Spain putting us all at risk?

  • Thread starter Danoff
Originally posted by danoff
I heard a take on the spanish reaction to the terrorist bombing over there that I think is a little scary.

I was watching an interview with a spanish political figure and he started talking about how the terrorists had found a potent weapon in using terrorist attacks during an election.

Guess who's having a presidential election in November. Guess who lives in LA - one of the major terrorist targets.

So the flaky spanish voters made it more likely that I'll get killed by terrorists. Lovely.

You think it is always about you isnt it? (USA)
Congratulations for reaching a new low.

From now on, everytime I think of the worst and most humiliating thing walking on earth, I will think of you, miata13b.

Unfortunately, for you, logging on is a matter of just putting the password, since I have to do it everyday from school.

Again, miata13b=the PWNED
Originally posted by Tercel_driver
Congratulations for reaching a new low.

From now on, everytime I think of the worst and most humiliating thing walking on earth, I will think of you, miata13b.

Unfortunately, for you, logging on is a matter of just putting the password, since I have to do it everyday from school.

Again, miata13b=the PWNED
Muhahahaha, looks like you need to remove that thing in you sig. about owning me, because you just walked all over yourself on that link. . . I will never forget this one. . . :lol:, oh wait. . . let me paint a picture of what you are going to say to me. . .


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Originally posted by Tercel_driver
Just remind, what was soooo funny about that?
Pretty much the fact that you fell hook line and sinker for that link. I mean any computer literate person in this world would check the properties of a link before clicking on it. Actually, I am not surprised that you did, because you would probably be like every other end-user I talk to on a daily basis at work not knowing "How to (insert whatever computer function) on my computer?" I find it amusing though. You see I saw the whole pwn'ed thing in your sig. and I had to disprove it which I did. : )
Originally posted by miata13B
Pretty much the fact that you fell hook line and sinker for that link. I mean any computer literate person in this world would check the properties of a link before clicking on it. Actually, I am not surprised that you did, because you would probably be like every other end-user I talk to on a daily basis at work not knowing "How to (insert whatever computer function) on my computer?" I find it amusing though. You see I saw the whole pwn'ed thing in your sig. and I had to disprove it which I did. : )

Read my previous posts, and don't run away from your pwnage.
Yeah, miata! Don't run away from your pwnage!

Tercel, you're a funny guy.
Originally posted by Tercel_driver
Read my previous posts, and don't run away from your pwnage.
Yup running away when I am not even online. . . Yup running away from my pwnage. Whatever pwnage means, it is not even a word. Do you mean Ownage, wait you couldn't because you hate America, oh an I guess English is not your first language. so that will lead me to the next thread you are going to make. All people that speak English Suck. Then let me take it one step further here boy. All GTP members that post against me suck. Then Let me see. . . The Girl in class Sucks because she won't talk to me. Then we have the all wonderful, United States Education Sucks. . . I want the girl next door to suck my **** thread. Then that would be followed by a thread talking about your um, masculinity problems, I mean Howard Stern holds a bigger gun then you, and Howard brags about his 1 inch ****. Then We will finally end with a thread, Miata is Pwned. Go ahead post all of those, but remember you may "pwn me" (whatever that means) But you Tercel will always be my little b!tch : ) Here is a coke and a smile, have a hardy F you and have a nice day. . . Oh, and to let you know, I would have no problem telling you this all to your face, just to watch the fear in your eyes burn them as you go crying home to whomever, or wait actually you will make a thread, Miata made me cry like a b!tch. . .

Originally posted by Ghost C

You don't "pwn" anyone. You have never won at anything. You're at the shallow end of the gene pool, and lastly... You're a dumbass.
Hey Ghost, beautiful : )

Oh, Terecel, where is this so called life you have? I mean you are logged on during the weekend? I thought you were too cool to hang out on the internet during the weekend. . . To add to it, are you getting paid right now to post??? It is nice to paid as you post.
Originally posted by milefile

Speaking of Mr burns, Arizona is home to the largest nuclear powerplant in the US (or is it the world?), The plant is expanding adding 6 new reactors for a total of nine, which will be up and running within two years. Sure the have security, but being way in the desert it would take a few hours to get backup there, even if they scramble the F-16 from luke airforce base, what are they gonna do? Bomb the plant? Speaking of luke AFB, is that within blast range? Taking out the largest nuclear power plant in the US as well as the largets fighter training base in the world in one hit sounds like a target they would be tempted to hit...what do you think mile?

