Southern Sliderz - Australian Drift Team

  • Thread starter ben_4224
So, I decided to have some fun at cote de azur, I went out on track and auto drive takes control, 20 laps later and I'm just seeing how fast he can go.
I saw a dodge RAM on the ucd earlyer so I bought it for the championship thing so I Maxed it out I fine tuned it to my.liking then went and accidently put comfort hards on it aha ill post some pics soon but can I just say BUY ONE OF THESE THEN ENTER A DRIFT COMP I went in one today with it and won aha every one in there silvias then me in that was funny

Sorry just had to get it out there
Wow, did you tune the suspension at all?
Mines stocks so it's first gear and then just clutch kick clutch kick clutch kick.
@ stav Hey are you going to br on tonight haven't drifted with you since you got your new mic.
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Yeah, I'm actually playing Mafia 2 right now, but I got a 2 hour driving lesson at midday. So I should be on later tonight.
Yeah, I'm actually playing Mafia 2 right now, but I got a 2 hour driving lesson at midday. So I should be on later tonight.
Yeah I finshed Mafia 2 but I got it on Xbox cause it was cheaper.
You want me to troll the endding for you?
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I tuned rear camber to 6 to stop spinning out agusted my gear ratios to a higher top speed and put the toe angled to 0 urm fully tuned manual is a must go round a corner low accelation in forth the bounce it off red line and show up some Silvia s
I tuned rear camber to 6 to stop spinning out agusted my gear ratios to a higher top speed and put the toe angled to 0 urm fully tuned manual is a must go round a corner low accelation in forth the bounce it off red line and show up some Silvia s

Three questions.

1) Who are you?
2) Isn't the Ram 4WD?
3) Who are you?

No 'fence but i 'aint never seen you 'round 'ere befor' boi
Three questions.

1) Who are you?
2) Isn't the Ram 4WD?
3) Who are you?

No 'fence but i 'aint never seen you 'round 'ere befor' boi
1) Did you completely miss the pages were he signed up and we were talking about EVOS and how imo there way better than WRXs.
2) Yes but it's still fun to drive. (sideways)
3) Did you completely miss the pages were he signed up and we were talking about EVOS and how imo there way better than WRXs.

EDIT: If you look at the last 2 post from me and him it says my opion EVOs are always on top of WRXs on the podium.
Three questions.

1) Who are you?
2) Isn't the Ram 4WD?
3) Who are you?

No 'fence but i 'aint never seen you 'round 'ere befor' boi

I'm on a lot but not lately
Dodge 4x4 and u can't chnage it to 90% rwd
Three questions.

1) Who are you?
2) Isn't the Ram 4WD?
3) Who are you?

No 'fence but i 'aint never seen you 'round 'ere befor' boi

lol Im with alvin, he has been round here before its just you werent paying much attention, And the Ram is RWD.

On an Unrelated note, I just went browsing through Black and Yellow team thread and Im surprised a mod hasnt jumped in a said something about the 5 posts in a row....
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I'm getting on in a few, I won't be at my best as I did something to my left shoulder.
Whats up with all the guys who are good behind the wheel screwing up there sholder first it was oni chan then one of his friends now you. Something strange is going on here.
Hey, this is Snake of Kentucky Fried Touge.

Before anyone says I have no business here, I come peacefully to invite y'all to my mountain for some touge and downhill racing/drifting.

I have made what i think is a near-perfect mountain course.

If interested, or would like to see the course for yourself, add me (SolidSnake7735) for some intense Drift n Togue action.

Challenge us uphill/downhill of you dare

(only two members from each team will be accepted at once since my friends list is filling, pick your ambassadors wisely)
Whats up with all the guys who are good behind the wheel screwing up there sholder first it was oni chan then one of his friends now you. Something strange is going on here.

I did my left shoulder while playing golf, twice. First time I whiplashed it through the swing and the second and I swung in an awkward position putting too much force on it. I could see why it hurt after I made a divot about 4 inches long in the ground.
Man now my DFGT's shifter ain't working, it just sticks in the downshift now. :(

Oh yeah guys anyone wanna be in the lineup for versing Redline Drifters?
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Man now my DFGT's shifter ain't working, it just sticks in the downshift now. :(

Oh yeah guys anyone wanna be in the lineup for versing Redline Drifters?
Try tighting the nut at the bottom of the shifter. (and the one behind it :lol: )
Hey MONSTAR sorry man but I got offered a trade for a stelh car code. So I can only give you one car today and then the rest when the trade is over. So did you want the amuse s2000 street or the 1967 ticket.
Sweetness, just got my red P's. :D

Right NYTSKY, your the one who sent me a random FR on PSN :lol:
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I guess Jordan wanted all the online stuff in one spot... It doesnt make a lot of sense though... I mean why not just move the whole drift forum there, rather then leaving some stuff behind? I'm a little bit confused :confused:
There has been asks about getting a specific drift team thread so I guess we finally got it maybe?

Can a mod tell us why the move happened?