Sooo close!

  • Thread starter Jordan


Site Founder
United States
United States
Man, the counter seems to be stuck at 992 members.  Only 8 more to go before our first thousand!  :D
Sweet. :D

No matter how many members are here, I'll always be the coolest. :P

(Edited by Josh at 1:20 pm on Aug. 4, 2001)
I just looked and it's now at 993...

Just lettin' ya know...
Quote: from coolrules on 1:27 pm on Aug. 4, 2001[br]
lmao @ josh :D

Why are you laughing...? :confused:

Nothing to laugh about man, it's pretty much a known fact that I'm the coolest guy around. :lol:

Just ask some'll see, and if they say I'm not the's all good, I'll just edit their post :D

j/k about that editing posts thing Jordan... :smilewinkgrin:
Gosh, I was afraid this would happen!  This waiting is agonizing!  :nervous:
Well done lads :) a good figure for a great site
and it's only going to get better :cool:

BTW Josh did you get caught cheeting :grin:
If you can't do the time don't do the CRIME :)
and don't pick the soap up when asked !!!!!!

Just a bit of advice from the old wise one.

I'm very impressed with this site. :D

It's getting bigger as I type this...

1014 members right now, and there will be 1100 in no time...
There's about to be 5000 posts in the GT3 Forum.

Probably no biggy, just thought I'd point it out.
Quote: from elyk27 on 10:59 pm on Aug. 4, 2001[br]jordan did you ever think the site was going to be as successful as it is?
No, I thought it might be popular, but I didn't expect it to break 1000 members this fast!  :eek:
Jordan, how long has the site been around...?

Over 5001 posts in the GT3 forum now...
Well, I registered the domain name back in February, and the forums have been open since June 1st, so about 2 months.  (It should be said that they were in beta testing with Phil, Talentless, Misnblu, and Soulpanic about two weeks before that.)
Now I'm even more impressed. :embarrassed:

Only 2 months and this many members...
