Soda Pop : transparent LimeLemon bubbly

Which LIME / LEMON Soda Pop taste better for you?

  • Starry

  • Sierra Mist

  • 7up

  • Sprite

  • They are all the same

  • Something similar but from a different brand (share)

  • Slice (1985 ~ 2005)

Results are only viewable after voting.
Similar to the Coke vs Pepsi thread, but with the increase in popularity of the transparent Lime/Lemon Soda Pop

Which one for you? (We all know processed sugar in soda is bad for you, so consume in moderation)

7up (currently owned by Keurig/Dr Pepper)
Sprite (Coca Cola)
Starry, replacing Sierra Mist (Persi owned), which replaced in the late 2000 the previous formulation Slice that was introduced in 1984 by Pepsi...


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Or something similar but a brand we don't know, which ?

You have to vote before you can see the results. And you can vote once only, one choice, no changing.
But the poll will not close.

So choose wisely ;)
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Schweppes Manao (lime) soda.

Not sure if it’s sold outside of Asia. Highly recommend tasting it if you can find it. Very refreshing and as much sugar as a Coke.

Certainly the best citrus pop I’ve enjoyed, though I don’t drink pop any more.
1)To be honest I can't tell the difference
2) I grew up with 7up in France,
3) But coming to America, I thought that Sierra Mist tasted the freshest (my pick), and the most balanced, less sweet,
4) Sprite seems too sugary.

I am learning that Pepsi replaced it, but don't understand why they would do so, nothing wrong with Sierra Mist, except for popularity I guess...
I have yet to taste Starry.

Your turn: what's your go to for this clear versatile soda drink that you can mix with other things.

Some of them also come in different flavors too.

Please share your personal preference and some cool mix you would do with them, or even weird household applications you know about.
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Why was Slice left out?

What is Slice ? Wasn't aware. Let me see if I can add it in

Edit: Slide was introduced in 1985, but was discontinued for Sierra Mist.
you can vouch for it here, defend its case. What does it taste like?
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It was discontinued about 25 years ago and was considered the predecessor of Sierra Mist to some extent. Sort of fell into the Sunkist/Crush mold as it had lots of flavors, including Lemon-Lime.
Don't think I've had Sierra Mist but I have tried Starry once while in the US. Not overly carbonated like Sprite and the flavour is a step above 7up. I'm not really into this type of pop but I'd go with that given the choice.
Sprite vs 7Up in Europe for the most part. 7Up has a weird aftertaste that Sprite doesn't have so Sprite wins.
I'll take Sprite also. 7up is too fizzy and harsh for me along with the aftertaste. Sprite is smoother to me. I had Slice back in the day but I can't remember what it tasted like.

Before Slice there was Kick. Introduced in 1965. I remember it being around into the 80's. I think it was similar to Mountain Dew.


7up is my favorite from the lemon-lime bunch. But I don't drink it that often (In-and-Out Burger is one of the few chain restaurants places that vends it where I prefer it over other choices).

I remember Slice when I was a kid, but pretty much placed it between 7up and Sprite. I recall there was also an orange-flavored Slice for a while.

Sierra Mist wasn't too bad, as it used pure sugar for a long time. Then they changed it to high fructose corn syrup, I recall.

They've since replaced it with Starry, and it just tastes more like Sprite, of which I'm not a fan. (Though some of their limited edition flavors are good.) For some reason, Sprite's flavor just seems more acidic and more of an aftertaste as I get older.

Interestingly, I don't find the same aftertaste of 7up compared to Sprite.
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I've only ever seen 7up and Sprite here and i couldn't tell the difference between them TBF.

So just to be awkward i'll say R Whites Lemonade. Not that i think it tastes much different to any of the others, but as is my age i'm a secret lemonade drinker.

I had to look up that reference.
Definitely way before my time, and not in the same country...
It’s a jingle that’s quite well known in the UK.

I had a sugar free lime 7UP at the weekend. It wasn’t nice.
There's also lemon Fanta too which is similar in that its a lemon-flavoured soda, but different in that it's yellow rather than clear.

I like it but it can be a bit tart. Not in that good limoncello way either.