Southern Sliderz - Australian Drift Team

  • Thread starter ben_4224
Hey MONSTAR sorry man but I got offered a trade for a stelh car code. So I can only give you one car today and then the rest when the trade is over. So did you want the amuse s2000 street or the 1967 ticket.

Thats fine mate. Ill have the 67 ticket please 👍
Hey yello, i sent the GT & Corolla...

So... where is everyone?
Ill talk with them , see if they still want to go ahead, if they do, Ill get a time, if not, well then thats that.
hey guys, we need to have a huge SS drift sesh and also anyone feel free to noob_bow (my 2nd account) and ill race some of ya bobs
I would love to join

Add me. Im about to open up a private room if anyones interested, (just gonna get some practise in on Cape ring north sector for the D-max Tourney if I make it past Quali.) Feel free to join, anyone. Hopefully we can get some trains going.
Add me. Im about to open up a private room if anyones interested, (just gonna get some practise in on Cape ring north sector for the D-max Tourney if I make it past Quali.) Feel free to join, anyone. Hopefully we can get some trains going.

I'll join in when I get home out at hogs breath cafe ATM and gonna see a movie after that I'll be back on gt5
I don't think I'll be able to make it tonight :(... Really starting to itch for some drifting...
You guys got shallow pockets? Don't make me come back to GTPlanet. :lol:

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Guys, Stav currently has a public room open, lets try and have a big SS sesh tonight aye.

I'm on my way home now will be on gt5 I'n like 10-20min at the most I'll join you guys
You guys got shallow pockets? Don't make me come back to GTPlanet. :lol:

It's not that we have shallow pockets so much as all of us that would really like to donate (like me) don't have credit cards and can't make their parents understand why they would pay $10 to a website. Not that I've honestly tried talking it out with them, it would create more awkwardness then I like to handle...

That pic is classic 👍
Haha good point Dino, I am pretty well off when it comes to money but.. I don't trust the internet when it comes to money. Money, bank details and internet don't mix.

But I hope you guys sort it all out. :)

Yes, the picture is a classic ain't it? Haha..
Im down, but i dont have online or anything so ill post pics???

My machines are; Mustang GT
70's challenger
And im about to make a 69' Camaro, Anyone done this?
Friday Night Debrief.
Well, we had a fairly fun lobby tonight. Had Apearances from Glaze, Howesbros, Monstar, Stav, Red and Myself, also a few randoms had hopped in, one of which managed to stay the night, (Delayed reaction) Didnt manage to get any photo runs unfortunatly. Upside is my interenet seems quite stable with hosting up to 6 people so far (Maximum number of people in room all night, maybe could cope with more?), very little lag, what lag there was was either a foreigner or someone entering/leaving. Was good to have a laugh with the guys that did show up. For those of you who didnt make it, you missed out on one helluva laugh. Maybe next week, we could get maybe a few more people in? A few good photo runs maybe?