So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
Well I got little done on my English presentation, got to finish it this morning. Yesterday was a day that dragged on. Today will be the same I believe.
My day so far has been terrible. One, two, three people made me angry and what more a 🤬 joke when I'm angry. Supposed to meet my friends today, but she did something to me so I cancelled any appointment with them. Let them have fun, I don't need a friend like her.

To make things worse, it's confirmed that I will be missing out the 24 Hours of Le Mans race this year and possibly the F1 European GP too. I guess today is just one of those days...
Man that kinda sucks but:

but she did something to me

Today was ok, chilled at home most of the day then went down the park, played footy and then chilled there with mates. Then it rained so went under a tunnel, talked and went home.

Tommorow got to go on the bus into school all day for only one lesson at the end of the day (Its gonna rain so I can't cycle and my parent can't take me), so looks like I will be hanging around the tech department for 4 hours preparing the schools greenpower racing car for our testday on monday, so atleast its not a complete loss.
On the upside though I'm going round a mates house in the evening to watch the england vs someone footy game and play drinking games, so in all pretty decent end. Then going to a wedding for my mums cousin on saturday.

Not bad. Feel like I aced my GCSE geography exam this morning but on a slight downer due to the fact all of the Muse standing tickets that went on sale this morning have sold out

Feeder (people who made the gt3 music) were playing last night about 1/2 from my house but by the time I found out the tickets for that has they had sold out. :(
Man that kinda sucks but:


Oh man, everything I did turned out so wrong yesterday!

What I meant by she did something to me, was that she made a stupid joke about her friend which is also my best friend saying that she doesn't want to meet me tomorrow (today). I was angry that night, made even angrier when she said that. Cancelled my appointment with them and yeah, they're also pretty mad. So I guess we're even now... :lol:
Feeder (people who made the gt3 music) were playing last night about 1/2 from my house but by the time I found out the tickets for that has they had sold out. :(

Aw man. :( Amazing band, would love to see them live someday.

My day was alright. School was decent, got some Bs which statisfies me and there's been no trouble. Met a mate afterwards, played some GT5 splitscreen and had a great time. So fun overall, but not the best day ever.
Only had one exam in the 2nd half of today, so I had 2 hours to myself, went to the library, watched the movie Senna, it was a great movie, now I'm at the mall.
I am PUMPED! Just bought Michael McIntyre tickets for October 13th :D I'm going with my friend and she was on the phone when my mum was going through the buying details, she made a noise similar to a dying raptor :lol: I'm afraid when I go into school tomorrow she'll squeeze me to death.
I had one day of awesome carry over the morning of the next day. Last night I had a bonfire with about 10 people until 11 then went and had a bonfire and another persons house for 2 hours.
My day has been really calm. Probably one of the calmest day of my life. Sadly, that will be the last day before I move to Pahang and continue to further my studies at the University. Sad, but it must happen one day. I will miss my home.

I'll be back at home in August for most of the month though. But yeah, August is some time still. I'm gonna have to live a new life.
Almost the first week of summer gone, I'm already a bit sick of it. I just spent my days playing games, and I really do not want to pour down hours into it every day. But I cannot plan a nice and fun thing to do. I've been thinking to visit the Smithsonian, but my parents would not like that very much as they can't understand English well. Alternatively, there's the gym where I can coach my sis to burning out weight, as well as boosting myself. Also will have to do summer reading for my freshman year (don't mind reading though).

My real concern is transportation to my high school. My parents can't take me all the time as it's pretty far, and I have a fear that the school buses won't go as far as 10 miles. The high school also is in proximity of a pretty bad neighborhood (that's what my uncle told me). I still have regrets of not getting into IB (Google if not know), but I'll just have to suck it up and work with what I have now.

I still have a bit of sadness that I'll not see many of my friends in a long time, maybe not ever. But I guess I could still make new friends in high school - not like if you can stick with your mates forever, unless promises were told. And plus, this is an opportunity to improve my personality where I could have done in junior high. A girl in my school - whom I know - is very talented in grades, and inspired me to push and try to do the same in high school (the other inspiration was AVID), even if the stakes are way higher.
I've managed to lock myself out of my own house.


My day has been really calm. Probably one of the calmest day of my life. Sadly, that will be the last day before I move to Pahang and continue to further my studies at the University. Sad, but it must happen one day. I will miss my home.

I'll be back at home in August for most of the month though. But yeah, August is some time still. I'm gonna have to live a new life.

Just make sure you enjoy your time away, don't spend it thinking I want to go home. ;)

Anyway, my day has been... Uneventful, to say the least. Nothing has actually happened that I should bother saying... Might try cleaning my room again. :lol:
Not bad. Gardening in the morning so got cut to pieces, pub lunch, went into town and ordered a new 55" Samsung TV plus 7.1 valve amp and have now just finished a Chinese takeaway. :D
Great, finished another bike race and there is another one tomorrow.
And I saw a snowmobile do a quarter mile in 8.5 seconds at 160mph...
Well it has literally poured with rain all day long and I work outside for the most part. It has no been pleasant. I have a waterproof jacket that is worth its weight in gold at the moment but unfortunately it's even so wet it's starting to stick to me... 2 hours to go. 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi.... :lol:
Ugh, what a day. Woke up early (7 AM) and played some Gran Turismo. Sometime at 10 (I'm not entirely sure), we left for quite the day. First I went with my mom to get train tickets so she can go to some work related thing in Washington, that was nice and fast. Then we took the bus and got tickets for a baseball game we're going to next weekend. Then we walked uphill to a nearby conservatory and stayed there for an hour or so. Then we got soup, that was nice. Then we took the train back home, save for one thing: We had to go to Wal-Mart and get some things. I was stuck carrying the toilet paper, again. Sound like a normal hectic day? Here's the catch: It was raining ALL DAY. So we ended up soaked for hours. When we finally got home, I went and had a nice hot bath, that felt great. I am now lying on my bed surfing the net. What a long and wet day. Also, giant rhubarb.
Fathers day here in the states.
Wife and daughter got me the vest gift yet.
I get to drive a Ferrari around NH motor speedway for 3 laps!
Fathers day here in the states.
Wife and daughter got me the vest gift yet.
I get to drive a Ferrari around NH motor speedway for 3 laps!


My day was good, very good indeed. Very productive. Did my homework, golded all 8 rounds of GT Academy 2012, snapped some new pics for my Photomode gallery (Check them out!), wrote an article for a friend's blog of which I'm the co-editor, managed to reach Lvl 21 in SMT3: Nocturne which I just picked up again yesterday after a year of absence, took a spin with my bike and squeezed every single € out of my pocket as well as packed my bags for the workgroup trip tomorrow which is gonna be awesome.

Also going to watch Germany - Denmark tonight. After such a workloaded day and that game I'll surely be fast asleep :lol: