Space In General


GREEN AURORAS ON MARS: One day, when humans go to Mars, they might find that the Red Planet has green skies. NASA's MAVEN spacecraft has discovered widespread auroras on Mars--and not where researchers expected them to be. Get the full story from Science@NASA.

RED AURORAS ON EARTH: Most auroras are green. On May 10th, Alan Dyer witnessed an unusual display of red. "From my observing site near Gleichen, Alberta, the northern sky had a diffuse glow of normal green aurora," reports Dyer. "But overhead, the aurora took the form of a red arc across the sky." He captured the phenomenon in this 40 minute star-trailed exposure:

Red auroras are not fully understood. They occur some 300 to 500 km above Earth's surface, much higher than ordinary green auroras. Some researchers believe the red lights are linked to low energy electrons from the sun, which move too slowly to penetrate deeply into the atmosphere. When such electrons recombine with oxygen ions in the upper atmosphere, red photons are emitted. At present, space weather forecasters cannot predict when this will occur.
Why is the Death Star orbiting Saturn? Are they preparing to destroy Earth?

Sometimes Tethys, 3rd Moon of Saturn, has been jokingly referred to as the Death Star. Personally, I think Phobos of Mars has a creepier look to it.
Tethys. Huge, hexagonal, crater Odysseus, with its uplifted central complex, the Scheria Montes, is at the top of this image.
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I can't help but think that the shadows passing through in the Ceres images are something between Ceres and the camera.... neither artifact nor crater activity.
I can't help but think that the shadows passing through in the Ceres images are something between Ceres and the camera.... neither artifact nor crater activity.
Marc Rayman, through personal communication with a guy I know on another forum, has implied that it is strictly an image artifact, and will be cleaned up as soon as possible.
Heard about a large asteroid hitting us on September which September is my birthday. Man got some extreme chills. Sorry that I made you all panic.
Is there another disaster movie coming out, or do you have an actual source?
No but it's been talked about for quite some time. I heard about it in the comments section on YouTube in one of the trailers for San Andreas.

Also I'm not joking about it. You might think I am due to the fact that this was from a trailer for a disaster film but someone did brought this up.
Yeah. No.

I spend a lot of time on sites like Nasa and, you know, credible sources.

If there was a massive stone heading for us, it would be plastered all over the news. But there isn't. For now.

Google Apophis. That's a reason to wet the bed at night.
Rather then sharing the video, I went back to the video and decided to share the comment related to this.


See what H Simpson said? Some scary **** here. There's not a lot of news about this but god. Out of all the articles I've read about large asteroid potentially hitting earth and end all life, its always said to be a chance like a 1 in 300,000 or 20,000 or more. Someone said that the extinction of dinosaurs only happened because there was no technology around that time and now that we have technology now, it's said that we're not going to get hit. Although from what I heard, there's no confirmed chance on whether this asteroid will hit us or not. If it's confirmed to hit us, then well.... Commit suicide the day before it strikes? :(

The horror is real my friend.

Calm down. Stop believing the crap you read online, unless it's from a credible source.

The YouTube comment section is not a credible source. It's one of the worst places of the Internet.
I don't really bother visiting Nasa's website. After googling this stuff again, I did find a article *and it's from NASA's website* that talks about a Asteroid that's going to strike us. However it's just an exercise they are doing so it's fake and not something to believe in. *The post, not NASA themselves* There's even a disclaimer about it at the top of the article. Despite this, I'm just going to post the link to the source.
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The horror is real my friend.
No, it's not. It is in fact wholly imaginary.

In the pecking order of credibility, the only thing below Youtube comments is Facebook comments - even random typing from a brain-damaged Alsatian on a Cyrillic keyboard has more credibility. "I heard about it in the comments section on YouTube in one of the trailers for San Andreas" is marginally less of a statement of reality than "I read it in a fortune cookie".

There is, at present, no threat of a significant asteroid strike "on", or even "in", September 2015.
So, you prefer getting your news from cesspools like the YT comment section?
No. Almost all the time I get my news from random articles using google. I'm not saying that YouTube is always a credible source as I've seen people make crap up especially with GTA Online's leak infestation where everything from those leaks are fake. Some of them do end up being real but only rarely.
No. Almost all the time I get my news from random articles using google. I'm not saying that YouTube is always a credible source as I've seen people make crap up especially with GTA Online's leak infestation where everything from those leaks are fake. Some of them do end up being real but only rarely.

I'll quote @Famine, in case you've missed it.

In the pecking order of credibility, the only thing below Youtube comments is Facebook comments - even random typing from a brain-damaged Alsatian on a Cyrillic keyboard has more credibility. "I heard about it in the comments section on YouTube in one of the trailers for San Andreas" is marginally less of a statement of reality than "I read it in a fortune cookie".