Nuclear powerplants were designed to withstand hurricanes, earthquakes, and other extreme events, but attacks by large airliners loaded with fuel, such as those that crashed into the World Trade Center, were not contemplated when design requirements were determined. NRC announced that its review of security regulations would include a detailed engineering analysis of the effects of such a crash, but that analysis has not yet been completed. Hwever a plane is doubtfull since luke would see a renegade aircraft on its screen, and probably blast it out of the sky since I think there is a no fly zone around the plant...
I've read that they can withstand a passenger aircraft impact. It's not something that they considered when building the plants, but they built them so strong at the time that the plants could withstand that kind of impact anyway.

But you bring up a good point about the no-fly zone. It's highly unlikely that terrorists would target a nuke plant because the security is so tight. They'll go for something that has less security - more like the world trade towers.
Originally posted by danoff
I've read that they can withstand a passenger aircraft impact. It's not something that they considered when building the plants, but they built them so strong at the time that the plants could withstand that kind of impact anyway.

But you bring up a good point about the no-fly zone. It's highly unlikely that terrorists would target a nuke plant because the security is so tight. They'll go for something that has less security - more like the world trade towers.

I meant that they would use some other tactic, a plane wouldn't work, If they got enough people it wouldn't be too hard to take out the security gaurds and force their way in, I mean whats a security gaurd gonna do if a freaking SUV is barreling at him with tons of people with guns? It's not like they have mines or rocket launchers to stop these big vheicles, much less an armored one.
I meant that they would use some other tactic, a plane wouldn't work, If they got enough people it wouldn't be too hard to take out the security gaurds and force their way in, I mean whats a security gaurd gonna do if a freaking SUV is barreling at him with tons of people with guns? It's not like they have mines or rocket launchers to stop these big vheicles, much less an armored one.

They probably have some pretty intense security measures like spikes to take out the tires and lots of guards (yes with guns). However, that's what the concrete pilons out front are for. An explosive vehicle only does a lot of damage if it can get extremely close to an unarmored building - for one like a plant that has think armor, it would have to get inside before it blew up. Not very easy... there are much easier targets to hit in the US.
Originally posted by danoff
They probably have some pretty intense security measures like spikes to take out the tires and lots of guards (yes with guns). However, that's what the concrete pilons out front are for. An explosive vehicle only does a lot of damage if it can get extremely close to an unarmored building - for one like a plant that has think armor, it would have to get inside before it blew up. Not very easy... there are much easier targets to hit in the US.

The thing is huge, so ok they have spikes and guards with guns, whats a handgun going to do an to an armored car, either truck or humvee, and who says they need to take the road? any car can go around pylons and tear through a fence

However I do feel beter becasue there are 50 National guard members gaurding it as well as a Black Hawk helecopter. The Black Hawk helicopter now stationed at Palo Verde is designed for troop movement, surveillance and ground enforcement. Although not equipped with missiles or Gatling guns, personnel on board bear automatic weapons

Then there is this fact :)

Even if terrorists hit the plant, evacuation would likely be limited to a 10-mile radius around the plant, according to emergency-response plans. That means evacuations would stop west of the White Tank Mountains, miles from metropolitan Phoenix.

Releases from Palo Verde would be invisible, not the billowing mushroom clouds commonly associated with an atomic blast. That's because the enrichment of the uranium at Palo Verde is so low that it cannot cause a nuclear explosion, said Aubrey Godwin, director of the Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency.

