Sooo I didn't like the intro music....

And decided to see what songs fits better for me.

The part up to 3:28 is the part I dont like. The bit after is perfect.

I just opened 2 tabs of Youtube:

1 of the GT Sport Intro @ 0.21
Other tab Devil May Cry 4's intro song:

Muted GT Sport and started both of them..... MY GOD!!

Too bad the song is shorter then the intro, but it gave me goosebumps.
The historical footage along with opera just blends perfectly.

The song ends when you see a driver looks to the left and the image fades..

Anyone else have certain songs that fit perfectly?
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I personally like the GT Sport intro music. The first half is quite emotional, and the second half is upbeat and puts a smile on my face every time I watch it. It's more of a return to form after the frankly, awful GT5 and GT6 intros and song selections. You can still never beat the intro music from the GT1, GT2 & GT3 PAL games!
I find the first half of the GT Sport intro to be beautiful. I don’t really like the second half of the intro though. They used too many scenes of the E3 trailer in my opinion, and while I do like the song, it just isn’t good enough to be the theme music. They should’ve just used Moon Over The Castle or one of Daiki Kasho’s songs (perhaps they could use 5OUL ON D!SPLAY again?).

GT Sport’s intro is one of my least favourite GT intros. :/
I quite liked the intro music. It's a take on old adventure movies where John Williams put his signature on almost everything: