Did a quick search on this and didn't find much in the way of documented literature. We know that our sun is not producing any kind of devastating outburst (other than CMEs) at frequencies on the order of 20-50 years, obviously. The claim that it might be more on the order of 10,000 or 100,000 years is not out of the question, but I do wonder why this takes some sort of conspiracy to maintain. If nothing else, it sounds like a theory with very little evidence to back it up, and which may be hard to show evidence which it could not fit.
We know shockingly little about the sun and other stars, but it is an area of ongoing research and we've gotten a lot better at it.
Thank you for your reply. I'm hip deep in studying this issue. It could be suitable for several threads. There's been a lot of study on this ever since black, green and orange glass not from volcanoes or meteors was discovered on the Moon. Here's a couple of quick teasers:
"Stars just like our Sun have flares more than a million times more energetic than the biggest flare ever seen on the Sun"
- Bradley E Schaefer, Nature 485, 456-457, 24 May 2012
Charlemagne Event
At least 1000 times more energetic than the Carrington Event
article"What they concluded was that the energy emitted by the Sun would have had to have been, say, 1,000 times larger than the Carrington event—the greatest solar flare ever known," Melott said. "We just observed this simple mistake and corrected it, and the answer came out that it would be 10 or 20 times greater than the Carrington event in 1859. That means that this may be a more reasonable explanation. The Carrington event is the greatest in the last 200 years, and this would be the greatest thing in the last 1,300 years or so, so it becomes more reasonable."
Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2012-11-sun-source-eighth-century-charlemagne-event.html#jCp
Well I'll be interested in hearing the results from your studies. 👍
A couple of quick observations on those two statements. The first, the other stars are not just like our sun if they're having flares a million times more energetic than the biggest we've ever seen. Especially not if those flares are coming with any regularity. The second, your quoted link says that the event was approx. 10 times more energetic than the Carrington Event.
This is research that is not pleasant to discuss. It'll be a while before I return to it.
Yes the starhopper is looking good
No, it looks like R2-D2.It looks like it was beaten, run over, and then used as a golfing target.
I saw a documentary about this years ago on British TV. It showed that you can see each flip of orientation in the rock on the ocean bed. It forms from volcanic activity in the relevant orientation at the time. It happens frequently and there is nothing we can do about it so why would anyone want any more information on it?- Earth's magnetic field is weakening very rapidly.
- The Sun is entering a grand minimum.
- Implications are potentially extremely significant
- Do you want to know more, or is this information so abhorrent that you wish to ignore it?
Earth’s magnetic field could flip within a human lifetime
Magnetic field reversals possibly correlate with mass extinctions.
BGSIs there any danger to life?
Almost certainly not. The Earth's magnetic field is contained within a region of space, known as the magnetosphere, by the action of the solar wind. The magnetosphere deflects many, but not all, of the high-energy particles that flow from the Sun in the solar wind and from other sources in the galaxy. Sometimes the Sun is particularly active, for example when there are many sunspots, and it may send clouds of high-energy particles in the direction of the Earth. During such solar 'flares' and 'coronal mass ejections', astronauts in Earth orbit may need extra shelter to avoid higher doses of radiation. Therefore we know that the Earth's magnetic field offers only some, rather than complete, resistance to particle radiation from space. Indeed high-energy particles can actually be accelerated within the magnetosphere.
At the Earth's surface, the atmosphere acts as an extra blanket to stop all but the most energetic of the solar and galactic radiation. In the absence of a magnetic field, the atmosphere would still stop most of the radiation. Indeed the atmosphere shields us from high-energy radiation as effectively as a concrete layer some 13 feet thick.
Human beings and their ancestors have been on the Earth for a number of million years, during which there have been many reversals, and there is no obvious correlation between human development and reversals. Similarly, reversal patterns do not match patterns in species extinction during geological history.
Some animals, such as pigeons and whales, may use the Earth's magnetic field for direction finding. Assuming that a reversal takes a number of thousand years, that is, over many generations of each species, each animal may well adapt to the changing magnetic environment, or develop different methods of navigation.
I saw a documentary about this years ago on British TV. It showed that you can see each flip of orientation in the rock on the ocean bed. It forms from volcanic activity in the relevant orientation at the time. It happens frequently and there is nothing we can do about it so why would anyone want any more information on it?
What?I will bet it won't happen.
I will bet it won't happen.
I'm willing to bet, even odds, that due to unanticipated costs and delays, the US will not put a living man on the the Moon within 5 years of today.What?
Well if the government doesn't increase NASA's budget, it won't. They also need to stop asking Boeing to build everything. They are not the quickest at what they do. If anyone makes it to the Moon in 5 years it will be SpaceX...I'm willing to bet, even odds, that due to unanticipated costs and delays, the US will not put a living man on the the Moon within 5 years of today.
Don't get me wrong, I want to see it happen. I just don't think 5 years is adequate time.