Godwin said studies done by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and adopted by the Nuclear Regulatory Agency concluded that evacuations around a nuclear power plant would not need to cover more than a 10-mile radius.

I also found this:
The Federal Aviation Administration has no regulation banning flights over nuclear facilities, but it issued a special notice earlier this year telling all pilots to avoid airspace near them. The advisory says those who ignore the instruction "can expect to be interviewed by law enforcement personnel" when they land.


I guess I feel a little better now :)
"Spain putting us all at risk?"

Exact Opposite, they put you in danger when they said yes to the war. Good they returned to their country.
You, sir, are a cowardly ignoramus.

Tell me, does giving the playground bully your lunch money every day stop him from beating you up?
Exact Opposite, they put you in danger when they said yes to the war. Good they returned to their country.

Ah yes, best to leave the terrorist to their own devices, that's gotten us quite far in the past.


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ok well it is better that Spain left Iraq, but it also of course has a negative side since theyre not fighting terrorism, yes I know:irked:
Originally posted by K_Speed
ok well it is better that Spain left Iraq, but it also of course has a negative side since theyre not fighting terrorism, yes I know:irked:
You argue just like a coward, too. Run in, post a snide little one-liner, and then run away again when you're challenged on it.

Put your money where your mouth is, and defend your point of view with a reasoned argument. If you actually understand and believe what you're saying, you should be able to actually expalin why you think it.

If not, then shut up.
Originally posted by neon_duke
You argue just like a coward, too. Run in, post a snide little one-liner, and then run away again when you're challenged on it.

Put your money where your mouth is, and defend your point of view with a reasoned argument. If you actually understand and believe what you're saying, you should be able to actually expalin why you think it.

If not, then shut up.

Wake up and smell the roses:embarrassed: man.

both sides are wrong, beleive me i have radically changed my point of view about what is going on. it's all about being human, and the pain that we will inflict whenever we have the chance in doing it. so guys give it a rest, i'm sure some one on either side might come to their sense and agree on going the peacful path.

look at me, i'm so calm today; i frighten my self:D
peace and harmony, make love not war:odd: ok there is something definetly wrong with me today.
it's all about being human, and the pain that we will inflict whenever we have the chance in doing it.

What does this mean? You think that we went in to Iraq just because we felt like inflicting some pain?

Do you think all wars are about simply inflicting pain? Do they have no other purpose than to make the other guy hurt? What about power? What about control?

Why did the US go into Vietnam? To control the spread of communism. It certainly wasn't to inflict pain.
Originally posted by danoff
What does this mean? You think that we went in to Iraq just because we felt like inflicting some pain?

Do you think all wars are about simply inflicting pain? Do they have no other purpose than to make the other guy hurt? What about power? What about control?

Why did the US go into Vietnam? To control the spread of communism. It certainly wasn't to inflict pain.

read and then comment, i said humans. i did not say americans, don't put words into my mouth. humans as humans on both please give it a rest and don't drag me into this fruitless debate. read the whole thing and respond based on the theme of the whole thing, play it smart:D
Methinks Americans count as humans, no?

Also, why do you say humans will inflict pain when given the chance? I know I personally don't sit here with pangs to strike out at anybody nearby, and I think most people feel the same... I certainly don't witness many strikings daily.
I see there's been little to no comment on the lead up to the elections. Opinion polls in Spain in the run up to the Iraq War showed opposition to their participation running at 80-90% - and looking back at it, the Government's initial attempts to blame ETA were clearly an attempt to divert attention from what were obviously consequences of Spain's involvement in the conflict.

It's also worth bearing in mind that the PSOE party that won the election had dominated Spanish politics, with Felipe Gonzalez president from 1982-1996. He lost in 1996 on the back of failure to deal with poor economic performance, corruption scandals and the return to political responsibility of the right wing Patrido Popular party.

So - the PSOE has had 8 years to rehabilitate itself, the Patrido Popular party makes a decision that quite clearly flies in the face of the will of the people, there is an attack as a direct result of that decision, and you go off at the Spaniards for voting for the other party? Welcome to democracy, guys.

