So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
Really? What happened?

:eek: What happened?

An elderly gentleman collapsed from a heart attack in my local supermarket, where I happened to be shopping at the time.

I walked into an aisle and saw a young in-store first-aider, surrounded by shocked onlookers, clearly panicking while struggling to administer CPR. I took over from her and somehow managed to get his heart pumping again.

The air ambulance was called and arrived incredibly quickly, much to my relief. The paramedics managed to stabilise his heartbeat with a defibrillator before loading him into the helicopter and rushing him to hospital.

As he was carried away the crowd of onlookers gave me and the other first-aider a round of applause and, at that point, I realised just what we'd managed to do! I almost cried, it was a pretty intense moment.

I have since been told that the victim of the heart attack had something called a "silent" heart attack, where there is no pain or any other tell-tale symptoms in the lead up to the attack. He is currently in hospital, but in a relatively stable condition.

The paramedics that arrived by road told me that the in-store first-aider's efforts had bought just enough time for me to take over and get the heart beating again and that any hesitation on my part could have been the difference between him living or dying.

I urge everybody who reads this post to look into going on a first-aid course or even just googling how to administer effective CPR.
For once I have had a very good day. I went go-karting and after the race, everyone was mentioning how much of a good driver I was 👍 .
I had a rather ordinary day. My brother is visiting from Halifax, and we went for a long bike ride. Wow, I am way out of shape.
It was okay. I had to go play at the schools graduation for band for 3.5 hours. It was boring. But we were allowed to use phones and such and we had WiFi so I found people who uploaded motocross races to YouTube and watched. The girl I really like was also there, and she looked so beautiful. So it was good but also bad because it makes me feel even less likely to be with her. Oh well.

The weather is great so I took a 5.5 mile bike ride. I liked that.
For once I have had a very good day. I went go-karting and after the race, everyone was mentioning how much of a good driver I was 👍 .

Was that in your kart or did you just rent one for some practice?

Very first 🤬 motorcycle practice of the day and I made a mistake in a fast corner, went through the grass and fell when I got to a patch of mud. Was pissed at myself.
The races went really good though, in the second one I dropped another 2 seconds off of my time and was running very well.
Only got lapped once near the end of a 12 lap race which is pretty good for my first weekend, and considering how my bike is stock and they are on GP bikes.
The crash hurt my hand a bit but now that I'm home I can't move it, it seems that I keep getting hurt doing dangerous activities, very strange.
Ah well.
Was that in your kart or did you just rent one for some practice?

Very first 🤬 motorcycle practice of the day and I made a mistake in a fast corner, went through the grass and fell when I got to a patch of mud. Was pissed at myself.
The races went really good though, in the second one I dropped another 2 seconds off of my time and was running very well.
Only got lapped once near the end of a 12 lap race which is pretty good for my first weekend, and considering how my bike is stock and they are on GP bikes.
The crash hurt my hand a bit but now that I'm home I can't move it, it seems that I keep getting hurt doing dangerous activities, very strange.
Ah well.

Good to see GTP members getting into Motorcross. 👍
Oh, is he doing circuit stuff. My misunderstanding.

I could be wrong, but he said they were on GP bikes, and here in the states I think of circuit racing because that's what I've heard that be called. Also, I think I read something about him road racing (there's the name) a few days ago.
I had a rather ordinary day. My brother is visiting from Halifax, and we went for a long bike ride. Wow, I am way out of shape.

Keep yourself in shape. It'll help deal with stress.

After working out for a while in whatever exercise when you feel stressed you can take off your shirt and flex in the mirror and make some growling noises. Always perks me up. ;)
Very boring. Played some PS3, ate some McDonalds, and sat around. But I finally got all of my weights and bars into my room which was a pain in the ass. But now I can start working out, yay!
Amazing lifesaver story

Amazing! If the bible's right you'll most certainly end up in heaven. 👍

Another day, another exam. Maths this time. Frustrated 'cause I couldn't deal with two or three tasks and might be missing up to 8 points because of it. That is a B, but I'm still mad. Could've made it. :ouch:
Was that in your kart or did you just rent one for some practice?

Very first 🤬 motorcycle practice of the day and I made a mistake in a fast corner, went through the grass and fell when I got to a patch of mud. Was pissed at myself.
The races went really good though, in the second one I dropped another 2 seconds off of my time and was running very well.
Only got lapped once near the end of a 12 lap race which is pretty good for my first weekend, and considering how my bike is stock and they are on GP bikes.
The crash hurt my hand a bit but now that I'm home I can't move it, it seems that I keep getting hurt doing dangerous activities, very strange.
Ah well.

I rented one for practice but I have some money aside for buying my own kart + spares. Should be able to buy my own kart within a couple of months now.
I rented one for practice but I have some money aside for buying my own kart + spares. Should be able to buy my own kart within a couple of months now.

