So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
Not bad. Played some GT5, went rowing in some lovely conditions, but some lunatic came steaming past and splashed water all over the boat. :rolleyes: Now, getting ready for a Roast Dinner, then some TV me thinks.
May have spent most of the previous two days trapped inside the Le Mans thread and various live feeds/timing screens, but enjoyed it immensely :) Unfortunately the rest of today has just rained, it is British summer after all 👎
Lets just run down my life for a second-

6 Months ago- girlfriend Broke up with me(On our 2 year anniversary, she had been cheating on me for a week, I had bought tickets to go out of town and do stuff)

4 Months ago- Realised I wouldnt quite make a 4.0 GPA

3 Months- Prospective Prom date says shes going to a camp that day, before I told her I had planned to ask her to prom

2 Months- Cut from Football team, wasnt in Athletic PE all year and significantly behind in physical conditioning.

1 Month- Parents car broke down

3 Weeks- Best Friend leaves all summer for job at a Summer Camp

2-ish weeks- Father goes to hospital, turned out to be just fine. causes me to miss Job interview

Last week- Found out m dog has Lymphoma, a cancer in dogs which cannot be cured. Will live for about another month or 2.

"Well, me and your father have decided that we shouldnt live together any more, were getting divorced"

June 27th- My Birthday.

I mean, What the ****. Life sucks.
Today has been, ah, boring? Yes. Can't be bothered to do my homework right now. But, I'll type up my script anyways. I should have just slept. All day.
I mean, What the ****. Life sucks.

Hang in there, mate. My life stinks as well, but I always have my chin up.

I spent the weekend staying at home mostly. Though on Monday I'll be going to the gym, if you read my last post in this thread.
Pretty good day, learned something new.

I learned that peeing into some mouthwash creates a lot of bubbles.
Pretty good day, learned something new.

I learned that peeing into some mouthwash creates a lot of bubbles.

Why were you peeing in mouthwash? :lol:

But decent day for me. Sat around and played some PS3 most of the day. It's been a slow day.
Providing answers about my day would raise more questions than answers, I am sure. Unless I am wrong, in which case ignore what I just said.
I mean, What the ****. Life sucks.

Tough break, matey.

If it makes you feel any better there are children in, I'm not gonna go there.

What you may want to do is find something to get you head out of the game for a while until you feel better. Is there a sport/ hobby you like that can take your mind off thing?
Pretty good had lunch with the family at probably my favorite burger joint. Then had my favorite dinner. Oh and Le Man was good.
Options week at college.

Its a true waste of time teaching us stuff we could google in 20 minutes about what our options after A levels are.
How did you do that?

Break my hand? Tripped and fell and hit a door. It's actually the bone in the hand, the one that connects the wrist to the fingers. The fifth metacarpal as the doctor said. Now I gotta walk around with a cast and two wires sticking in my hand for six weeks. Plus I cannot write. :ouch:
Continued with boring options week had some presentations using the University and its lecture halls.

Then went back to college to find it shut due to a bomb scare so we spent the afternoon talking in the park.
Pay day. Always good, right?

Otherwise it was pretty lazy; kicked back and watched a couple of seasons worth of Thank God You're Here, then went and seen Rock of Ages. I was only there for the music, honest! :D
Today? Average.

But I would like to point out something that has been happening for a while. There happens to be a "Three Year Curse/Pattern" which is endlessly continuing in which I believe will never end. I hate the number 3 and this is the third "bad year" of the pattern. You see, this pattern works like this, every 3 years will be a bad year, starting in 2006, then the next year will be good, then the year after will be "whatever", repeat. Let me make a list of things that happened in the pattern:

2006 - First bad year: Grandfather dies, school becomes a pain in the rear. The only "saving grace" was a trip to Florida, which happens nearly every year.

2007 - First good year: I can't remember much except for the fact that the year was the best. School got a bit easier, and like always, went to Florida with my family, and just had the best year ever.

2008 - First "whatever" year: Not much happened, just left my pain in the rear school to home school and made friends during the Winter.

2009 - The worst of the "bad years": Friends turned against me, parents get divorced, dog passed, another grandfather dies, moved out, grades in school went down and never recovered since. Yeah, you can tell this year was hell.

2010 - Living in my new home got better, got a PS3, had a great summer (except for these annoying 4-5 year old's coming over nearly every day after preschool), didn't go to Florida this year, though, it didn't bother me much. Got GT5, had a great Christmas.

2011 - Started watching one of the best NASCAR seasons ever, got a cat, but the year slowly went downhill. My grades in school started to falter, my parents started dating other people even though they promised they wouldn't date anyone else again. I did go to Florida again, however, with both of my parents (this was planned, both won't go with each other again).

2012 - Yep, the saga continues. Got another cat, my dad is going to marry his girlfriend even after promising that he won't marry again, first cat dies, and I don't want to know how the rest of this year will pan out.

Gee, I can't wait for 2015 to makes things even worse...
I'm having a horrible day. Actually, even though it's only Tuesday, my week has sucked the largest of male sex organs. I've started my tons of summer homework. It was really a mistake taking these advanced classes. By September, I have to take notes on 100 pages of a large text book, do like 3 large packets of work, read three books, one of which must be annotated, another just read I believe, and the third read by July 20th and then I must post discussions about it online. Then, if I finish that I'm supposed to start working on something due a month after school begins. I can't begin to tell how much I regret signing up for these classes. It's such a waste of my time. Plus, I have to practice for band and have to learn traditional grip for snare drumming relativrlt fast. Then half of August is band literally every day until school starts.

Just looking ahead at all of this is making my days hell.
Today was a riot. Hadn't slept last night, so was operating on zero hours of sleep. Did better than I thought I would. I have to add 300 more words to this essay.
Well, I woke up on Friday to find my ear was blocked again. :grumpy: It still is, so that annoys me, and over the weekend I got a sty. And I've spent the entire week tired despite having more sleep. On weekdays I get about 6 and a half hours and weekends I get anywhere between 9 and 11 hours. So I'm not the greatest. Today particularly was quite good, I talked to someone from the Phillipines I think, and he was a nice dude. He's new and is in my music class. I also stayed after school and practised for solo performance with people... Or person. :P I have two songs to learn, Bloodstone from Judas Priest and I think it's Of Wolf and Man, or The God that Failed from Metallica. So I'm happy I've already something to do when it comes to performances.
Fantastic day! Just fantastic day at the University. Met some cool friends, we're just living a good life here 👍

Our English Class were top notch. It was fun - never quite a class at school something like it.
Pretty good. Got my art kit and all 7 of my textbooks for my design course starting next month...seems pretty daunting but I reckon it's going to be pretty fun to smash through.

Played some GT, crashed. Watched some Bond and Paycheck, bored. Went for a cycle to get over writers block, didn't help. Get home and got moaned at about the state I'd left the house in. Bought some noodles for dinner. Realised I'd lost my back card in the fight I had on Monday.

Here's hoping tomorrow will be better.
@Skython: The God That Failed is an awesome song. And any song by Priest is awesome. Sties suck, I remember having one a while back.
🤬 awesome, I participated in the London Youth Games and took home the 100m and 200m gold medals for the third year in a row.


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Well since in trying to get my horribly screwed up sleeping schedule right again I've been up for 28 hours at this point. It was a long day that seemed to drag on but now I'm wide awake. It consisted of playing some PS3 and working out for the most part.

I forgot to add that I also watched probably the saddest thing I've ever seen today. :(
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