks for not presenting. What the hell? Am I supposed to go, present a chapter about pricing, with a sore throat, ****ed up voice? So I go to plead my case, to no avail? Next time I have to present, I'll be sure to puke on the damn floor. Anyway, got home and my brother dropped off my hockey stick, he's going to set up a ball hockey game on the weekend and have me stay over. I'm pumped for that.

That sucks, your team should have said you were sick and re-scheduled. Over here incidents like this can be sorted if you have a doctor's note or similar, giving proof you were ill. But if it was only a sore throat I don't think that would help; who goes to the doctor's for a sore throat?

You could ask your team if they're willing to re-do the presentation with you, that is probably the best course, as it's going to be difficult to fight your case otherwise. In their eyes, regardless of whether you were ill or not, you didn't take part in the presentation so you get no marks (or reduced marks). Just keep pressing the issue with your teacher and group, they should come around.


Getting stressed doing stress revision because my value for stress doesn't match the value for stress in the stress notes. Shear stress is sheer balls.
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