Ah, that's good, keep us updated.

Good to see GTP members getting into Motorcross. 👍


I could be wrong, but he said they were on GP bikes, and here in the states I think of circuit racing because that's what I've heard that be called. Also, I think I read something about him road racing (there's the name) a few days ago.

Yep, it's road racing.
It's also the most difficult motorsports activity that I have ever done.
Karting cannot compare to it.
I feel kind of bad today because I ran over a squirrel earlier this morning. :guilty: Nothing I could do to avoid him, unfortunately. He ran out in front of the car in front of me, then turned back but there was on oncoming vehicle, and so he turned back again right into my tire. Just bad timing. It made this loud *kathump!* so I know for sure that I didn't dodge it. So goes life, I guess.
I feel kind of bad today because I ran over a squirrel earlier this morning. :guilty: Nothing I could do to avoid him, unfortunately. He ran out in front of the car in front of me, then turned back but there was on oncoming vehicle, and so he turned back again right into my tire. Just bad timing. It made this loud *kathump!* so I know for sure that I didn't dodge it. So goes life, I guess.

Sad life :( .
I feel kind of bad today because I ran over a squirrel earlier this morning. :guilty: Nothing I could do to avoid him, unfortunately. He ran out in front of the car in front of me, then turned back but there was on oncoming vehicle, and so he turned back again right into my tire. Just bad timing. It made this loud *kathump!* so I know for sure that I didn't dodge it. So goes life, I guess.

At least it was just one squirrel and not two. :(
It sucked. Listened to nearly 6 hours of people talking **** about each other. I'm going back to not paying attention to other people, I never got put in really difficult situations when I did that. I refuse to get brought into this ****, though I always end up getting dragged into it anyway. Seems nice, respectful people in this school are few and far between. I'll just try to be respectful and not get trapped in that crap. Not a good day for the guy in the navy blue collared t-shirt...
Jury Duty, need I say more.

Ouch. No need to say more :lol:

Well mine involved work but it's unbearably slow so I decided to give my cell service provider a call and see about upgrading my data plan so I could more comfortably tether with my ipad. Anyway $5 extra for 6 GB instead of 500 mb was pretty fantastic when it was going to be an extra $25 from the first guy I talked to. Apparently my 5 years with them earned me a "loyalty" bonus. So I'm happily awaiting 5 to go home. :lol:
Yep, it's road racing.
It's also the most difficult motorsports activity that I have ever done.
Karting cannot compare to it.

Uuuuh... By motorcross I meant circuit racing. :nervous: :lol:

It sucked. Listened to nearly 6 hours of people talking **** about each other. I'm going back to not paying attention to other people, I never got put in really difficult situations when I did that. I refuse to get brought into this ****, though I always end up getting dragged into it anyway. Seems nice, respectful people in this school are few and far between. I'll just try to be respectful and not get trapped in that crap. Not a good day for the guy in the navy blue collared t-shirt...

Do it! I do all I can to keep out of everyone else's business, and ever since I starting doing so I feel great! Other from the random depression burst that comes every month or two... Makes me like a girl and her... Um, period... Of time where she is sad... Phew, made it out of that. :P Anyway, I don't get involved with social lives, because I figure that it'll be one less problem to sort out and a few less depressed teenagers, meaning a more positive world (that is if many teenagers did that).

I mean, I'm willing to help a friend out of doing something they don't want to do or overcoming a fear or something... But I will not get involved with their problems (relationship wise).
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Ouch. No need to say more :lol:

Well mine involved work but it's unbearably slow so I decided to give my cell service provider a call and see about upgrading my data plan so I could more comfortably tether with my ipad. Anyway $5 extra for 6 GB instead of 500 mb was pretty fantastic when it was going to be an extra $25 from the first guy I talked to. Apparently my 5 years with them earned me a "loyalty" bonus. So I'm happily awaiting 5 to go home. :lol:

That's a pretty good deal! I'm still one of the few remaining customers with an Unlimited Data plan for $30 a month. Verizon got rid of it, but as long as I stay with them I'll have unlimited data! :D
Uuuuh... By motorcross I meant circuit racing. :nervous: :lol:

Do it! I do all I can to keep out of everyone else's business, and ever since I starting doing so I feel great! Other from the random depression burst that comes every month or two... Makes me like a girl and her... Um, period... Of time where she is sad... Phew, made it out of that. :P Anyway, I don't get involved with social lives, because I figure that it'll be one less problem to sort out and a few less depressed teenagers, meaning a more positive world (that is if many teenagers did that).

I mean, I'm willing to help a friend out of doing something they don't want to do or overcoming a fear or something... But I will not get involved with their problems (relationship wise).

I get somehow always end up involved... Sometimes I purposely get involved so I can make jokes about it. :lol: