So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
This :grumpy:


Drove back home from college for the weekend and it was stop and go traffic all the way home because somehow Georgia drivers managed to gridlock every single highway around ATL by wrecking. A bunch of cars also overheated, but not mine! :D

Now I'm getting a nice home-cooked meal and going to see an old friend later tonight who just came back from his maritime academy thing.

For a second, I thought that was a close up of a car's guages in GT5, but then I realised it was real life a few seconds later.
Good day today. I finally got the hang of converting GTR2 cars to GT Legends (since I don't have GTR2 I have to make do). So I downloaded an Audi R15, and a Porsche RS Spyder and converted them, (the later unfortunately without sound and no sound packs available for download) and I've been racing on a 2011 version of Silverstone, which was surprisingly a really good track to drive. I enjoyed it more than the older version. :D I raced for almost an hour until I needed to pit... But didn't know how to operate the pitting system and had to retire (I was almost out of fuel). It then took me some time setting up the button configurations for the pit thing and I'm ready to try again tomorrow. And I converted a New Zealand track (Ruapuna) to GTL too so I can enjoy that. I tried converting cars from the GTR2 demo, but the Saleen S7R and Lamborghini Murcielago I converted didn't work, but the Viper did. To do list for tomorrow... More LMP cars.
Started soon this morning with 1 hour of intense muscle work-out, then 45 minutes working the punching bag. Now i'm at work and in 2 hours i will be off for the next three weeks. That will be a good day!
So, went to the airport to fetch my mum (returning from a short trip to Laamu Atoll), then came home and met up with a close friend of mine, a pretty good day :)
So far it's been horrible. I woke up with a very bad back, I must have twisted it or slept badly during the night as I have a trapped nerve in between my shoulder blades. And it's slowly got worse and worse.
The pain is absolutely debilitating, I can't find a position to sit in where I'm not in agony. I haven't been in this much pain since I ripped a muscle in my leg a few years back.
And to top it all off I have had to ring in sick at work because I can hardly move, so that's a days pay down the drain.
I have an arts project due Thursday, and all I've managed to do so far is complete bull:censored:. I have absolutely no idea how I'm supposed to manage this. So yeah, I'm frustrated. :grumpy:

Went to unplug my playstation which somehow caused my tv unit to collapse, my 46" Sony Z4500 is now ruined. :(
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Bad dose.. Will be watching out for that with my new TV as it's still on a flimsy desk.
I was pretty tired for most of yesterday after having a few for Canada day and trying to stay up for the footie final the previous night.

I did get some fish and chips which made my week, then came home and read a bit, played some GT, had a cake and went to bed for some well deserved shut-eye.
Day's been pretty ordinary except that my left ear is still ringing from a 6 hour concert I went to (BitGen Fest).

I got home and noticed that the interior of my car is peeling off. I grabbed an Elmer's glue and it's good as new. :)
Lies! It was a 6.2. :sly:

We felt it down here in Nelson. My sister was panicking but I just laughed. :lol:

More resources are saying it was a 7. :lol: My brother was disappointed as he didn't feel it (the shower must be built really well).
For me it felt like maybe a 4.5 or something. It was quite gradual and a gentle but wide shaking. It didn't feel as if it was ripping or anything. But my house is really built well and handles earthquakes quite well. Everyone was once saying about how an earthquake was quite big. But it felt tiny in my house. :sly:

If a big one were to hit here in Nelson, my house would literally topple over now. Ever since the major flooding we had in December last year, the ground beneath our house has literally disappeared and the house is shifting with cracks appearing in the paintwork and weatherboards that are breaking.
If a big one were to hit here in Nelson, my house would literally topple over now. Ever since the major flooding we had in December last year, the ground beneath our house has literally disappeared and the house is shifting with cracks appearing in the paintwork and weatherboards that are breaking.

At first I laughed assuming it was an exaggeration... But then realized it wasn't. I think it's time to move house.
At first I laughed assuming it was an exaggeration... But then realized it wasn't. I think it's time to move house.

And miss out on a big EQC payout? We effectively have two options regarding fixing the land. Either we inject (yes, inject with a huge syringe) the ground with a silicon resin (cheap but isn't really suitable for the issue) or we literally pick the house up and fill the hole with more dirt and put it back. Its going to cost in excess of $50k. We're not moving though because the house has been in my family ever since it was built in 1949.
I was having a very average day until I got on a bit of a downer when the misses got home in a bad mood. Came out of nowhere like a hammer to the head.

Now I've got some really dark notions circling in my mind which I'd rather weren't there. This could be a job for beer (as a last resort, of course)
Bad mood with you, or something else?

One of them days of not dealing so well with depression. I need to get back on the pills, I'm stupid for thinking I could do without.

On a better subject, Mrs Shem, who has just had her hair cut again and is still unhappy with it is so p'd off that she's suggested we go for beers to unwind.

Stupid depression. I'm just thanking God it's not in full swing yet and I may be able to medicate it before it really kicks in and stop myself getting all mellow-dramatic.
Took a ride cycling tonight, haven't ride since last year. Well I just beat my personal record! 26.2miles in 59min50sec! My legs are tired now!
My friends XR100 was blowing a lot of smoke so my Dad installed an XR120 big bore kit for it.
Was riding it a bit today and those extra 20ccs makes a difference. (Plus a different cam, higher CR and all of that good stuff.)
So then my friend and I went riding in the trails, overall a good day.
I can tell you all now, it's going to be excellent!

Day off work, fry up for breakfast, lovely shot of coffee with cream & a nice marlboro light to finish it all off, OUUUUUUSH!
Well I woke up late which sucks and then while using an app on my iPod it completely froze up for 2-3 minutes the then the screen looked like it was dropped in water for a few seconds and then the screen was black but still on for 5 minutes before it restarted. What the 🤬?