Some sob has gt4

  • Thread starter cobragt
I want a new TV, but I'm debating between a high spec digital projector or a 48" plasma, a 48" LCD is a bit too much at the moment. Is there any TV bioffins around to suggest the better option of the two?
They both have their advantages and disadvanages. An LCD projector produces a much larger image than a TV ever could (10ft wide screen in your living room, thanks), but then you can only really use them during dark or night conditions, so that would be something to take into consideration. 42" Plasma/LCD TVs are much more expensive than a very good projector would be..

Check out (uk site) for more help.
My 14" Mono TV will have to do, since if I move my PS2 downstairs to use on our Nicam 28" Widescreen my mum will moan. :grumpy:

And no I can't upgrade my own TV, unless manufacturers start producing 17"/18" TVs (that aren't crap or TFTs).
man... hopefully GT4 will be out soon. Im gonna go buy a videocapture card so i dont have to use that stupid lap attatchment. Just gonna play it through my monitor with my Driving force Pro. :)
The release date in Japan is set for tomorrow, guys, so we'd better get used to all these people talking about how great GT4 is.
I want a new TV, but I'm debating between a high spec digital projector or a 48" plasma, a 48" LCD is a bit too much at the moment. Is there any TV bioffins around to suggest the better option of the two?
get a DLP -
DLP has superior picture quality which doesn't degrade over time like plasma, won't produce dead pixels like LCD and won't have burn in and low contrast like regular ProjectorTVs: after all i should know - that's what i dream of 24/7 :nervous:
Infact I'm POSITIVE that the 1080i thing is pure PURE crap, the fill rate alone would make the PS2 a-splode. Infact can you actually name ANY ps2 games that run at 1080i? As far as I know there are a few xbox ones that do....I think.
It's not crap, but it ain't the complete truth either. You guys should have paid better attention what I said about this before.

The Hi-scan 1080i is just a scan conversion of 480p. It's maximum resolution is only 920i, which is still enough for it to be considered 1080i. It's not true 1080 High-definition video images. It runs at 30hz+30hz. much like 480i, but with 920 lines instead of 480.
And I can't wait to laugh in your face cobra, btw photo mode in 1080i DOESN'T count

And as I said, I bet it's not TRUE 1080i.

*me laughing in cobras face as we read*

Still it's all good, even if it's not TRUE 1080i, it should still be damn sweet.
The game better be awsome with all these freaking delays. This better not end up like that game that was delayed for about 6 years... uh... Duke Nukem Forever. I honestly hope it comes out soon in japan, because that means it will be out in the US soon. They better be quick if they want to beat the pirates. yes, that is a threat PD

it's real 1080i dude
the 480p mode even use Antialiasing for some objects and leaves are polygons this time!!!!
for 1080i, objects are become simpler than 480p, but you can see really far and really clear
Someone BAN him. I'm sick and tired of HIS negative CRAP. No Code you're not one bit funny....muppet.


Mr P510, I'm ever so sorry that your head is stuck up your arse, but that's not my, nor anybody elses fault. It's up to a mod to baninate(aww couldn't resist, I know I'm ripping this off) me, they hardly need a muppet like yourself jumping about screaming "ban him".

Gt4 will rule

So, this 1080i is like the old GT hifi mode, but available for every race? Does it work on regular TVs too? (in the GT4 demo, photo mode does run at a higher resolution, and it is noticeable on my cheap 28" TV)
They both have their advantages and disadvanages. An LCD projector produces a much larger image than a TV ever could (10ft wide screen in your living room, thanks), but then you can only really use them during dark or night conditions, so that would be something to take into consideration. 42" Plasma/LCD TVs are much more expensive than a very good projector would be..

Check out (uk site) for more help.
Thanks very much, I think the projector is looking like the better choice, it's quite dark in the most times, the sun shining in ect isn't much of a problem.

Also thanks Kaniyodrift I'm looking into that DPL technology but I think it might cost a bit too much more than a decent projector at the moment. Although I am tempted by a 50" Samsung model.
Can I just say that projectors are the sexiest things ever. I had a go on half life 2 on a projector and it was freaking incredible.

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