Is Sophy 2.0 no longer competitive?

  • Thread starter rlx
Yes, the Sophy AI opponents are always chosen based on your current car's base PP. It doesn't matter if you enter the race with a tuned car, or one with different tires.

I'm hopeful this statement means PD intended to have the cars Sophy uses to be scaled on your car's PP as it is when you enter the race, but it could only be referring to the money farming exploit.
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I think your hunch may be right. However, there is no mention of Sophy races specifically. So the way it's worded in the known issues, PD may be referring to the payout glitch using a Fiat against a tomahawk...Not sure, I have not see the full list of issues yet.
On the other hand... Sophy is part of Quick Races now, and selecting opponents work the same way for both Standard AI and Sophy. Also I think this is connected to out Money grinding glitch and fixing this bug will resolve both Sophy chosing wrong cars, and money grinding glitch.
Did a second Quick Race, using the MP4/4 to see how SOPHY & programming match up. Good stuff.
I did a loop with Gr.4 on RH. Grid was more tight. I managed to beat Sophy on Spa and Le Man's probably because they are longer.

I found Sophy a little bit more aggressive and stupid (as if I'm not there) driving gr.4.

I'm quite sure Sophy do adjust it's pace and you can see that on Le Mans. I catched the P1 easily and it speed up it's pace behind me.

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I made a observation. (Gr.2,3,4)
When you start the race the Sophys in front kinda fight each other and not driving the perfect line, that results in slower laptimes. But in the moment you pass the sophys in front (specialy the first two) they stop fighting each other and start to hunt you.
If Sophy adjust according to our pace in someway, I start to think we actually don't need a full grid of 19 Sophy cars. 10 are enough, so the saved computing power be used for the rest of the grid and they be more precise and competitive.
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Hi I did this new video about Sophy, finally I beat Sophy at Watkins Glen, the last track I didn't succeeded before:

Awesome vid with the edits! But... it says Watkins Glen in the title and opening and that's actually Road Atlanta...
Sophy is amazing.

I don't care it's slower than before, it's just really nice to finally have competent racing in Gran Turismo. You might be trying hard to win and you see the AI at your side trying just as hard, finally.

Raced a 190E at laguna seca, there was a NISMO r32 just blasting through the cars, I think it gained like 7 positions easily on the left side, Sophy is finally showing the performance differences between AI cars.
If Sophy adjust according to our pace in someway, I start to think we actually don't need a full grid of 19 Sophy cars. 10 are enough, so the saved computing power be used for the rest of the grid and they be more precise and competitive.
I agree.

Feels like even 6 cars on track is enough.
Awesome vid with the edits! But... it says Watkins Glen in the title and opening and that's actually Road Atlanta...
hahahaha yeah.. I noticed my mistake. I prepared my timeline before the race expecting to race at Watkins glen, but then I realised Sophy wasn't released for it so I did Road Atlanta forgetting to change text in editing timeline... I am so messy ;)

Hi, I did an other video with multi cameras work including PSVR2 (onboard and on track). I recently added buttkickers on my setup. (as per previous video I did at Road Atlanta). Feelings with the left and right shaking are so great and brings so much details in the grip feelings I think. Also, in this video you can easily see Sophy defending its position quite aggressively. Frequently closing the door on me, and sometimes even kicking me to prevent me from passing and trying to get me off the track. I imagine it must have learned this by training on other human players, but isn't It supposed to respect racing etiquette via the reward/penalty system developed in its code?
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Oh that’s a shame! I remember them making a big think about how it’s always learning etc… So all they done then is just program a new AI. Hopefully Sophy then gets upgrades in the updates.
How can you fit a datacenter of thousands TFlops in your PS5? I would like to know ^^
Hi, I did an other video with multi cameras work including PSVR2 (onboard and on track). I recently added buttkickers on my setup. (as per previous video I did at Road Atlanta). Feelings with the left and right shaking are so great and brings so much details in the grip feelings I think. Also, in this video you can easily see Sophy defending its position quite aggressively. Frequently closing the door on me, and sometimes even kicking me to prevent me from passing and trying to get me off the track. I imagine it must have learned this by training on other human players, but isn't It supposed to respect racing etiquette via the reward/penalty system developed in its code?
Great videos! Here is another trick you may want to incorporate:

Regarding Sophy: It has learned mostly from racing against itself, and a couple of preset situations that mimic human behavior (like crowded starts or cars braking too early before a corner).
Great videos! Here is another trick you may want to incorporate:

Regarding Sophy: It has learned mostly from racing against itself, and a couple of preset situations that mimic human behavior (like crowded starts or cars braking too early before a corner).

my friend you are right. I have been thinking adding those tires and suspensions closeups.. Next video I'll think about it. And thank you for your comments.
Spa is an interesting race with Sophy in a Gr3 on RH. I think the pace needed to win cleanly is in the low 2.19s. She is fairly aggressive, and you will have to stand your ground.
Apparently Sophy now chooses the car based on your car actual pp and not the stock version. This means that if you enter a race with a tuned car, Sophy will try to match its performance.

This will perhaps allow some room when trying to match the AI performance, but the catch bug is most likely still there and I doubt they match your tyres.
Yeah, but you have "enter" Sophy race using desired PP. If you start with 550PP car and change tuning to 700PP on the race screen, grid won't be affected, so you gonna race slower cars :s
And as Bojador wrote - AI doesn't match your tires, so I think it's easier to win using ~700PP on RH car than 550PP on SH.
Tried racing Sophy 2.0 the first time. Spa in GT3, hard difficulty. Didn't know it tries to match your actual PP and was surprised i won on 3rd try. I wondered a bit as i had real trouble winning on medium difficulty in GT4 cars.

It's great fun to race Sophy and see zhe other car's fighting. Even one spinning out.
Sophy is running on markov chains now. The code on pro is just to keep a .5 delta if user clears time trial so the spirit of GT remains--time trials with obstacles (now slightly more interesting obstacles but still, definitely NOT racing in any way.
definitely NOT racing in any way
What a bizarre assessment. If you're at the front from the start, and you leave your opponents in the dust then I could understand saying that's NOT racing. If you have to overtake at least one car which is also trying to reach the finish line before you, then it's racing. By definition.
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Apparently Sophy now chooses the car based on your car actual pp and not the stock version. This means that if you enter a race with a tuned car, Sophy will try to match its performance.

This will perhaps allow some room when trying to match the AI performance, but the catch bug is most likely still there and I doubt they match your tyres.
Just noticed the change, I picked a max-tuned 911 GT3 RS, then all the Sophy cars were Ferrari FXX K, it was quite funny
Honestly for a Controller gamer with little use for aids and tcs... I do like Sophy to not get any harder thank you