This result wasn't about fear - it was about deposing a government that defied the will of the people. That's how it's supposed to work.

Has it sent the wrong message to terrorists? Probably. Has it endangered people's lives? Maybe - but let's at least get a little context here.

Now - I did about ten minutes internet research to come up with the above. Why don't we all resolve to do the same before covering our monitors in splittle?
Originally posted by Sage
Methinks Americans count as humans, no?

Also, why do you say humans will inflict pain when given the chance? I know I personally don't sit here with pangs to strike out at anybody nearby, and I think most people feel the same... I certainly don't witness many strikings daily.

you think again alek:D
me say that man given weapon, man go kill another man:rolleyes:

did you get it now, einstein. i'm talking about human nature as a whole. those fighters in iraq who are fighting our troops, if they did not have the power of the weapon they would not kill others.
and i would like to add one more thing, a saying that you moderators always preach about. " read here before you ask."
meaning that if you read and analyze then you won't nead to ask stupid questions:D
Yea Coward, whatever, Im a coward then, and Im prowd of it!!!

At least the spanish dont fight like the americans....uve seen the pics in Jail, very amusing how they stick sticks up Iraqis asses.

Ermm, Kind of, kind of, ermmm, reminds me of the nazis, when I saw those pics, I felt like throwing up and already ran to the bathroom,

Coward, feels good
Originally posted by K_Speed
Yea Coward, whatever, Im a coward then, and Im prowd of it!!!

At least the spanish dont fight like the americans....uve seen the pics in Jail, very amusing how they stick sticks up Iraqis asses.

Ermm, Kind of, kind of, ermmm, reminds me of the nazis, when I saw those pics, I felt like throwing up and already ran to the bathroom,

Coward, feels good

This is bull ****. I am sick of hearing people banter on about this as if Americans have some monopoly on atrocity. NEWS FLASH: war is hell. These things happen in every war. They have happened in every war for all time. It is not surprising in the slightest.

All of you people who like to point this out as if it's especially significant have not considered what it has to be like to be on the other side of the world, defending not only your country, but their country, too. And all the while a handful of guys are trying to kill or capture you. You would know that at any time you could be burned alive, mutilated and dismembered and hung from a bridge to a cheering crowd. You eat crap and can't sleep. You wear a hundred pounds of equipment and have no air conditioning in the scorching desert. And People with no goals aside from death are after your ass every second while you try to secure a soveriegn nation for a vast majority who are grateful to you... but you can't tell who they are. And a stick up the ass becomes the news of the day? A punch in the face? Pfft. Aside from the very generalized "gee I wish we could all just be happy" dilusion all humans are prone to, it doesn't bother me in the slightest and there is nothing surprising about it. These are warriors at war.

You can't sanatize war kiddies. Grow up. This is the real deal. We live in an especially historically significant time. The greatest moments in history are written in blood. It has always been the case. It will always be the case. It's easy to know but harder to live through. Just be happy you are living through it from here and not there. Be grateful. Yeah, look at the picture danoff posted and be grateful you sickening p*ssies.
Yes, if an american punches an iraqi militant it's cruel but when that same iraqi militant captures and holds americans captive and tortures them, you say nothing....Quite two faced of you.
read and then comment, i said humans. i did not say americans, don't put words into my mouth. humans as humans on both please give it a rest and don't drag me into this fruitless debate. read the whole thing and respond based on the theme of the whole thing, play it smart

First of all, thanks for brushing off my comments like an ass.


When I mentioned America I was mentioning a specific example. My next statement genralizes what I was talking about to all people.

You said that:

it's all about being human, and the pain that we will inflict whenever we have the chance in doing it.

which is complete and utter bull****. Human beings don't inflict pain whenever they have a chance. Our species would never have survived if that were the case. Human beings are about protecting their possessions and controling their lives. That's what war is all about. At a national scale it has nothing to do with inflicting pain and everything to do with control.

Now, you read my post in its entirety and respond appropriately this time.

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