Almost the first week of summer gone, I'm already a bit sick of it. I just spent my days playing games, and I really do not want to pour down hours into it every day. But I cannot plan a nice and fun thing to do. I've been thinking to visit the Smithsonian, but my parents would not like that very much as they can't understand English well. Alternatively, there's the gym where I can coach my sis to burning out weight, as well as boosting myself. Also will have to do summer reading for my freshman year (don't mind reading though).
My real concern is transportation to my high school. My parents can't take me all the time as it's pretty far, and I have a fear that the school buses won't go as far as 10 miles. The high school also is in proximity of a pretty bad neighborhood (that's what my uncle told me). I still have regrets of not getting into IB (Google if not know), but I'll just have to suck it up and work with what I have now.
I still have a bit of sadness that I'll not see many of my friends in a long time, maybe not ever. But I guess I could still make new friends in high school - not like if you can stick with your mates forever, unless promises were told. And plus, this is an opportunity to improve my personality where I could have done in junior high. A girl in my school - whom I know - is very talented in grades, and inspired me to push and try to do the same in high school (the other inspiration was AVID), even if the stakes are way higher.