So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
I went to MOSI (AKA Museum of Science and Industry) today with my sis, and overall, it was pretty interesting.

9 AM to 10 AM: We strolled through Disasterville, which was Weather & Disaster themed. There was disaster simulations that my sis wanted to go into but I refused because I chickened out :grumpy: Then there's a lightning cage that had two insulated gloves so you can dip your hand into the current. I as well chickened that out :grumpy: :grumpy:

10:01 - 11:30: We walked through The Amazing You, which was Human Anatomy and was designed from birth to death. Lots of cool info in there too, but was too much to remember :P

11:31 - 12:30: Ate food.

12:31 PM - 1: Visited the Gift Shop. Only bought a keychain. Did solved a Tower of Hanoi puzzle.

1:01 - 2:30: Visited the Kids in Charge area, and really felt too old to be in there :P But the Drugs and Narcotics area filled my spirits with Hemp, Coca, and Cocaine labs, to smuggling techniques.

2:31 - 3:30: Lastly dropped time in the Mummies of the World exhibit. This was actually the most interesting in the entire Museum, as it featured some fascinating mummies. Wish I had brought some sort of notebook to write the info down, just for keeps.

And that's it. The Museum also offered a free 3D movie in their IMAX Dome theater. But we missed most of the show times.
Horrible. 10 minutes into the day some old/drunk (no old drunks, 2 olds and 1 youngish drunk) people kidnapped my cousin and made him play cards with them instead of go on a boat ride with our neighbors who are very entertaining.
It started like 'meh'.
It then moved into 'mmm'.
Then it went
And then it went 'meh' again.
Great day so far. School was totally awesome. Some lessons with nothing to do, then a free lesson, then another half-free lesson for me and some other people and that was school for today :)

Backstory: We have a girl in our class who's going to be away to Mexico for the next school year, so for saying goodbye we (the few people + me I mentioned) are producing a slideshow video. Now because we thought it was kind of boring to just have pics with music underneath we thought of some crazy things we could put in, in terms of pictures.

Crazy stuff like a human pyramid or pictures from the school roof :dopey:

I was the camera guy and spontaneously decided to not only capture the result in pictures, but also the process on video...

The outcome: hilarious. :D By creating that making-of (more like an outtake) we stretched the whole slideshow by 5 minutes and added a whole lot of fun. Also, climbing the roof was awesome. Have never been up there before. We had to ask our French teacher for the keys though. We were surprised she gave them to us without asking :)

So yeah, it's been a good day so far.

See you around,

Technically it was yesterday, but I attended my first car auction in Leominster along with my dad and a couple of his friends. We weren't aiming to bid on anything after looking around what was up for sale, but many of them went for crazy low prices. I did witness an old Fiat 500L almost getting smashed into by a Winnebago Vectra (Fiat driver left it parked on the middle of a loading area, like an idiot), but luckily it managed to get around it.

Apart from the fact that one of the 2 meals I had yesterday caused me to suffer stomach pains that I still have, it was a good day overall.
Very good day! 5miles running before lunch time and then my workout of the day: I post it there so if anyone wants to try it feel free to give me feedback!


Work-out ( repeat whole set 4 times)

1. Toe to bar or prone knee tuck
2.Bench-press 8 reps with 180lbs
3. Front-rowing to shoulder press 8reps with 90pounds
4. Behind head carry: 25pounds medecine ball
5. Front carry extended arms 25 pounds
6. Biceps curl : 35 pounds dumbells or chin-ups
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I woke up, had some morning coffee, uploaded more music into my Youtube channel, ate some macaroni casserole, went to sauna and helped a relative by burning an audio CD to her.

Now I'm just browsing the web looking for some interesting stuff and music.
Got these two out of jail today.


Did 25 years in my storage unit.
I feel sorry for you. I finished 2 weeks ago. (True I am at college)

I was out exactly a month ago. :D

Today has been great. Ate made my stomach cry out in pain at Olive Garden, spent $40 on Hot Wheels, and now I'm leaving to go out to dinner. :D Good food today...
I got out a week ago. Got my report card today, I ended up with the same mark I had at mid-term in all subjects, now that's consistency! My mah teacher wants me to seek enrichment oppurtunities, don't know what that means, but it must be good if mom promised to buy me MORE Dr Pepper!
Damn, you have a problem with Dr.Pepper. ;)

Today was pretty good, we're selling the Sherco so I washed it and made it look all nice and sparkly. Had some friends over and did 100 lengths in the pool. And there is a kart race tomorrow and it's supposed to rain. I liekz ta rainz. :D
Sat in the air conditioning. Wayyy to hot to even think about leaving the house.
I got out a week ago. Got my report card today, I ended up with the same mark I had at mid-term in all subjects, now that's consistency! My mah teacher wants me to seek enrichment oppurtunities, don't know what that means, but it must be good if mom promised to buy me MORE Dr Pepper!

Your report card sound good. If I quote mine.

Design & Visual Communication 200 (In English we call it Graphics).

Behaviour - Good
Punctuality - Good
Completes Class Work - Requires Attention
Completes homework - Requires Attention

And then the teacher went on to say that I am really unmotivated. :lol:

My best class is music of course, being four excellences with the marking things above. And Mr went on to say, "Alex has no trouble generating original musical ideas and his first composition, a musical score for a 'My Little Pony' film clip, entitled 'The Pink Table of Insanity', displays a clear grasp of musical drama and complexity. The results are effective if somewhat startling and I look forward to hearing what he comes up with for his second piece." :lol:

But yeah, that made my day, it made my dad curious of what I had actually written. That's what happen when you just throw a name at a piece last minute. My dad came in and had a look at my music that I had been writing recently, so I showed him where my Winter Wrap Up version currently is. He was really impressed, and even compared the sound to one of Marty Friedman's solo albums, which is some pretty high praise. :D
Haha. I got 78 in Marketing, only because I NEVER STUDIED, even told the teacher that. In the comments on my report card my teacher said "Alex is encouraged to maintain his good study habits." :lol: That gave me a good chuckle.
You do know that teachers more or less just copy and paste the comments, right :P

As for my day, tiring and hot. I work in a kitchen and it was absurdly hot in there today.

I had to help my English teacher write hers after she screwed them up (computer illiterate). It read something like "student shows good/very good/excellent comprehension of the subject matter, and student demonstrates good/very good/excellent work ethic.
Haha. I got 78 in Marketing, only because I NEVER STUDIED, even told the teacher that. In the comments on my report card my teacher said "Alex is encouraged to maintain his good study habits." :lol: That gave me a good chuckle.

78? That's not a low mark though?

You do know that teachers more or less just copy and paste the comments, right :P

As for my day, tiring and hot. I work in a kitchen and it was absurdly hot in there today.

In fact yeah, that's true. In year 9 metal work my teacher said I was a very hard working student who created a very nice piece of work... Except for the fact that I never made anything and just stood around the middle of the room waiting for the class to end. :lol:
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