So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
Got to my mam's for the weekend and found out the dog has been given away :(

I knew it was coming because he was a difficult dog to handle and with my sister being pregnant, we couldn't keep it as it would be no place for a baby. But I wish my mam had told me when she was getting rid of him, I loved that dog and didn't get a chance to say goodbye :/

I'm not ashamed to say, it almost had me in tears.

It's can be difficult losing a pet, you get that connection like you would a close friend or family member. When one dog I grew up with ( he was literally born a month after I was, had him up until I want to say 2005/6. I cried for a long time.

I now have another whom I love very much. I have a soft spot for pets.
So my car decided that my alternator belt was too cool for school, and ended up completely off the pulley, and with the pulley itself broken off.

And I'm stuck right in the middle of the Everglades with summer school starting tomorrow. I'm typing this while I'm waiting for the tow truck guy.

I really hate South Florida now...
Pretty good. I just hung out with my Mom for Mother's Day but I didn't actually buy a gift for her at all :P But she enjoyed it either way. Then we had a bit of a family affair just now, which was just what we needed to take care of some problems. Now tomorrow, I have to audition for an Art school, which I'm pretty nervous for. But I think my drawings/paintings/photos will suffice.
Pretty good. I just hung out with my Mom for Mother's Day but I didn't actually buy a gift for her at all :P But she enjoyed it either way. Then we had a bit of a family affair just now, which was just what we needed to take care of some problems. Now tomorrow, I have to audition for an Art school, which I'm pretty nervous for. But I think my drawings/paintings/photos will suffice.

Had me worried for a minute there, but then I remembered we have a different date for Mother's day in the UK. Ours has been and gone :D (I think :confused:)
Started out great, got slightly awkward, then more, and now it has turned into an annoying day.

I'm starting to feel like one girl from that project I told you about earlier isn't taking this seriously at all. Not the one who wasn't planning to go to that workshop at first, but the one who suggested it in the first place. She has been acting like the "leader" all the time, so I really don't know what's going on and it's getting on my nerves.

Might as well just ask the headmaster if I'd be allowed to do this on my own.

See you around,

Started out great, got slightly awkward, then more, and now it has turned into an annoying day.

I'm starting to feel like one girl from that project I told you about earlier isn't taking this seriously at all. Not the one who wasn't planning to go to that workshop at first, but the one who suggested it in the first place. She has been acting like the "leader" all the time, so I really don't know what's going on and it's getting on my nerves.

Might as well just ask the headmaster if I'd be allowed to do this on my own.

See you around,


Haha, sounds like the group I'm in for English class. I know how you feel man.

So yesterday was Sunday, I don't think much happened. I spent some time with mother and we got along well, we don't usually so this time was nice. There are probably other events that happened but Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday seem to be blended together in my thoughts at the moment. I have some trouble remembering some of what happened.
Had a pretty intense weekend, nice little challenge, 55 mile walk in 2 days on Dartmoor, finished by 13:24 yesterday, ruined feet, been hobbling around all of today, but it was awesome :)
Worked from 11 - 6.
11 PM - 6 AM
Terrible day.

That's actually not too bad a shift; I used to do 7pm-7am 6-7 nights in a row when I worked at an airport. That was fun.

On a fun related note, my washer dryer just decided that instead of drying my clothes it would infact steam the hell out of them and leave them as hot as the sun for me to remove from the drum. Awesome stuff.
It was alright but I'm really tired. We had two days to build a catapult and I need a string since it can't be launched by touching it. But the rest was good an then I played some Sniper Elite for a bit. I just finished GT Academy rounds 3 and 4 and finally got my posters hung up. Nice big GT3 RS behind the TV now. :D
Anything bad that happened for me today has been erased by finally getting the RZ350 out onto the road. Little screamer was a lot faster than the dirtbike I'll tell you that.
I had a great day. It was strange in parts but a day well spent all the same.

