sound comprasion - MUST WATCH

They raised the volume and made the sounds a bit clearer.
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I don't think your imagining things. I heard it too. :)

Great video, I haven't jumped on the PS3 yet, but I can't wait what other sounds the cars have in store for me! Woah... I wonder how the Mark IV and 787B sound.
I don't think your imagining things. I heard it too. :)

Great video, I haven't jumped on the PS3 yet, but I can't wait what other sounds the cars have in store for me! Woah... I wonder how the Mark IV and 787B sound.

Or the F40 or Enzo or Gallardo or F430, here I come! (well tomorrow lol)
If you only hear a volume change, you're deaf.

i hear the volume change, and added wind effects that can be easily confused with exhaust as they blend together in some of the clips, also here's a visual representation of peaks between the clips, the green line being "before 2.02" and red after

the overall levels are much louder in the second clips, the reality is the only changes are wind sounds
How many cars have you tried, personally?

I haven't done many yet, but my little Standard hatchbacks sound more like racing machines now, and it's not just an increase in volume. As I posted in another thread, the Saleen S7 I was chasing in it sounded angrier and more obnoxious too.
i hear the volume change, and added wind effects that can be easily confused with exhaust as they blend together in some of the clips, also here's a visual representation of peaks between the clips, the green line being "before 2.02" and red after


Have you actually jumped in game yet? The wind noise is not noticeable while using the chase cam, and it doesn't really kick in until you are going around 60 MPH. Also, never said the volume didn't increase, but it's not JUST the volume.
How many cars have you tried, personally?

I haven't done many yet, but my little Standard hatchbacks sound more like racing machines now, and it's not just an increase in volume. As I posted in another thread, the Saleen S7 I was chasing in it sounded angrier and more obnoxious too.
M3 sounds better, and the Impreza STi Version VI seems to sound a little nicer. The 599 sounds more Ferrari-ish, and the Ford GT seemed strangely quieter...
Oh yeah, the sound changes are massive. Now don't get me wrong. I don't think anything was re-recorded and added in. I don't mean those kind of massive changes. But massive changes were made in all areas by tweaking levels properly and in nearly every aspects of teh sound.

Be honest. Cars on GT5 have always sounded like kittens purring from bumper cam and interior view before this update. It's the one critique of GT5 that internet complainers compalin about that I actually agree with. With Blue Ray there's no excuse for crappy compressed sounds in Gran Turismo.

But what this update proved was, that PD actually did do a good job recording sounds and putting them on the disc uncompressed. The failure was that of the sound teams seemingly not even TRYING to properly adjust levels. Or were just ignorant. Someone went back in there and properly turned up the gains on sounds that needed to be turned up, and whoever that was, imo is an audiophilic genius compared to the people who originally did it.

Cars actually sound like they do in real life now. At least far closer than they did (as we all know it's really impossible for speakers to truly replicate real life engines/exhaust). Before, from interior and bumper cam before all you could hear was the tranny. Now you hear what you're supposed to be hearing.....the engine and exhaust notes. And they sound proper. I just watched that video while my top gear DVD is on in the PiP of my TV next to is to compare the Zonda's sound in GT5 now to the noise coming out of my speakers from the Zonda review. They sound nearly identical.

Again.....whomever it was that did the audio adjustments in this patch is a genius. I will guaranteee you it's a different person than who originally adjusted them. It goes much further than the engine sounds as well. Wind, tire noise, crowds. And they turned DOWN the right things too. The only thing I didn't think to listen for was the horns. But I'd guess they were adjusted as well.

As for this video , I wish it were edited diferently so that the sounds from each section directly followed each other instead of all three sections pre and post patch. It leaves to much room for people to claim ignorance based on what they remember hearing from 20 seconds ago. It's hard to perfectly remember sounds anyway.
Nice to see an improvement!

However, they still have a long way to go in terms of recreating the engine sounds perfectly.
Sound of the car riding through a tunnel still sounds the same and weak! Where's the reverb and amplification? Forza 4 has this effect done the best and I was hoping they fixed this in the 2.0.2 update.
However, they still have a long way to go in terms of recreating the engine sounds perfectly.
I don't think it's a long way to go, nor do I think any game is going to do it "perfectly." Perfection is sure in the ear of the beholder, as you can tell from the Forza fans here. To me, T10 went too far beyond reality into cartoon-level over-production, but that's just me. I know overall, they love it, but I think we should leave each game to find their own level on this issue. Ba-dum-bum. ;) Merry Christmas.
The sounds in GT have NEVER been as bad as most like to claim. It's as if everyone wants every vehicle to sound like a fully prepped race car instead of what they actually sound like. 99% of cars, purr like kittens. Fact. My MR2 Turbo sounds almost identical to GT5.

Now go play GT5 and compare. The only area that is REALLY off, is the BOV. Stock has an internal BOV that is barely audible.
The SLS was the most impressive of those along with the M3. I know I wasn't imagining things when I heard my ZR1 for the first time.

I can definitely say I notice a difference even on my HDTV speakers only....I can only imagine with a true surround system....:drool:
Not if you have true Dolby Surround.

That could have been true if all cars were sounding wrong with normal speakers and were all magically fixed with dolby but when some cars sound perfect and others completely wrong, then it's clearly not a sound system issue. Dolby also doesn't change the wrong sound samples used for many cars.
The sounds in GT have NEVER been as bad as most like to claim. It's as if everyone wants every vehicle to sound like a fully prepped race car instead of what they actually sound like. 99% of cars, purr like kittens. Fact. My MR2 Turbo sounds almost identical to GT5.

Now go play GT5 and compare. The only area that is REALLY off, is the BOV. Stock has an internal BOV that is barely audible.

I agree that GT5 cars have always "purred like kittens", but the problem is alot of those cars purring like kittens should be roaring like lions, and that wasn't the case. But now even the lions have a voice. And that's a good thing, though I'm sure PD will get none of the kudos they deserve for the work they've done with sound in this patch. They will get some here on this foum from people like me, but not publicly in the gaming media.