Its superb. Still trying to get to grips with it. Sometime summer I should be able to show some real photographs, as I have a computer aided telescope. Gotta wait on summer for a digital camera good enough to take pictures through the telescope.
Cool, I'd love to have a look through the eye of a good telescope, I'd probably spend hours, only problem is, I live pretty near London, so I'd have to get myself somewhere far away to be able to use it properly! It'd be great to see those pics!
As for the game, I still highly recommend it, it looks like it'll be worked on for a long time yet, no mentions of any end to it being free either.
In the dev thread, the creator of the program has showed some early attempts of volcanism and dynamic solar flares, both presently likely to come in the next update.
Also, I got an actual Desktop PC since all those posts a while ago, so now I have higher quality settings and original picture resolutions! These pics are lower res than my newest ones, I ran in roughly 1300p at first but now I run at about 1620p. Very pleased w/ PC!
Supersampling FTW! 60 FPS Smoothness!
Zoomin' into triple peaks! (Apologies for Low-IQ Imageshack Images, but it'll do, for now)
An irradiated heathole of a planet with Auroras visible during daylight.
Right click for image options (Observe @ Higher Res)