I travelled across town to meet my dad and discuss some business, a friend of ours called and said he would come over with some fishing rods so we could go fishing near my dad's house.

We went down to the Yangtze and chose a spot where we fished from the last little bit of jungle left in the city. My friend also brought some Jonny Boy so we had a smoke, too.

Didn't catch anything but it was pleasant, though.

I cycled back to my town and went to the bike shop to buy some new gear which I have to wait until tomorrow for.

Now I'm home and think I will just chill out on some GT5 and do a bit of writing.
Not really. They didn't turn on the lights and sirens... And they ripped a hole in my hand trying to put in the I.V.
My day..

Woke up earlyish at 7:30 as I had an A-level Maths exam at 9:00AM. On the way there, I pulled out of my road onto the main road, picked up some speed (on my racing push-bike) and hit a pot-hole at around 30MPH. Rear of my bike came up, and it made a deafening metal on tarmac noise. Rear wheel was buckled and the inner tube, by the sound of it, had exploded.

So, 30 minutes to go until the exam and I am still 2 miles away, so I had to jog with my bike to school... Finally get there, sit my exam and realise half of the stuff in there wasn't what I had revised, so I know I have failed.

Coming out of school, a bird craps on my head, and my two friends start laughing at me. Now, don't get me wrong, if one of my friends had a bird take a dump on their head, I would be the 1st one to laugh, but I really could not see the funny point of it, as I had a 40 minute walk ahead of me back home and now I smelt like a public toilet.

Finally get home, have a shower and I am sitting here with a coke at 12PM. Not a day to remember.
Sounds like you had a bad day. My day was decent, I got pizza for lunch, got to have a decent nap when I got home. An alright day I'd say.
My day..

Woke up earlyish at 7:30 as I had an A-level Maths exam at 9:00AM. On the way there, I pulled out of my road onto the main road, picked up some speed (on my racing push-bike) and hit a pot-hole at around 30MPH. Rear of my bike came up, and it made a deafening metal on tarmac noise. Rear wheel was buckled and the inner tube, by the sound of it, had exploded.

So, 30 minutes to go until the exam and I am still 2 miles away, so I had to jog with my bike to school... Finally get there, sit my exam and realise half of the stuff in there wasn't what I had revised, so I know I have failed.

Coming out of school, a bird craps on my head, and my two friends start laughing at me. Now, don't get me wrong, if one of my friends had a bird take a dump on their head, I would be the 1st one to laugh, but I really could not see the funny point of it, as I had a 40 minute walk ahead of me back home and now I smelt like a public toilet.

Finally get home, have a shower and I am sitting here with a coke at 12PM. Not a day to remember.
Sounds like a bad day. I have hit a few potholes on my mountain bike at around 15-20 mph and even then my inner tube had a crack in it.

Anyway, my day, cycled into school and then had to get the whole of my tutor group to sign the Year 11's cards before they got back from assembly. (My tutor said I was the most responsible so I had to do it) I didn't manage that and only got half done. Then at break time, I wasted most of my time by looking round the Maths department looking for a new protractor because mine had broke and I needed another for the work later in the day.

Skipping forward to cycling home, while my bike was in the bike shed, the sun had been on my tires all day and because air shrinks when hot (scrub that, my science knowledge is crap.), my tires were about 8 PSI lower than they should be, causing stress on the tire wall. I really need to get an insulating cover for my tires. Anyway, right now, I'm sitting here right now listening to my iPod and sipping a can of cold Pepsi.
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Took me 2 seconds to get that. :lol:
Skipping forward to cycling home, while my bike was in the bike shed, the sun had been on my tires all day and because air shrinks when hot, .
Air expands when hot hence F1 teams under inflating their tyres.

So were your tyres in fact cold?
Air expands when hot hence F1 teams under inflating their tyres.

So were your tyres in fact cold?
No, they were definitely under inflated though because I check them. Unless my PSI gauge gadget thing was off.