Today? Average.
But I would like to point out something that has been happening for a while. There happens to be a "Three Year Curse/Pattern" which is endlessly continuing in which I believe will never end. I hate the number 3 and this is the third "bad year" of the pattern. You see, this pattern works like this, every 3 years will be a bad year, starting in 2006, then the next year will be good, then the year after will be "whatever", repeat. Let me make a list of things that happened in the pattern:
2006 - First bad year: Grandfather dies, school becomes a pain in the rear. The only "saving grace" was a trip to Florida, which happens nearly every year.
2007 - First good year: I can't remember much except for the fact that the year was the best. School got a bit easier, and like always, went to Florida with my family, and just had the best year ever.
2008 - First "whatever" year: Not much happened, just left my pain in the rear school to home school and made friends during the Winter.
2009 - The worst of the "bad years": Friends turned against me, parents get divorced, dog passed, another grandfather dies, moved out, grades in school went down and never recovered since. Yeah, you can tell this year was hell.
2010 - Living in my new home got better, got a PS3, had a great summer (except for these annoying 4-5 year old's coming over nearly every day after preschool), didn't go to Florida this year, though, it didn't bother me much. Got GT5, had a great Christmas.
2011 - Started watching one of the best NASCAR seasons ever, got a cat, but the year slowly went downhill. My grades in school started to falter, my parents started dating other people even though they promised they wouldn't date anyone else again. I did go to Florida again, however, with both of my parents (this was planned, both won't go with each other again).
2012 - Yep, the saga continues. Got another cat, my dad is going to marry his girlfriend even after promising that he won't marry again, first cat dies, and I don't want to know how the rest of this year will pan out.
Gee, I can't wait for 2015 to makes things even worse...