So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
Reminded me of the Hangover! Had a tough time remembering what happened last night. I did get a Dr.s phone number and a elementary school teachers numbers as well but, I was so drunk I left my phone in wife's cars. :) what a bone head oops
My teachers have threatened to block GTP, but never have :lol:. Lately I do my work first, I learned that lesson (after being talked to by my teacher)

At least your teacher wasn't a coward and just blocked it without mentioning it at all. It sort of sucks because I was starting to think that he was actually a cool teacher, and then he starts being unreasonable. I wouldn't be complaining had he had a reason to block. But he doesn't.
My school too, they block websites that are visited too much by the students. Unless it's educational.

GTP is educational... I learned a lot about the internet, so in a computer class it's relevant. :P When I joined this site I didn't know what a meme was, nor did I know until about October what a Brony was. Well I don't recall noticing them before then. If I recall I've gotten a lot smarter since joining here, more so than I would have if I'd not joined. :odd:
At our school they have tracking software on every computer, and one guy who works at the School Board office in Sarnia gets paid to monitor everyone for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. I'd be surprised if he DIDN'T have a database with the passwords everyone uses on the sites they go to, since the software tracks what you type also.
Here it's controlled by Hampshire County Council. And yes, I feel my grammar has been improved since I've been here. I've also learnt a lot of internet based terms like meme and troll.
Here it's controlled by Hampshire County Council. And yes, I feel my grammar has been improved since I've been here. I've also learnt a lot of internet based terms like meme and troll.

I've apprehended some new vocabulary words here too!
Haha, I loaded this page at school 10 minutes ago and the computer exited me out of google chrome, logged me out, and restarted :lol:.

I think they're trying to prove a point.

Anyway my day has been decent, finished part 2 of my marketing project, started exponential functions in math class, had lunch with my buddies. Got half a day to go still.

Getting a hair cut later, maybe I'll get a pic
Woot! Just finished my last day of my finals and graduation is coming up next week.
Wish I got atleast an A though. I had all B's this year :crazy: . Oh well...
I'm an idiot. I went to the store, but when I went to pay, I found out I forgot my bank card. I grabbed a Wal Mart gift card instead of my debit card, and I wasn't planning to go there. So I had to go back and grab the right one. Good thing I got it right the next time. And I'm glad the walk isn't very long.
I've just got up and feel sleepy still.

Today I'm meant to meet a friend to sell one of my projectors to for some beer spending money. It's raining as it has been all week which means my bike has been untouched and I'm slowly starting to get fat. Apart from having no ready made food in the fridge, I have some pizza bases and cheese and a box of smokes so I'm relatively content to sloth it out today.
So I get home from work and see the windows are all fogged up... "peculiar" I think.
Open the door to find the hot water line had broke. I think it must have done so right after I left this morning because my god there was water all over the kitchen, and the furnace room (right beneath the kitchen) was completely drenched. I'm still not done cleaning it and I've been working on it for 5 hours. Plus the cap was on the floor drain so that didn't help things. I had several very big plastic storage bins full of my son's old clothes down there and some were completely full of water haha.
To top it off, I'm getting a cold and tomorrow is 'taco in a bag day' at work and I just spent the last hour and a half cooking the hamburger / spice concoction for 30 people. Not, my, day.
So, I just woke up. It's like a warzone. I sleep with my window open and our neighbors and the people behind us are getting a new roof. I think they are having a contest to see who can get done first. It sounds like multiple fully auto paintball guns shooting out there.
Awesome day. Hung out with my friends for the last time before they all go to further their studies. Sad that we will be apart after 11 years but yeah, life must go on.
Jet Badger
Signed the contract for my summer job today, I will work as a cashier. Yay. :|

Haven't signed the contract yet but I'm working in the summer as a ticket seller (cashier?)/valet who just says where to park rather then actually parking for you.

Will be an interesting summer.
Had exam.
In morning nothing to do for philosophy as exam was wednesday so watched monty python sketches on youtube. :D
Went to school and got out early so I went to work. That wasn't bad, slow day. I got home not long ago and starting cutting the lawn and it started raining halfway through that. Now I'm done and wet. But I'm going to see Chernobyl Diaries in about an hour and a half. So good day.
Crap to be honest. Just loads of rubbish at work regarding staffing, and I had to ban someone who's been itching for it. Just fed up.
Great, besides auto shop. Today I got my level 1 license which means I can drive with a parent. Not exciting to most but I'm happy as hell isn't.
I had the prom today (wouldn't call it a prom, since most students called it '8th Grade Dance'), and had a bit of fun. Beforehand, we skimmed through an hour for all eligible students to dress up and such, and rounded up in designated rooms when everyone was done. When we arrived in the gym, we were doing Awards for various things, like I got awards for "Most Quietest Male & Most Likely to Succeed Male" :P Afterwards, we were sent off to frolic for the remainder of the day. I just hung out with my friends, and ate some candy (the theme was Sweets, so...), while rap music was being played by the school's Computers teacher (or DJ).
As the dressed-up students danced - which was just a bundled-up group moving around, really - I sat near a table with my friends plus a girl who I had feelings for (already informed her though) whom also had her friend I knew with her. Then we all just hung out near the same table, thinking of stuff to do. Like for me, I tried to throw wrapped mint into a small vase from a distance and actually scored a few of them. But we soon ended up getting a tad bored, but we always had fun. For the other people, they had their own time, and most joined in the bundled group. Funnily, some teachers joined in and looked like they had a blast dancing with the other students, esp. my English teacher.
I did danced with the girl I liked luckily, as a Salsa song was playing. But it soon swapped to a Daft Punk-like one, and had to think of some moves to use. Fortunately, I did, and got my partner to move similar to me (she avoided eye contact with me though, lawl). Soon, a group of girls I kind of knew came out of nowhere and formed a circle around us (reason being that me and my partner made a good couple). Usually, such an event was crazy, but I just kept going for some reason. When the song ended, the circle broke free and we fled from the floor :P I could feel quite some heat on my hands after that..
A note-worthy day. :)

Had my Grad Nite trip to Disneyland. It started at 4PM yesterday to 5AM this morning. Which I can say was the best day in my high school life. Besides being thrilled with the rides, but just being with my friends from my old school was just awesome since lots of other high schools were there as well. Along with, meeting many new people and reuniting with old faces that I thought I would never see again. :dopey:
Went to a party for the first time yesterday, it was pretty good.
Got a little drunk and walked through a field with some friends talking about the universe.
Kart race was ok, got a LOT of air by running over a lapper but kept position, and we had our spindles in the wrong place so we'll be that much better next time.
A sad day, knowing that I'll never be able to import a stock Honda CBX1000 here :(

It's my dream bike, classic, 1979, Inline-6 engine, incredible sound, incredibly unique, and only now have I found out that I cannot import anything more than 5 years old :banghead:

Well, looks like I have two options:
- Build a bike using the CBX 1000 engine abroad (which was what I planned to do with it anyway), then import it.
- Go for Plan B: Triumph Daytona 675R - 3 cylinder - sounds unique and reasonably similar to the CBX.

For those of you who want to see why it's so special to me, just see this: