So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
As like every other middle/high schooler is doing...

You mean every other middle/high schooler in America... Here in NZ and Aussie we're not even half way through the school year. Exams are in November/early December.

And from what I've heard I might be getting snow again this winter! :eek: I thought last year was a one off but if this becomes a regular thing, it will be very good news.
You mean every other middle/high schooler in America... Here in NZ and Aussie we're not even half way through the school year. Exams are in November/early December.

Because you're upside down your seasons are opposite, you get a summer break while we all slave away at school, and vice versa. :P
Went to work today. Wasn't bad, did some stuff to a car and learned some stuff, saw a Viper which flew past, had an amazing lunch, and got a ride in my dads nephews SRT4 Neon which is very fast. But now I'm tired as all hell.
Today was fine until an hour ago. I'm just mad now because I want a dirt bike for a track so bad! All I want to do is ride!!!! At least I get to ride this weekend. But seriously I've been mad every day because I can't ride!!! Aghhhhhhh.
Last day of school. I'll just say that.

Same here. On the other hand, I feel terribly sad about it because I will not see most of my friends for a very long time. Plus, I don't have much to do over the summer. But I can think of something that will at least be productive.
Sitting at work today is draggin... then got a 10 hour shift of ot tommorow and a 5 hour shift of Ot on sat.... fun weekend for me but saving money to be baller in vegas June 22nd!
Frustrating, the end of it was better though. Pretty much have come to the conclusion that the girl I like has no interest in me. The whole "I'm flattered someone as smart and nice as you would like me, let's get to know each other better :)" was absolute ********. Hangs out with me Monday, ignores me for the rest of the week. Really, you can see me in the hallway! Her loss. My friend was in Toronto and bought me a Nashville Predators hockey puck. What a very thoughtful thing for her to do. Makes up for the being ignored, and burning my hand washing dishes events that occured prior to that. So yeah, I have like 15 more days of school, after that I don't know what I'll be doing.
I got speed wobble on my skateboard, and hit that pavement shoulder first. Other than my right arm, everything else is perfect fine, including my head which also hit the ground. My shoulder has 2 scrapes, and a series of small cuts (which is still stinging like mad), side of my elbow is scraped and got rashes, my outer wrist took a few deep scrapes, a few more scrapes on the back side of that hand.

Now don't say this would have been dodged with safety gear, because that would have only protected my elbow that is barely in pain. This would have been dodged if I had tightened the kingpin nut more. I was going on my usual route, entered a bike trail which begins with a small slope, a slope I've been down probably more than 7 times now. I've never had an accident there before nor had I ever felt unconfident traveling through this passage. Why the bushings were looser was because I figured I would put on cupped washers to give the turns a more tighter feel. Ironically enough, it was much looser than the flat washers I had on previously.

So after that, I felt all fine and kind of good afterwards. Likely because that last show I watched is still putting a smile on my face. I was in such a good mood until I got to work and suddenly all that happiness I felt inside vanished as the hours went by on the job.
I got speed wobble on my skateboard, and hit that pavement shoulder first. Other than my right arm, everything else is perfect fine, including my head which also hit the ground. My shoulder has 2 scrapes, and a series of small cuts (which is still stinging like mad), side of my elbow is scraped and got rashes, my outer wrist took a few deep scrapes, a few more scrapes on the back side of that hand.

Now don't say this would have been dodged with safety gear, because that would have only protected my elbow that is barely in pain. This would have been dodged if I had tightened the kingpin nut more. I was going on my usual route, entered a bike trail which begins with a small slope, a slope I've been down probably more than 7 times now. I've never had an accident there before nor had I ever felt unconfident traveling through this passage. Why the bushings were looser was because I figured I would put on cupped washers to give the turns a more tighter feel. Ironically enough, it was much looser than the flat washers I had on previously.

So after that, I felt all fine and kind of good afterwards. Likely because that last show I watched is still putting a smile on my face. I was in such a good mood until I got to work and suddenly all that happiness I felt inside vanished as the hours went by on the job.

Ow! At least nothing more serious happened.
Well, to start off my first day of summer, I'm feeling terribly sad because I won't be seeing much of my friends for a long time. But that wasn't the problem. T'was the loneliness that I forced onto myself because no one really took a liking to me. I really hope I can get communication to at least one person, but that isn't going to happen - because there's something about me that will always appear putrid.

I really do not want to become depressed, but I always seem to now because my life is at times disappointing..


