On the evening of August 28, 1859, the sky over much of the northern hemisphere turned a blood red. Streaks were observed shooting upwards from all points of the horizon, and concentrating in a large luminous mass in the middle of the heavens, with the greatest intensity of color at the zenith. Rays were constantly shooting up from all portions of the horizon. Flashes of white light appeared among them, commencing from the horizon and moving upwards, following each other like waves in an immense sea of light. This could be seen from Key West, Fla (24 degrees, 33 minutes), and from Inagua, Bahamas (21 degrees, 18 minutes).
This aurora resulted from the Carrington Event, the biggest solar storm ever noted by science. NASA figures something similar can and will occur again, perhaps as soon as 2013. NASA wants its employees and all US citizens to be prepared, as extensive and prolonged electric power grid outages could happen, as well as communication difficulties.
The present solar storm is insignificant by comparison.
Respectfully submitted,