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- Outspacer
At risk of driving everybody mad - I’m still totally confused re door numbers and would like to know;
1 Do we know the significance of the door number and how it is assigned?
As best we can tell so far, it should be DR order, but it's bugged when there are players with DR of C or D in the field. See here.
I've been watching it since then, and haven't seen a race where that didn't seem correct. The best time for checking was around when I crossed from DR=B to DR=A, because then I could assume I was higher than all the Bs and lower than all the As - at that point I could predict what number I had every time, as long as there were no DR=D in the race.
Now I'm a bit higher up A, I don't know whether the other As are above or below me. But, as long as there are no DR=D in the race, I can tell how many are above me by my door number
2 How do I know my door number before the race other than by selecting chase view on the grid and looking back? - even then some cars have no number on the bonnet.
That's the method I use, because I can't make it out on the intro screen, behind all the text.
3 Is door number a factor in how much DR I gain or lose in a race?p
My apologies if there are already posts with this info in. Believe me, I’ve tried to find it!
I suspect there's no direct correlation, although obviously it's somewhat related. It's difficult to guess at exactly how DR gain/loss is calculated because we don't know the exact DR of everyone in the field. I've been watching out for any cases where having DR=C or D drivers in the race affects DR gain/loss, but haven't seen anything obvious yet - my impression so far is that the bug that affects door numbers doesn't affect DR scoring.
I think (in some cases at least) it would be fairly obvious if it was bugged - one race I'd quali'd 4th and that was what my door number should've been but there were 7 or 8 DR=C in the race, so I had a much higher door number. I think I finished 3rd. If it was based on the (bugged) door number at all then I would've had a massive boost to my DR, but I didn't. In fact I scored better in a similar race with stronger competition below me (fewer DR=C, more DR=B), which makes me think it's a completely separate calculation, possibly/probably ELO based.