Anyway, what I actually do today is that it was my cousin's birthday. And like every year, there's a gigantic, unnecessary party. It included adults downstairs & kids upstairs (guess where I was), in which more than half I never knew in my life. What I did most of the time is hung around and stayed quiet.

I would talk about it more, but right now I don't have the notion to describe it.
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Well, where do I start? I'm a bouncer at a bar so my job is always volatile. It all started when I got up to the management office because I needed a check from the previous nights work. My manager says, "Hey give this check to Chris." So I head back down to where Chris was and hand him his check. "I was going to get that later" he said snobbishly to which I replied "Well, manager said to give it to you." he then turned and said, "Well I don't care, you don't have to throw it in my face."

So after that lovely start, I started working, which actually means work. Chris however stands around, talking to every female in range. He at one point, while I was checking IDs told ME to get ice, all while he was sitting on his a** doing a whole lot of nothing. 6 hours and 5 red bulls later I got done. Feeling exhausted I headed up to the office, I grabbed my check. Seeing I made 20 less dollars then Chris, doing pretty much all the work. And to top it off he did things with the girl I like, if you know what I mean. So that was my day, aren't you jealous?
Was a good day. Went to a British car show and then after wards a dealer I've wanted to go to for a while. For some reason I saw a TON of Porsches on the streets today. After we got home, I went with my dad for a drive and to his friends house to look at his new car.
Relaxing day. Went for a great lunch out, then back home to sleep it off and then a McLaren win in the f1 - Fab! 👍

Well almost. I now appear to have the squits. Didn't see that one coming...
My day? :sly:


English exam. 40/40 points. Straight A. No need to tell you guys I'm feeling mighty fine right now :lol:

Enough of the boasting.
Today was one of those days where you spend a lot of it just thinking. I've come to a realization that sometimes, despite how much optimism, and hope you have, and even when you give all your effort, some things will just never happen. I gave it my all to prove that I'm worthy of being with her, but to no avail. Females are liars, they deceive you into thinking you have a shot with them. If I were to compare to a fish, they get away before you can reel them in. Today is one of those days where you need to regroup and move on, but it's proving to be not that simple. Today has been difficult for me.
Today was one of those days where you spend a lot of it just thinking. I've come to a realization that sometimes, despite how much optimism, and hope you have, and even when you give all your effort, some things will just never happen. I gave it my all to prove that I'm worthy of being with her, but to no avail. Females are liars, they deceive you into thinking you have a shot with them. If I were to compare to a fish, they get away before you can reel them in. Today is one of those days where you need to regroup and move on, but it's proving to be not that simple. Today has been difficult for me.

I'm not here to tell you how life is or how much more I know. I just wanted you to know I empathize.
Today was one of those days where you spend a lot of it just thinking. I've come to a realization that sometimes, despite how much optimism, and hope you have, and even when you give all your effort, some things will just never happen. I gave it my all to prove that I'm worthy of being with her, but to no avail. Females are liars, they deceive you into thinking you have a shot with them. If I were to compare to a fish, they get away before you can reel them in. Today is one of those days where you need to regroup and move on, but it's proving to be not that simple. Today has been difficult for me.

Going through the same thing bro. Exactly the same thing.
Today was really:censored:. Was sick at college yesterday and spent the whole day feeling 🤬. Spent most of today in bed doing 🤬 coursework. Came downstairs at around 8:30pm to get on Gran Turismo, did some seasonals which went pretty fun until I started losing concentration and started slamming into corners.

Then the internet started 🤬 up so I couldn't do any seasonals or find a cruise lobby to chill out in. So then I went to the UCD and started buying some cars so I guess that was ok.

Overall the past couple of days have been crappy. Not looking forward to tomorrow either as I gotta cycle to the next town over to do some crud volunteering stuff which I don't enjoy but my parents force me to do it :banghead:
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Wasn't to bad I guess. Had work today which was slow. It also rained all day, I literally mean it didn't stop once. I also had a headache which comes and goes.
My day so far has been terrible. One, two, three people made me angry and what more a 🤬 joke when I'm angry. Supposed to meet my friends today, but she did something to me so I cancelled any appointment with them. Let them have fun, I don't need a friend like her.

To make things worse, it's confirmed that I will be missing out the 24 Hours of Le Mans race this year and possibly the F1 European GP too. I guess today is just one of those days...
A bad day for everyone it seems. For me, it isn't too bad so far, personally, but my best friend's uncle has passed away. Blood cancer, and obviously none of us are in a good mood. Proof that death can happen to anyone, at any time. The news came as quite a shock to me.:(
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