Special Stage Route X 'Oval' is 30km in Length!

  • Thread starter JRayWRX
haha Dunno if I'd call this particular Lane 3 -G-Test course as leisure driving with the 270 turn out of the pits and over the bridge to a possible 360 loop that is near vertical onto a 70ish degree 180 bend that almost instantly flicks back around another 270 odd and onto the main track... I WANT IT!
Please note that the "oval" Vanishing Point was writing about is not the 3-lane "G-Test Course" structure you're referring to (which visible on the straight used for top speed and acceleration tests).
Well the G-test being implemented and then seeing high banked turns makes you really wonder. But 3 ovals?

Sorry if I missed it but what does the figure 8 icon do?
The figure 8 icon is what you select when you want to do the top speed test.

Would you mind elaborating the bolded parts a little further?

Still cannot delete individual records. Then game logs all records in a session rather than just best of session. The game logs records regardless of if you finish your run, so if you find an settings adjustment didn't improve your times/speeds out you have to restart then immediately quit to keep it from saving to the board.

In regards to the scenery, in the tunnel on the testing straight you can see right through the roof in two sections towards the end because they didn't line up the textures close enough. There are also blink-and-you'll-miss it pieces of the scenery that seem thrown in for the sake of doing so rather than because they fit with the track (access roads that don't go anywhere, for example), and the track has pop-up in a really bad way that is just hidden out of view through little tricks implemented into the design that make it seem like it wasn't optimized properly (when going down the bridge straight, look behind you).
@SHIRA when I say LANE 3 G-TEST I mean it start's in the blocked off LANE 3 of the pit tunnel I did I drawing (really bad one) i'll take a pic and upload with the pics i took from the bridge just now.


So where is this 3rd oval then?? even more intrigued...

and yes noticed the boats movement - the track is honestly stunning visually for such a simple "oval" still at that size such a boring speed test needs some awesome visuals to keep you entertained...
the other thought I had was this was partly an engine test lots of water big moving back grounds etc... yeah there are gaps and faults i've noticed but the sheer sizes i'e compared to the Nordscheife (read viewing distance) is insane, it can only be good for things to come in the future... 30km of winding point to point be nice...

another note is trying to take zoomed in pictures of this "interesting" part of the track from the bridge alot come up black when zoomed in on the detail...just an engine fault or...No your not allowed to look here that closely yet...







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@xx666Kris666xx: After seeing your drawn layout, I think I was wrong. What you're saying makes sense. Sorry.

It looks like there could be an interesting infield variation.
@xx666Kris666xx: After seeing your drawn layout, I think I was wrong. What you're saying makes sense. Sorry.

It looks like there could be an interesting infield variation.

I really hope it get's updated / unlocked it just looks like a touch of awesome that wouldn't hurt GT5 at all 👍

They keep pulling surprises out of there hats, I wonder if Mr Space Empire has any comments on the subject? 💡 LOL

I just hope they keep the DLC coming I know like many others whether it should have been there day 1 or not, I'll buy it all

Go team KAZ! ;)
I really hope it get's updated / unlocked it just looks like a touch of awesome that wouldn't hurt GT5 at all 👍

They keep pulling surprises out of there hats, I wonder if Mr Space Empire has any comments on the subject? 💡 LOL

I just hope they keep the DLC coming I know like many others whether it should have been there day 1 or not, I'll buy it all

Go team KAZ! ;)

I tried mapping the unaccessible section with more correct proportions, and this is the result:

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scale looks bang on and yep i'd agree possibly some is tunnelled after the "lane 3 bridge" I can picture it in my head coming off the bridge into a concrete gorge with a slow banked left that would ultimately end up in that odd circular structure for a near 360 vertical loop (possibly exposed to sky i'e big circular hole in top) back into a small tunneled exit and into the 180 -> 270 banks then back onto the back straight...

Tried to draw it, at 2:17am half cut, aint gonna happen, I'm so tempted to harass Kaz again on twitter with a WHAT IS IT pic lol :dopey:
Assuming this is the layout that we can't drive yet, I measured that the "infield course" would be approximately 16.5 Km long:

Really interesting read the past few pages. Good work everyone who's contributed.
I hope we get the infield... Online races on those banked (barreled) corners would be insane.
It's a very interesting read, but I don't quite understand what we're getting at here. Is this a track which is half finished, but they decided to release the "speed test version" of it right now (probably because they didn't want to wait any longer) and will replace it with a finished layout with more course variations at some point in the future?
I think the track is both unfinished in practice and made look unfinished by a scenery point of view (see the Abraxas' screenshots). Perhaps they will update it at a later time, but I fear we'll have to wait for GT6.
Im not convinced anything more will come of this track and these things may just be scenery (although I hope Im wrong!) If did expand upon this track do you think it would be a free upgrade to those who bought or ANOTHER charge? Anyway, Im sure PD are focussing their attentions on porting the old tracks into GT5 (resolution corrections I guess) and creating new premiums. Just a guess though.
Yeah. I don't play either of those games so can't comment directly but if they also sell WIP content I do think that is wrong, yes.

Well I'm with you on that one.

I just said that to throw out a possibility.

Won't buy a car with three wheels you know?
I say what I think, I'm sorry if that offends anyone. There are plenty of aspects of GT5 I think are amazing, I wouldn't have bought a PS3 for it and still occasionally be playing it now if I didn't. But we all know what GT5 does amazingly, so as far as i'm concerned we should be focusing on what it doesn't do so well and trying to improve it. We all love the GT series, we want it to get better but if I or anyone else has something negative to say about it I think it should be said.

Nobody with a clear, unbiased mind can look at those screenshots posted above and think that is amazing work from PD, nor is the scenery around the whole track that stunning, most of it is copy/paste or very sparse.
I say what I think, I'm sorry if that offends anyone. There are plenty of aspects of GT5 I think are amazing, I wouldn't have bought a PS3 for it and still occasionally be playing it now if I didn't. But we all know what GT5 does amazingly, so as far as i'm concerned we should be focusing on what it doesn't do so well and trying to improve it. We all love the GT series, we want it to get better but if I or anyone else has something negative to say about it I think it should be said.

Nobody with a clear, unbiased mind can look at those screenshots posted above and think that is amazing work from PD, nor is the scenery around the whole track that stunning, most of it is copy/paste or very sparse.

So, if its like that, forgive my words. Maybe I was just not lucky enough to find a positive comment from you.

About Route X, I think its a great idea from PD, many of us dreamed with a place like this. For me, the current scenery is good enough, because the track looks like what it is: a place for max your car in the middle of nowhere. And it makes use of the amazing lighting technique from PD, what makes it stunning during day-night-day transitions IMHO.

But after seeing those unfinished bits, I still believe its WIP... If they keep working and don't charge us for these "upgrades", I'm ok with that.
I think they plan to add inner section and in last minute they've added bridge to not confuse people with next version of this track. Was that good decision? I don't know. Scenery of this track is beautiful, but that kind of small errors can be annoying. On the other hand, who will walk 30km around this track? :D
Amazing! All photos seems really good :D But, when they add this variation, what can we test on it? G-Force? I don't really think that this variation of the Route X is good to testing G-Force... well, who knows
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